![]() Author has written 12 stories for How to Train Your Dragon, and Holes. Shoutouts! Read all of these awesome stories! Becoming Toothless by LuMezenga A Fury's Tribulation by The70boss302 Welcome to my profile! This shall be the portal between all the other universes that I have created through writing. Profile I am a male, born in Thailand, but Canadian by heart. I like studying whatever the I find interesting, which at the moment are Maths, Chemistry, World History, and Norse Mythology. I suck at everything other than that, but especially Art and Music. My favourite sport in Badminton, since it's the only sport I'm good at. My language is obviously Canadian English, but I can also speak Thai fluently. Chinese and Japanese are two languages that I learn (and struggle with) at the same time. My literary idol is John Green. I love to sing, but I am terrible at it. I devote most of my free time to reading, writing, and playing games. Basically, I am your typical nerdfighter. My best friend can either be viewed as a person in real life or someone imaginary, depending on what time of the day it is. I am honest, loyal, sarcastic, impulsive, cocky, and a rebel. Though you shouldn't trust me, since I am judging myself. I am into League of Legends, How to Train Your Dragon, most juvenile fiction, and Corpse Party. I dislike insincere people, and seeing others getting hurt. I am often compared to Holden Caulfield. (Dark LesserWraith's notes) Profiles are kind of an overrated thing here in Fanfiction- your personalities are shown through your writing. Anything above that are generally usually lies. But, still, this is my profile, and unless I become a bestseller/murderer anytime soon, you should only get to know me from my fics, and not via the phony mirror of lies known as someone's profile. I mean, how often does the happy, playful demeanor shown on the bio ever show up in the darker fanfictions? Not all the often, of course. Projects My projects, at the moment, are Searching for Lightning, Point of Living, and Curse of the Red Death. My collaboration projects, both collaborated with Absi B, are Anything for Life and Fallen Guardian. On the other hand, I also have another original story of mine, which you can read on my blog here. I also do song translations! Well, from Thai to English anyway. You can request them, if you want. T H S These indicate point of views- named after the first letter of that person (Toothless, Hiccup, Sena). If the letters appear twice in a row, it indicates a time break. For example, T - H - T - T - H would mean Toothless's POV, then Hiccup's POV, then Toothless's POV again, then a time break (which is still in his POV), and then Hiccup's POV. L/N and A/N Technically, A/N means Author's Note, but since it also stands for Absi B's Note,which she will often put at the end of her chapters, recently I have changed to L/N to distinguish the two of our notes. So, in short- A/N for Absi B, and L/N for LesserWraith. About beta'ing For those of you who I have beta'd for before, you will know that I strictly want to not be mentioned as a beta. The whole idea behind beta'ing is to check, find mistakes and introduce ideas to fix those flaws. This is something great for the writer so they can make their story better and this is great for the beta'ers so they can get better at not making their own mistakes and the readers who are more comfortable with reading the improved version of the story. However, beta'ing is still only a checking for a story, not an approval or go-sign in any way. It boosts confidence in the writer, of course, knowing that their mistakes will be pointed out and thus makes the chapter/story better, but to the beta'er, a lot of the time they won't get to do a lot- especially if the story is already good/clean. This doesn't mean beta'ers aren't important, of course, this just means that their work is sometimes cut short by other beta'ers or otherwise near non-existent due to the story itself being near flawless already. As for why I don't like being mentioned as a beta'er, it's because I feel like I don't do anything and thus don't deserve credit. Typos are important to fish out, of course, but anyone (including the writer) can do that, and it isn't really all that deserving to me to just get a say for doing that. What's more, I can sometimes detect plot flaws or problems in the beta, but I don't know what to suggest to make it better. Frankly, I'm afraid that I'll make it worse. So I don't say anything despite seeing something that can be fixed. And I feel guilty and undeserving. For all of you who thought that I thought your work was bad or undesirable, I'm sorry. For all of you who think that I'm whiny and just looking for attention, I believe the fact that I don't want to be mentioned as a beta contradicts that. But I do admit that I'm whiny. The Toothcup Affair Yep. I went there. Prepare for a rant. You might have noticed in my stories that I am incredibly crazy about the relationships about Toothless and Hiccup- in a friend way. Though I find nothing wrong with homosexuality (i.e. the feelings of attraction from men towards other men), I do notship Toothcup, and in fact, find it quite disturbing.Hiccup and Toothless express the ideas of a 'perfect friendship', and Toothcup greatly conflicts with that. I wonder why people even ship it, until I remember that a lot of people in Fanfiction do because 1. Hiccup and Toothless are quite close in the series and thus suspectible to fangirl/boy slashing 2. Some people just want to see Toothless and Hiccup (happy) together, regardless of their form of relationship (e.g. going 'beyond' friends) 3. It's Fanfiction. It's where our imaginations wonder, especially if you're into... yeah. The reason why I write stories of Toothless and Hiccup being close is because I try to recreate a strong, eternal kind of friendship in real life- for many years, my best friend was someone who could care less about me and I was really unstable because I could never find someone to 100% trust- to which, I later learned later on, is that it's impossible. Which I why I put so much emphasis on it in my stories; I craved 'perfect' friendship. I wanted someone to rely on. But that doesn't exist. You're going to meet a friend that likes the same things as you, and then you're going to get along, and then you're going to start trusting them, then something will come along and you'll fall apart. This was the horrible truth I discovered when I had my ultimate trust forcefully ripped away from me. It didn't matter, I guess, since I was moving, but when I started anew, I realized how crazy it would be if being friends meant you were getting into fights and hurting and tearfully reconciling all the time. I realized that being overly protective or caring of someone could be annoying too. In fact, it made you a jackass to a 'friend', like I was. I realized that you didn't need eternal faith in someone anyway. It just didn't fit in a world of constant change. No friendship is for forever. I realized that a friendship of Hiccup and Toothless, or at least how I perceived it, could never exist in real life. I started making myself more content with what I had, instead of constantly searching for more. I didn't want a Hiccup-Toothless-esque friends-to-the-end friendship, which is impossible. I decided to aim lower: I just wanted a person I could talk to. Not someone I could base my future on, just a person who can talk about League and have a good laugh from the various scenarios in life. So, since I've moved here, I've been writing less, and starting to drift away from the super-close bond of Hiccup and Toothless, and focused on 'other' things. Which is a reflection of what's happening in my life. Now, I've started noticing more disturbing things; I'm beginning to notice how close my writing is to real Toothcup. Like Toothless and Hiccup, I wanted a friendship that people were loyal to each other, would die for each other, and stayed with each other side by side all the time. So I gave them so many emotional scenes, tests of friendship, proof of eternal loyalty that you could virtually assume them as lovers (if not for the whole 'friend emphasis' thing). I find out that the only thing that separates my writing and theirs is the fact that I see Toothless and Hiccup as friends- and only friends. Apart from that, we have so many themes in common. Compassion, conflicts, trust, happy moments together, mushiness and happy smiles as you read through the story. They are all present. I'm always emotional when I write HTTYD; I convey my want of friendship through words, which has motivated me to write so many emotional scenes. Now I know that it's not friend-like at all. I still believe that platonic friendship still exists, but now I know that it'll never be as 'emotional' as I've literately visualized it. Especially if they're going to hug each other every single day. What kind of friend does that? Yeah. No one. But maybe that's why I like my writing so much; if I wasn't emotional when I was writing, I wouldn't have brought out something like Point of Living into the world. But I want you to understand that my emotions of trying to understand friendship drive me to write, not slash. So, I'm going to make this clear: Toothless and Hiccup, in my universe, are friends. If you're here for Toothcup, kindly get out. Thank you. |