Here it is, as requested! Thanks to all of you guys for helping me make this decision!

"Ahh!" Hiccup yells, landing with a thump. I follow suit, but in a far more respectable fashion. Thank goodness the ground is sand and not rock.

Hiccup? Are you alright? I ask, looking at the boy sprawled on the ground, his arms spread out from the impact of the fall. Luckily, we didn't fall that far.

"I was alright," he says, getting up slowly and dusting himself. "I think that the reverse flipping needs a little bit more adjusting."

My eyes widen, my ears perk up. Again? I ask, moving my tail up so I can see it.

I uselessly try to re-open the tailfin mechanism, commanding it open, dammit. Of course, as it's artificial, it doesn't. I look at Hiccup nervously.

"Let's just try that again-" he begins.

No! I say, glaring at him. I am not letting you get hurt like that again!

He crosses his arms and gives me his sarcastic smile. "And I suppose we should just stay stuck here and live on bark and moss?" he says, gesturing to the forest's entrance.

Seems a lot better than the lobster we had last time, I point out, lightening the mood. He rolls his eyes and unfolds his arms.

"It's not like we're in any danger of starving here, anyway," he says, reaching into his bag and handing me a codfish. I look at it hungrily. "I brought lots of supplies."

Food before next test flight? I ask, my stomach grumbling in agreement.

He rolls his eyes again. "You can just snatch it away from me and I wouldn't even lift I finger," he says. "Instead you beg like a- a-"

Friend, I say, closing my eyes and scratching my wings happily. Even friends can ask for things too, you know.

I can tell that he's rolling his eyes, again, but I'm far too concerned with the wing scratching to care. I just wish I could scratch my head too. Fortunately, Hiccup likes to do that for me. And, unfortunately, I can't do the same for him. But hey, he can't lick me clean either.

"I don't even," he mutters, stuffing the fish back in his bag and walking towards me. "No fish until you let me fix that tailfin-"

I swipe my tail away from his outstretched arm, growling slightly.

No tailfin fixing until you give me that fish, I say with finality.

A sigh tells me that Hiccup isn't the happiest person on Earth at the moment.

"Whatever, then," he says, handing the fish to me. I croon happily, turning around to let him fix the tailfin.

See? That was easy, I say, smiling happily.

"Persuading you isn't," he says grimly, pulling out a wrench and disassembling the artificial tailfin.

2 hours before

"Whoa! Be patient, Toothless!" Hiccup says, holding my tail down as I try to flick it up towards my head. I can already feel the cloth tailfin back!

Can't I just look at it or something? I whine, itching to spread out my wings and fly into the sky with the recently rebuilt contraption.

"No," he says. "Now hold still while Hiccup the Clumsy tends to the damages."

I warble, trying my best to stay put as he puts the darn thing together.

It's been a while since we left Berk and its inhabitants. A whole good three days, actually.

I originally insisted on telling Hiccup that I was leaving alone, despite our previous agreement that stated that we would always be together, but I guess my stubbornness stretches out to more than just myself. He told me that he was coming as well, and that was that.

Although I have to admit, I feel way better with Hiccup on my back, safe and sound, rather than on my own. It just happens to be that the place we're headed to isn't exactly safe nor sound. We're headed towards the long-rumored Isle of Night.

We're going to find my mother. I would go and find his mother, too, but he keeps on saying that his mother's "safe in Valhalla", and "we can't go there". When I asked him where that was, he told me that it was "a place that your mother certainly isn't in". That got me thinking for a while. If this said place is "safe", then why can't we get in, and why could my mother not be in there? She might be anywhere for all I know, but Hiccup planned to search in the mythical Isle of Night first, because it was related to Night Furies in legends. And legends usually have a basis in facts, and then extended into non-factual facts so it looks super awesome and interesting.

Either way, if Hiccup isn't willing to talk about it, I'm not going to pursue the subject. I mean, I could just look into his mind and everything, but that would be rude, especially now that he can sense me doing it. He glared at me when he felt me tapping into his thoughts about Stormfly.

