Rider x Hex

-Part of Me-

Glass lay shattered all over the scratched and ruined floorboards of their once shared room. The bed was upturned, the sheets torn and several holes were now evident in the walls.
She stood there heaving as she tried to calm the rage that flowed through her like liquid fire. Her blank eyes scanned the room as she fought off another wave of tears and another scream. She had all but killed the pillows so there was nothing to scream into. Feathers floated lazily through the air with her every sweeping movement around the room.

She could still feel him there, standing beside her, pacing the length of the room as he thought, or sitting in the corner reading a book. She could still smell his scent, even though he hadn't been in the room for weeks, he hadn't even spoken to her since the fight. The fight he had declared it over because he couldn't deal with her stubbornness any more and he was sick of fighting.
Every word he had spoken was etched clearly into her memories, the words that would haunt her for always.
Stupid memories swirled and she tried to block them out with another round of destruction. His face was haunting her, his voice still echoing within her skull.

The wounds just weren't healing and she couldn't stand the pain. It made everything all too real for the Undead sorceress. She had lost the only thing she had ever really cared about, his love.

She howled out in pain and finally collapsed to the floor in a sobbing mess ignoring the glass and debris. She had lost a part of herself when he had walked out and she had been too stubborn to admit it until now when it was too late to fix things.

He had destroyed her.
She was immortal but not invincible.

Her body shook as her vision clouded once again but this time she simply let the tears fall. She gritted her teeth as salted rivers wove down her cheeks. Even the toughest of elves cry when no one is looking and there was no use holding it back any more.

She didn't hear the door swing open, nor the foot falls approaching her slowly. His voice seemed like a distant dream and Hex thought herself crazy so she ignored him.

"Hex?...Hex...come on, off the floor."

"Just go," she whimpered. "It's bad enough you're here to see me like this, don't taunt me by staying when you'll just leave again. You win."

"It was never about winning," he sighed and helped her to her feet.
Strong arms wrapped around her shaking body and drew her in close. She fisted her hand against his clothed chest but did nothing to push him away, afraid that if she did, he would never return. She had never feared being alone until she had met him and now it was her greatest fear of all.

Rider held her tighter. He was in his usual attire, minus his helmet. His hair had grown scruffy since the fight. The first night he had turned to drink, managing to resist the call for every night since.
He had walked past the room everyday with the intention of going in and sorting things out, but his own words haunted him and he always ended up backing out and walking off but today had been different. Today he had been determined and when he heard her cries and her anger, he knew he couldn't put it off any more.

To find her on the floor in the midst of feathers, glass and timer everywhere was startling, but he cared little for the broken pictures of them, the smashed bed and chairs or the ruined pillows and sheets. Hex was all he cared about. His stubborn, infuriating dark sorceress that he couldn't be without.
She was down on the floor. He usual black gown tattered and torn from the glass all around her, her headdress thrown off probably in some tantrum or fit. Her hair was all over the place, she hadn't even tried to tame it. It was a mess of short, wild, black locks, similar to his own.

She had complied far easier than he could have hoped when he helped her to her feet.

He held her tighter as she sobbed against his shoulder. It would take time, and a lot of work but he was willing to try and things would work if she was willing to meet him half way. After all, both had realized by this point that together they were more complete than they ever had been, even in life.
A part of each other.

I always imagined that Hex would be extremely difficult to live with. So proud and unyielding that she'd have to win every fight. So what if one day Rider refused to give in to her?

Even a big, bad sorceress cries sometimes when she thinks no one is looking.


This is a late birthday gift for Numbah 94. The prompt was, and I quote-
"something with Hex"

I'm sorry it's a bit late. I hope you like it though. It took me longer than it should have ._.;;