HI! So, this is where I'll be dumping an assortment of one-shots and such that have nagged at me and I've just had to write them out. They more than likely won't be related unless I specify that they are. There will be a fair few StealthxFlame ones, as well as the other pairings I love or ideas and suggestions people have requested etc

This one was poking at my mind tonight while I was trying to sleep and I simply had to type it out ( sleep be damned). I hope you enjoy.


Sighing in frustration for what felt like the hundredth time that night, Stealth Elf silently placed the book she had been reading back onto the coffee table in front of her chair and rested her head in her hands.

"Whisper. I won't tell you again. Go to bed. It's way past your bed time."

"No!" The child responded defiantly, grinning at her exhausted mother while continuing to run around with endless amounts of energy. Like her mother she sported pale green skin and rich dark blue locks tied back into a braid, however, her personality and attitude were definately aspects she had inherited from her father.

Bright eyes carefully regarded her mother, who could move faster than one could blink and be more silent than the whisper of a dust mite. That thought might be scary to some children, but not Whisper Elf.
She knew she had her mother on the ropes, worn right down to the point of breaking. She knew she was being naughty and it was wrong, but she couldn't help it. She was bored and she missed her father who had been absent since she had woken up this morning.

"Whisper, I swear to Eon-"

"Will you tell me a story? I"ll go to bed if you tell me a story."

Stealth hesitated. Flameslinger was the one that usually told Whisper bedtime stories. His tendency to be over dramatic and his over active imagination made for exceptional story telling and their daughter loved it.
She knew she wasn't a bad mother, and she would stop at nothing to protect her daughter but making up stories to amuse her was definitely not her thing.

"Alright. What would you like to hear about?"

"Why is everyone afraid to die? Aunt Hex and Uncle Rider arn't scary at all. OH OH! Where did everything come from? How did it all get here?"

'Such big ideas for such a young girl, definately a daughter of mine,' Stealth thought as she opened her arms and allowed the little elf to jump up onto her lap and snuggle up against her.

"Actually, they're both connected. Would you like to hear how everything was created and why things are they way they are?"


"Alright. Long ago, before all that we know was, there existed eight beings. They were siblings, children to Father Existence and Mother Eternity, each vastly different from the rest. Earth conflicted with Air, Tech was constantly butting heads with Magic, Fire and Water could never get along and Life was forever trying to conquer Death . Things were never peaceful and eventually Eternity could take no more. She sent her children away to work together and achieve something remarkable. She had hoped that by working together, their petty squabbles would finally be settled.

Once alone, Earth laid out the foundations for which they could build. She was strong and stubborn, her contribution to their project ending up much like herself. It is from her that 'earth' got it's name.

Next Water brought his contribution to the table and all the lowest lying areas of the earth were covered with the substance we know as 'water' today. Much like himself the water calm and passive but held the power to carve away stone and swallow the earth his sister had left behind if enraged.

Next Fire wished to participate. He placed his contribution deep under the crust of the earth for it was the only place his influence could exist. There was no fuel on the surface for it to burn. So fierce and unyielding was his touch that several cracks formed in the earth, giving his presence access to the surface world, spewing forth the rock and stone he had melted to glorify his strength.

This did not please Earth in the slightest and in return, she made it so any form of her creation would quell the rage of fire expect for that already tainted.

Next came Air, gentle and determined. She, deciding not to further irk her still feuding siblings, toom the space above their contributions, creating the air we breathe and the winds that held the power to shape the earth, push and pull water giving it form and shape and give life to fire upon the surface.

Once done, the four stepped back to observe their work, all noticing instantly that it was incomplete. They asked the four remaining siblings to offer some help towards the project but three of the four refused outright, already having seen that their arguments would not end over combined efforts. They wanted no part in this.

Only Life stepped forward to help.

Now being the youngest and smallest of all, Life had never been taken seriously. She stepped forward and touched the land left behind by Earth. From her touch sprang forward five tiny vines and ten nameless creatures. The vines dug down into the earth where their roots were able to take hold. Next they took what they needed of water's moisture remaining in the soil and used it to grow, basking in the light of all the siblings.

So proud was Life of what she had added that she added a few more of each, enough to ensure that hey would grow and multiply by themselves.

She stepped back as Fire stepped forward once more too look at her work.
He hated being bested, and here before him, Life had achieved something he had previously been unable to, and so his flames were set upon the vines and creatures his sister had spawned, using them as fuel for his presence on the surface.

As hurt as she was, Life was also stubborn and determined and did not let this deter her for she would try and try again, each time her creation being wiped away by one of her siblings. Water took joy in drowning the creatures, while Earth enjoyed crushing the plantlife with earthquakes and landslides.

This darkened her heart and she grieved at the loss she suffered each time, but she never gave up, watching helplessly as her contribution was consumed and destroyed.
Soon she became too distressed to continue and found herself ready to give up. She laid her hands upon her lap and looked to the space before her, feeling every bit the joke her siblings saw her as.

Death, who had refused to take part int hings thus far and had simply watched from afar could no longer take the pain her sister was in. She stepped forward and knelt beside Life, bringing her closer and comforting her, softly whispering into her ear.

"Fear not sister of mine for nothing you create will ever be truly lost. I shall take into my care every creation by your hand when it can no longer exist in the form you intended for it. Never shall anything you make be truly lost again, dear sister. But in making this promise, I shall also strike a fear into the soul of every being, urging them to survive for as long as possible for if they had no will to live, their existence would become pointless."