What? I asked, looking at him innocently. I just want to know more about her.

"More like you want to know if you have competition or not," he said, rolling his eyes.

I widened my eyes, looking at him in shock. H-how did you know? I asked. Not that I- I suspect you or anything!

Unfortunately, I did, like I suspect everyone else.

"Being the famously overprotective Night Fury has given you quite a reputation for that kind of thing," he pointed out.

I grumbled, looking at him guiltily. He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.

Sorry, I muttered. I just like her a lot, that's all.

"Definitely not just that all," he said, and I slumped to the ground in embarrassment.

Alright! I admit it! I said, covering my head with my wings. I wanted to make sure you didn't like Stormfly!

He smiled at me like I was the stupidest dragon in the world. And at that moment, I probably was.

"Why would I like a freaking dragon?" he asked, shaking his head. "They're like, four times bigger than me! Besides, I like Astrid, and-"

He paused and stared at me, realizing his mistake. I warbled happily.

I didn't hear anything, I said, getting up and smirking.

"Nor did I," he said, getting up and walking away.

I crooned.

Yeah, so 1. I can't ask him what Valhalla is and 2. He's more concerned about my mother anyway, so I guess I'll have to find her first, and 3. I'll probably force him to look for his mother afterwards. If he knows the place, it won't be so hard, right?

Yeah. Like how I know about the Isle of Night and its inhabitants. Finding it will be really easy.

To be honest, I've only heard of it from Hiccup and the other dragons. Which, with the former alone, basically means everyone.

They say that the Isle of Night is a huge settlement of Night Furies (or, well, Night Furys, if the similarly spelled word "furries" is getting to you), along with other unknown species of dragons. Alright, it isn't exactly a settlement, it's an isle, like Berk, but it just looks cooler sounding that way. They say that it's the 'perfect land', where dragons live in peace and all that stuff, and only because of the Night Furies' intelligence that this paradise could be possible. In fact, there's a song that's related to this mythical place:

We can build the paradise we've been looking for

The El Dorado of dreams and galore

We can tie our loneliness and bloom the flower

Form the Isle of Fury with all its power

I have no idea what El Dorado is, but I guess it means a place of wealth, something that dragons of course don't care about, but the flower in this case means love, and power the ability to accomplish things through the motivational force known as the above. It's a sweet little melody that Hiccup sang to me a few nights ago, which just makes me want to find that place even more. And, knowing that Mother is a Night Fury, she's bound to be there… right?


So, yeah, this is why we've been kicked out of Berk and why I feel so guilty about all of it. I mean, I don't actually miss Berk, save for its abundance of fish and Stormfly, but I know that Hiccup is tied to that place. I mean, he was born there and all. And he has a mate there, even if he's denying it with all his worth.

He told me that he didn't really care about leaving Berk much, but I could tell that he misses it a lot. He wants to go home and tuck into his bed, where the sun will always rise and the food will always be at the table, where the people will always be there for him, where he will know that as long as he is there, he will be happy.

So why Hiccup blatantly (and angrily) told me

"Why don't you get it, Toothless?! I'm doing this for you, dammit! Of course I want to go home, of course I want to see Astrid again, but I won't, and I try to make myself not want to, because I want you to find your mother! And I don't want you to go alone!"

when I kept on pestering him about it was not really unobvious at all.

The wonders of that boy. I mean, I care about him a lot, but is it really alright to hurt yourself for others?

I learned that the hard way, in our last big fight, 2 days after he froze his age, unfortunately.

Anyway, with him aging incredibly slow (at, like, my rate of growth), I guess we'll have a lot of time to find Mother then head back to Berk for tea.

And with all that time, he's been preparing for a whole new journey just to put his mind off his homesickness. It's something that also makes me feel guilty, but hey, who doesn't like adventure?

Oh. Maybe Fishlegs.

