Author has written 7 stories for Skylanders.
Working a full time job and raising two kids on the side doesn't leave me much free time. Usually that time is spent gaming or writing. Original works, not fan fiction. But there have been times in which my muse directs me to other venues and this collection is a product of that. I understand the importance of canon but have desires to break free at the same time; it is fan fiction after all. So paths taken may veer off in a different direction than originally intended.
I first did fan fiction years ago in the Sonic the Hedgehog, Legacy of Kain and Yu-Gi-Oh fandoms. That account was deleted long ago as were the works linked to it. They may be stored on an old hard drive somewhere and might resurface one day without any modern day changes or edits. That is if I can bare the the thought of them holding a current published date.
To You, the Reader:
Reviews can make or break a work of fiction. When you read a story that you like don't hesitate to leave feedback for the author. Make it encouraging; rather than simply saying you like it put detail into what you like. Anything that comes to mind be it how the characters are written to the writer's style or how descriptive they are. I've seen too many good stories flounder and die and part of that could be to the fact the reviewers don't leave any encouragement for the author. The more you tell the author what you like or even make guesses at what might happen next the more you keep their interest in the story alive. On that note there's nothing wrong with leaving comments as to what they can improve but always leave positive feedback along with those suggestions of improvement for balance. Remember that stories are published on this site because the author wants feedback and interaction with you, the reader. You would want the same for your works so extent a compliment and see how far it takes you!
To You, the Writer:
Take your time when you write. I know you have events in your writing you want to reach. I know you have big plans for these amazing story points. But take your time. Sometimes your fingers will take your story in directions you haven't previously planned. Go with it! Let your creativity run wild and take you to places you hadn't previously plotted out. You'll find your writing becomes deeper and more engaging as a result.
Listen to those trolls that do nothing but flame but don't take them seriously. Look at their comments, there is an encouraging statement for improvement hidden in that mess of hurtful words. Use them as a means to better yourself. Accept their venom but don't lash out at them. You can always better yourself. Some just don't know how to make it encouraging. Befriend those that do support you and you'll go far.
You can learn something from everyone you meet. It doesn't matter if they're younger than you or below your skill level. You can learn from them just as well as they can learn from you. Inspiration strikes in the funniest of ways.
About My Stories
This one started from the fact that there's more than one figurine for each character in the stores. It was a sort of "what if" scenario that came in part from the nicknames I gave my own Skylanders in the game. So yes, it is very heavy on original characters. There wasn't any other way to tell the story of having an army of people that all wore the same face without involving the original characters and placing them side-by-side with the true owners of the face they were cursed into wearing. It incorporates the use of many different Portal Masters as a result. Yes, in the games it is indicated that there is only one Portal Master but even that has its flaws when you play with a second person and the option to play two Skylanders of the same type at the same time (like two Spyros or two Hexes for example) left many openings for interpretation.
Thus "Odyssey" was born, a story that follows the main character Seraphina the Hexling (a copy of Hex in looks but her own person in every other way) and her journey at first to find her friends that also had their appearances changed to match a Core Skylander. As she finds her friends and the curse that made every Skylander not only look like a Core but gave them their abilities shows weaknesses the story evolves into a battle to preserve a secret that the Tour region of Skylands (original location for this story) has kept hidden to prevent Kaos or any of his allies from utilizing it for subjugation of Skylandians.
During the course of the story Core Skylanders (canon characters) begin to play larger roles and eventually become integral members of the cast to help protect the unique people of Tour that could spell the end of the Skylanders should they fall to Kaos' corruption.
Who I Am
There's a whole other story to be told about the Skylanders that uses their profiles as a starting point. There's a lot of tragedy in the histories of so many characters. I simply wanted to explore these pasts and flesh them out a bit more while adding my own embellishments. It takes a different look at some of the characters and reveals many flaws that normally aren't associated with heroes. But the Skylanders were once normal people, just like everyone else. What if they had colorful pasts that seemed to clash with their present/future, how did they become heroes in that case? "Who I Am" explores these questions and displays characters in a new light.
The rating on this one started out at T but depending upon how strange chapters end up it might change. I will always put a warning on chapters that are particularly dark or off the wall.
Family Affair
Lighthearted antics that are a collaboration between my children and myself. I never would have gotten into Skylanders without them and so this was my way to try and inspire them to better their skills in writing. So far only my daughter has accepted my challenge but that's fine. For every chapter she writes I will write my own; that was our agreement.
Each chapter will have the author credited in the title line and reviews for all levels of skill shown are welcome. Obviously the styles of each chapter will indicate who the author is so my only request is that reviews be tailored to the skill level of that chapter.