Death was absolute, she was bound by her word.

Seeing this rare act of kindness between the sisters, Magic and Tech stepped forward. They, like Death, had been disgusted and outraged by the show their siblings had out on. They knelt beside Life, and whispered in unison.

"Sister, if you can create more capable and complex life forms, we will bless them with our touch. We will gift your creations with our influences so that they may go forth and survive the torment our siblings put upon them."

And So Life created.

She created plants and animals of all shapes and sizes. She created the many various species we have today. When she was finished she once again stepped back and watched as her brothers blessed her creations with their influence. She watched as her life forms breathed in the oxygen in the air and drank the water to survive. She grinned as they captured and tamed the flames of her brother for warmth.

Magic watched as his influence allowed some to alter things to their will, ever crafty and clever just as he.
Tech smiled as those baring his touch sculpted and crafted different devices to help them conquer the wrath of the original three siblings. They were smart and bold, much like he was.

Death watched in silence as her siblings finished up their work. True to her word, when one of Life's creations fell, Death took it into her care and created a place for them to exist after the ceased living on the surface.
However, she now desired her own influence on the surface and allowed some of those who had passed to rise again. They served as her messengers to the living, reminding them of the fear they held of Death, rekindling the urge to live and never give up. This, my dear, is why the living fear the dead, why we fear death and fight at all costs to survive and why things are as they are."

"Mother," the young elf yawned, curling up into her mother's arms. Her eyes were struggling to stay open. "That was a long story. Is it true?"

Stealth smiled softly, her mask discarded while she was at home. She gently lifted Whisper up and carried her to her bedroom, placing her into bed and tucking her in.

"Maybe. It's one of many elven legends passed down since the beginning. It's my favourite out of all of them though. It makes me feel closer to my element. Sleep now my little one."

"Where's dad?"

"He's out on a mission with Gill and Drobot. I'm not sure when he'll be back."

"...What if he doesn't come back? ...If he dies?"

Stealth sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, gently running her fingers through her hair. "Don't make yourself uneasy. Your father's a great Skylander. He's tough. I'm positive he'll be back by morning"


"Yes Whisper?"

"Can I sleep in your bed?"

"I suppose. Just for tonight though."

It was two hours before daybreak when Flameslinger crept into his house and closed the door as quietly as possible. It had been an impossibly long mission and he was looking forward to a decent sleep. His hair was disheveled and his light armor unkempt from battle. For the first time in ages his right arm ached from pulling back on his bow string and he swore there were blisters forming on his feet. Damn magical boots and their awesome flame trail abilities. He removed them as quietly as possible and set them by the door

He removed his blindfolds next, placing them carefully next to Stealth's mask. The sight of them together still gave him jitters and reminded him of the night she had agreed to be his.

"You stink," Stealth muttered, refusing to open her eyes as he entered the bedroom in search of clean pants.

"Shut up," he chuckled, taking a moment to hang up his bow and quiver before finally locating his favourite pair of pants. "You try keeping an army of trolls at bay by yourself in the dark."

"Elves can see in the dark."

"I wear a blindfold."

"You can still see with it Flame."

He leaned over and kissed her temple softly. "I missed you too."

When he received no answer, he turned and left the room, heading towards the shower in hopes of ridding himself of any smells he may have picked up while fighting. He would ask why their daughter was in their bed afterwards if Stealth was still awake.

The shower was hot and refreshing, and not at all unpleasant like he would often make it out to be. It felt good to be clean again, and it gave him time to think, time to himself. He hated wasting water though, he'd never hear the end of it from the water Skylanders, so he reluctantly turned the hot water off and dried himself, slipping the comfortable pants on and making his way back into the bedroom.

Stealth lay silently on her side of the bed with her eyes shut tight, her arms wrapped protectively around Whisper as the child slept soundly. To anyone else it would appear that she too was fast asleep but Flame knew better. He slipped under the blankets making sure he didn't wake his daughter and gently rested a hand over Stealth's to let her know he was there, although with her excellent hearing he doubted she needed the gesture. "Long day?"

"You have no idea. All day she ran me around, playing up because she missed you, refusing to behave and refusing to go to bed at her bedtime. I'm exhausted. How about you? You said you kept an army at bay by yourself. Where was Gill and Drobot?"

"Oh, they were there and I may have exaggerated things a little bit, but I swear, it felt like we were taking on an army each. We managed to save the isolated village though."

Silence met his ears and at first he assumed that Stealth had simply passed out, but as the seconds wore on he realised she was simply thinking. A small pained expression crossed her face before disappearing completely.

"I'm glad you're safe. I was worried when you left suddenly. I don't know what I'd do if-"

Flame was in shock. Stealth hardly ever voiced her emotions. It was hard for her. He had grown used to it and had become an expert at reading her. The things she was whispering to him now simply were not her.

"Shush now. Don't think of such things. I'd never leave you like that. I'll always come home, no matter where I'm sent."

"I know," she concluded and once again went silent for a small while.

"I love you, Flame."

There were those damn jitters again, just like when those words had left her lips for the first time. She still held the power to make him weak at the knees even after all the time they had been together.

"I love you too, Stealth," He smiled, squeezing her hand and grinning.

Flameslinger lay there as the sun came up and gentle rays peaked though the curtains of the home he had build with Stealth Elf. He forgot all his tiredness as he watched his wife drift off into a peaceful slumber, his hand still resting protectively over hers, their daughter nestled safely between them.