After we left that cove (Hiccup left a letter for Astrid), we flew off towards one of the outlying islands to take shelter. The good thing about the islands is that they all have caves inside, so you really don't have any idea which one actually has beings living in it, which makes it ideal in the ever unlikely situation that Hiccup's father would want to mount an expedition intent on looking for him/me/us. He probably wants me dead, now that I think of it. Idid convince his son to leave Berk, leave his future… for a better one.

No longer would he sleep on the comfy beds of Berk, but no longer would he have to be hurt by those idiots again. But will it be worth it?

Well, that's up to me to do. Whether Hiccup will love this journey or hate it depends on me, my actions, and my bond with him.

Before the flight

"So, Toothless, ready to do this?" he asks, going over the tailfin one more time and hitching on to my back.

You bet I do, I say, spreading out my wings and stamping my feet impatiently.

"Then, we're off!" he says, and I burst into the air immediately.

The morning sky is something that I've treasured so much. The sun and its rising flame of light represents so many things in dragon culture. It signifies the beginning of something new, the birth of something mighty and great, the sacrifice that the night gives in order for the sun to give way to greatness, shining its powerful rays of sunshine onto the world, too giving birth to the lesser beings that lay under the mighty solari's flare.

That's probably why Night Furies aren't exactly the most famous types of dragons in the world. We're born at night, in lightning storms, in isolated hills far away from other dragons, and so we live in the night. We're not really energetic at daytime. At night, though, is when we truly show our Fury-

"Whoa! Toothless!" Hiccup yells, snapping me back into reality.

The tailfin's gone or something! I can't control my flight! I say frantically, not sensing the artificial organ in my inner flame. All I can sense now is freefall.

"Dammit!" he swears, moving the gear into the highest opening position as possible. Still, I'm beginning to lose altitude as the fin makes me veer right, spinning my body slowly.

I'll try to land by the sand, alright? I say nervously, firing at a nearby island to mark the place of landing. Little do people know that Night Fury shotblasts can help in the landing of a dragon. Sadly, the flame itself is usually put out upon landing, so it can only help for as far as that.

"Just make it quick," he says, tugging at the rope that controls the mechanism desperately.

I try my best to stall in midair, so we fall directly downwards, but I can glide for only so long before I begin losing height again. When I start to spin again, Hiccup climbs off my back and onto my tail. I roar in surprise.

Get back here! That is suicide! I yell, but Hiccup doesn't answer.

I hear the fidgeting of metal on metal as Hiccup does things to the tailfin. Please work, please work.

Suddenly, I feel the tailfin back in my control again. It seems to be open, but forced. Hiccup must have successfully pulled it open again, allowing me to take control once again.

I spread my wings wide in midair and let the wind below me keep me afloat in the air. I tilt my body down slightly, allowing me into a slow descent towards the sandy ground below.

As said to our intelligence, Nigh Furies never miss their pinpointed location of landing.

I land on to harmless flames below, but Hiccup isn't so lucky, being on the tail and all.


"I'm nearly done," Hiccup declares. "I'm just going to join this thing tighter so it won't snap again."

That would be great, I say. I've been in this position for over an hour.

The wind blows slowly on the island. We're on a beach, with a forest right above, a small hill to the top of the island which grabbed my attention to the landmass in the first place. I can't see the water from my position, but I can tell that there are a lot of fish around here.

"Say, Toothless, what's your favourite colour?" Hiccup asks me, still fixing away at the mechanism. I've moved the tail up to my side so I can watch Hiccup fix the thing, but like all things, if you indulge in the same thing too much, you tend to get bored. You need to find new things to do, new feelings to feel, new hopes to hope, stuff like that. But, of course, love usually stays the same. It's what you do with the person you love or care about that makes the relationship interesting.

Favourite colour? I ask, warbling slowly in thought. Why?

"It's something that humans think about," he says, hammering at one of the joints. I can only hope that he won't accidentally hammer my real tailfin, because that would hurt a lot.

Favourite color… I warble. I guess it would be brown.

"Brown?" he says, confused. "Of all colors, why brown?"

