![]() Author has written 1 story for Arrow. Male, 25, Arizona. I've never written any fanfic before so I never registered an account even though I've been reading stuff on here for years and years. I finally wrote my first one recently which you can see below, so I make this account to post it. Favorite drama shows: Arrow (as evidenced), Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire Favorite comedy shows: Curb your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, Community, Always Sunny, The League I'm not really a "shipper" per say. The shows listed are ones I enjoy and occasionally I'll read stuff about them on the internet after I watch an episode but I wouldn't really say that I'm part of a "fandom." The only thing I would say that I outright "ship" is Oliver/Thea from Arrow (hence my fic) but that's obviously not going to actually happen on the show because of the whole incest thing so my enjoyment of the show doesn't stem from "hoping they'll end up together." And yes I know that sentiment and the fic I've published below probably makes you think I'm a deviant. But but at least I'm not alone in my Queencest sentiment! Seriously, check it out, I have proof: go to the Arrow page and select Oliver and Thea as the characters. Queencest is prevalent that every time someone writes a normal platonic story involving the two of them they specifically HAVE to clarify in the summary that there's no incest involved, haha. If you're skeptical, read x4ashes4ashes' awesome analyses of the first nine episodes and you'll be converted: http:///2013/01/04/index/ That being said, I enjoy incestuous relationships in fiction, mostly brother/sister (and have written stories about it, not only my Arrow story here but I've also published brother/sister stories with original characters that are hosted on non-fanfiction sites, mostly adult ones) should probably be addressed. I realize that makes me a deviant but at least I'm not alone - on literotica, the incest section is by far the most popular and has the most stories in it. But anyway like I said, in general, it seems like most people's profiles talk about what pairs they "ship," so I started trying to write that but had a hard time, so I wouldn't consider myself a "shipper" in general. In making this profile I tried to put down some sort of list of stuff I "ship" especially in regards to the shows I listed above but I had a hard time doing it. I've never really watched a show where my main concern is "I hope character X gets together with character Y." It probably doesn't help that it seems like "shipping" largely seems to involve two male characters, and as a straight male myself that obviously doesn't interest me at all (not judging, just not my thing) and I'm only interested if it involves a female character. It also seems in general straight males tend not to be a big part of "fandoms" or "shipping communities" in general. I was aware of it, mostly through reading the Television Without Pity message boards, but not really a part of anything.6 But there are relationships that I really like because of the quality of the acting and writing. For example I love Leslie and Ben on Parks and Rec because its extremely well written, they play off each other well, and its hilarious. If they ever broke them (or April and Andy) up I would be pretty discouraged and that would sour me on the show quite a bit, so I guess that would technically make me a shipper, although I've never thought about it in those terms before. There are also relationships I dislike because of the writing/acting/etc but it's usually because I dislike one or both of the characters in general. For example on Smallville I hated Lana, she was the absolute weak point of the show by far so whenever she would have some sort of barn scene where she berated Clark for stupid crap I would roll my eyes, and was happy when she left the show and Lois became the central love interest instead, as her and Clark had much more chemistry and a much healthier relationship. Also I thought Eric and Sloane's on-again-off-again relationship on Entourage got incredibly frustrating and painful to watch at times, especially in the final season. But that all pretty much relates to my liking or disliking relationships that are actually on the show, I can't really think of any instance where I was watching a show and saw two characters that weren't romantically paired and thought "Oh, I really hope they get together!" or anything like that. Don't have any other story ideas in mind for the moment, but hopefully something inspires me. If I write anything else it will almost certainly be brother/sister incest related, and Oliver/Thea is really the only relationship that's really striking to me right now in terms of shows I'm familiar with. If anyone has any recommendations for good brother/sister stories on this site let me know. I'm not familiar with most of the shows and stuff on here but I'm on the lookout for it even for shows that I don't watch (usually reading the wikipedia article about it beforehand and familiarizing myself with their relationship is enough background info) |