Well… I say, crooning, It's the color of your hair, isn't it?

Hiccup stops hammering at the mechanism and stares at me.

"Excuse me?" he says, getting up from his crouched position and looking at me full in the eyes.

It's the color of your hair, I repeat, smiling. What's wrong with that?

Hiccup gives me a smile back, not really knowing what to answer.

"No wonder why dragons don't usually have favourite colours," he says, touching my snout. I snort.

So, what's yours? I ask curiously.

He sits down and begins hammering at the joint between the sliding cable and the hook again.

He finishes slamming down on the metal works, adding a little knot into the rope for extra measure. He gets up and gives a smile.

"Not telling," he says playfully.

I growl. Oh, yes you are, I say, opening my wings and baring my teeth slightly.

"No way," he says, packing up his equipment back into one of his bags and-

"Ow! Hey!" he says as I nudge him in the side.

C'mon, what is it? I ask. I told you mine. You have to tell me yours!

"Aw, c'mon, Toothless!" he says as I repeatedly nudge his side, forcing him to back slowly.

Tell. Me.

Hiccup sighs and winces as I give another nudge.

"Fine," he says, resigning to my pestering. I stop nudging him and sit back on my haunches instead.

What is it? I ask, all ears perking up in anticipation.

"It's… green," he says embarrassedly. "You know, fern green."

Fern green? I ask, looking at him confusedly.

"It's… uh… the color of your eyes," he says.

A really long silence passes as I stare at him with both eyes. If I had another eye on each of my ears, they'd all be looking at him with great interest.

Riiight, I say, rolling my eyes. As if you'd choose the eye color of a Night Fury as your favourite colour.

"Well, I do!" he says, glaring at me. "It's just so you and everything!"

I growl. I was trying to lighten up the mood! I say.

Another silence passes as Hiccup's cheeks redden from embarrassment. Again.

"Sorry," he mutters.

No wonder why Astrid doesn't like you, I joke.

His face changes emotions so fast that I swear that I did not see it transit at all.

"What did you say?!" he says, glaring at me.

Oh? You going to do something about it? I say tauntingly.

"Come back here!" he says, running up towards me.

No way! I say, getting back down on all four feet and running backwards. laughing at Hiccup's futile attempts to catch up.

"Stupid reptile!" he says, panting as the prosthetic weighs him down on the sand. I tease him by stopping, letting him come close enough to pounce on me, and dashing away just as he tries to. No one matches the Night Fury in speed.

Catch me if you can! I call, running up to the water's front and letting him run towards me. Or can't!

"I'll make you eat those words for lunch!" he yells, jumping at me with full speed.

I stick out my tongue, but inside I decide to let in on this one, not knowing how far he'd tolerate this without getting fed up.

Unfortunately, due to the elevated areas of the sand, his leap goes far above me. In fact, he's actually above me know, instead of on.

"Aw, great-" Hiccup says, but before he can ponder on the wonders of flying in the air before falling into the water, my tail picks him up and props him safely onto my back. He slumps down there, his back touching my own, his body heaving heavily as he struggles to find air.

"Hah… hah… fine, then, Toothless," he says, panting laboriously. "You win."

Win? Why? I ask confusedly. Seriously, what kind of human would think that stopping would mean losing? It just means that he stops. We aren't even in a competition.

"It's… hah… well, I couldn't catch you," he says, reaching his arms into the sky and letting some of his body odor waft out. Smells weird to the dragon's nose, as far as I'm concerned. I wonder what dragons would do with body odor. I wonder what humans would do with body odor. "So you win."

I certainly wasn't under the impression that we were in a competition, I say, crooning softly as he slowly recovers on my scaly (but not odorous) back.

"Well, if you did, you would be up in a tree by now," he mutters. I turn my head to see him properly.

What do you mean? I ask. I don't get any of this.

"Don't dragons play like this or something?" he asks, lying on my back and watching the clouds pass by above.

Well, the less solitary dragons do, I say. The Terrors, as you call them, are the most playful of the dragons.

"I see," he says, urging me to continue. It's a mutual kind of feeling we're used to, who knowing what to talk and when.

They don't see it as competition, though, I say. Usually it just means that they want to have fun, and there aren't any real agreements or anything. If one side wants it to end, then it usually just stops there, whereas competitions are more strict than that.

"So… you didn't think you won or anything," he summarizes.

No, I say, warbling. I just think you're fun to play with.

"At my expense, as usual," he mutters.

I look at him with wide eyes. I'm about to apologize to him when he says the following words.

"But that's what made you feel fun, right?" he says, smiling. "Then I don't mind."

I slit my eyes very briefly. You're having fun too, aren't you? I ask.

"Yes," he says. "Well, until I nearly fell into the water. I don't think my prosthetic comes with a set of lifebuoys."

I wait for him to laugh before I do. I have to make sure that he's having fun, you know.

The sun starts to fade into the afternoon as we lay there in the sun, thinking and not thinking. The sum of all actions there are, I guess.

It's a soft, quiet silence. Most silences involve one of the pair thinking about the awkwardness of not talking to the other, and sometimes the guilt of being unable to think of a proper start to a conversation, or fear that any conversations that are started will abruptly and quickly end in awkwardness and that the silence will get even worse. Sometimes it happens to both sides, and they begin pushing each other away. They think of scenarios in which conversations could occur in, but it usually never comes, and the worst thing that could happen would the other side getting up and bluntly telling the other that they're leaving, which doesn't leave any room for any more talking- at all. It burns them inside, and it's an awkwardness that's truly sad to see. So many friendships have been ruined through this need to talk, but not knowing what to talk.

Some silences are perfect. Both are thinking and not feeling the need to talk, and just sitting there, wondering about things, until one of them thinks about something nice and the conversation starts as if nothing has happened.

This, of course, is what's happening now. Sure, what I usually think of is usually 1. Hiccup, 2. Mother, and 3. Stormfly, but number 1 knows that, and he really doesn't think much about it. So, well, let's just say that conversations are something complicated and take 2 to be perfect.

I mean, thinking too much will definitely give you a headache, no?


"Toothless?" Hiccup asks lazily, getting off my back and resting next to my legs.

Yeah? I ask, crooning softly.

"You said Terrors were what humans called them. Dragons call other dragons differently, right?" he asks.

Yeah, I say. We all have different names for us.

"What's yours?" he asks curiously.

I frown. I haven't heard my Dragonese name in a long, long, time. I want to forget it, actually, for it holds so many unwanted memories.

Well, I say quietly, It's Nox.

"Nox…" he says, looking at me keenly. "That sounds cool."

It has a pretty horrible past, though, I say, hoping that he gets the point.

"Oh," he says. "Sorry."

A short silence passes and I decide not to leave him hanging there with this new information and all.

Night Furies are called Pax Sinistre, I add, Meaning silent fire. Well, I guess the Sinistre could also mean that we're brutal and everything, but I'm not sure.

"Given your nature, nah," he says, nodding. "What do you call humans, then?"

I give him a long stare, telling him that I don't want to tell him.

He stares right back, his eyes telling me that he wants to know.

And, between his needs and mine, his is far more important.

Asup, I say, my voice barely audible.

"Does it mean something bad?" he asks curiously.

Trash, I say. It means trash.

He falls silent and looks at me thoughtfully. This is the first time that I've come closest to feeling this awkward.

"I guess it makes sense," he says, "After all we did to you guys."

I feel a fire burning in me, but at the same time, curiosity. Why is he so acceptant of it? Why does he not feel angry that his race is given this name?

As soon as I ask him that, he says, "We sort of deserved it."

How? I ask, ears perking up again.

"Well, let's see..." he says, holding up his fingers and picking them down one by one as he lists the humanoid exploits one by one. "War, murder, hate, discrimination, prejudice," he holds up the other hand, "Ignorance, indecency, dishonesty, selfishness, and the fact that we've been killing dragons for centuries. Doesn't that make you kind of hate humanity?"

I certainly don't hate you, I say, crooning softly.

"Well… thanks," he says, smiling. "But I guess I could be worse."

You could as bad as you can, I say, And I'd still care about you.

"Award for the cheekiest dragon goes to you," he says, and I laugh.

Well, to be fair, I say, warbling softly, We don't refer to you humans as that. Not the Berkian dragons, anyway. We call you guys by your personal names.

"What, I have an impersonal name?" he asks, confused.

Names that dragons give you are pretty common along with your own given names. Then there's the formal names, and the impolite names, it's pretty complicated. A human can have several names this way, but dragons only have a few.

"Can you tell me mine?" he requests, reaching into his notebook and beginning to write.

Most people would think this as an insult to not giving the listener their full needed attention, but hey, you have to trust the other person that s/he too listening to you.

Let's see… I say, recalling the previous names that dragons have called him.

Maldrit is your impolite name, meaning clumsy.

Hiccup writes that into his notebook with the word CLUMSY in big letters.

Chai is your common name, meaning boy. Used with the other boys, too.

Hiccup writes that into his notebook as well.

Pax Norte is your given name, used by the dragons. Means Night Rider.

Hiccup underlines this word once.

Burneson is your polite name, meaning integrity.

Hiccup writes this in the smallest font he can.

And… there's a name that only I use to call you, I say.

"Hm?" he asks, looking at me, surprised.

I… yeah, I say, embarrassed because of this newly confided information. I never used it to you before, because you wouldn't understand it. It'd be freaky to you, you know.

A hand touches my snout softly.

"It can't be worse than Maldrit, can it?" he asks, smiling.

He removes the hand and continues to smile at me. I can't let him down, can I?

Mikata, I whisper. It means friend. And a lot more.

He looks at me, not really knowing what to say.

I'm sorry that I kept this thing from you, I say, trying to change the mood. It sounds lame and I don't want you thinking that I think less of you-

His tight hug around the neck tells me he thinks otherwise.

"It's the best name in the world," he says, smiling. "Are you seriously thinking that Mikata sounds lame?"

It's a unique Dragonese vocabulary that no one uses anymore, I say dejectedly.

"That makes you unique for using it, then," he says.

And, as I stare at him, he only continues to smile at me.


"Time for our next test flight, now," he says, pulling away from me.

Aww, already? I whine. I kind of wanted to just lie here and everything…

"Yeah," he says, "Me too. But we're not going to find your mom nor lunch if we stay put here all day."

I nod, getting up. Everything alright then? I ask.

"I feel excellent," he says. "Knowing what dragons call me boosts a lot of confidence."

I warble happily as he climbs onto my back.

"So, ready for this?" he says, opening the tailfin wide. I can feel it now, its surging flame acting as if it was part of my own body.

And, with Mikata controlling it, it sort of is.


Well, I guess this isn't adventurey... yet. Fear not, I have a whole map laid out for their journey ahead! More of his past to be seen, too.

I might update every two days from now on, because schoolwork is just so heavy at the moment.

Alright, time for the glossary of words!

Nox- Night or darkness, Latin.

Sinistre- Fire, French. Rare translation.

Maldrit- derived from Maladroit, French.

Chai- Thai. Also means coast or edge.

Pax-night, Latin. Also means peace (probably).

Norte- derived from Norite, means Rider in Japanese.

Burneson- Comes from two languages.

Burne- derived from Burana, which means restoration or integrity in Thai.

son- derived from san, the Japanese formality name, like "Sir" in English.

Unobvious- "not obvious".

Shotblast-A word I made up. Means "shot blast".

Embarrassedly- "with embarrassment".

Adventurey- I made this one up. "with adventure".

Mikata- Friend, Japanese. Still looking for other Kanji that also sounds the same.

Updated: Mikata- derived from Mi(no)kata- 観(の)過多- Thousands of views. (lit. A plethora of views) -One who has different views for the same thing and different things alike.