Merry Christmas everyone! It may not be very festive but here's an update (finally!) from me :)

"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door!" Freeze Blade danced around the studio, oblivious to all the watchers observing from the audience. Spy Rise snickered in the surveillance room, recording it all with a security camera.

"That's so going on Youtube."

Night Shift came in, took one look at Freeze Blade and sat down without a word. "I don't even want to know."

When he noticed the co-host wasn't stopping any time soon the vampire decided to get the episode under way.

"Welcome all to the Night Shift and, um, Freeze Blade show. If our guest is ready then we'll begin right away. Please welcome Star Strike to the studio!"

To the theme 'Counting Stars' Star Strike swept gracefully into the studio, taking a place next to Night Shift and shooting Freeze Blade a confused glance. The audience clapped in appreciation to her entrance.

"Welcome Star Strike, it's a pleasure to have you here." Night Shift greeted as the magic skylander set down her fans. She continued looking at Freeze Blade oddly. Night Shift tried to dismiss him. "Please ignore my prancing college there, I believe he had too much sugar this morning and has his head in the clouds."

At that moment Freeze Blade twirled round and jumped back in surprise when he noticed the studio full of people, crashing into a chair as he did so. His ears flattened back.

"H-hey! When did you all get here?"

"About twenty minutes ago, Mr observant. You were too wrapped up in your yowling to notice," replied Night Shift grumpily. Seeing his symphony was up Freeze took his normal seat next to Night Shift, nodding in greeting to Star Strike.

"Ah, I remember now. We were meant to be interviewing Star today." He winked at her and Night Shift rolled his eyes. He turned to the skylander and offered an apology.

"I am sorry for this delay, Star Strike. This ice cat just doesn't seem to be able to go five minutes without doing something daft."


"Not to worry, Night Shift." Star Strike blinked her large bright eyes. "I heard that this show was anything but sane. I was expecting to encounter more than a little madness."


"Finally! A guest who knows what she's getting into." Freeze Blade stated while Night Shift stammered. He continued spluttering like a starved engine until Freeze elbowed him sharply in the ribs.

"Hey, Shift, you might want to stop that. You know gaping like a salmon isn't all that attractive."

Knocked out of his stupor Night rounded on his co-host, pulling him to the side out of Star Strike's hearing.

"Listen here kit, I will not have you embarrassing me this episode. I've mainly put up with you antics before but today I will not hesitate to put a stop to it. Do I make myself clear?"

At first confusion edged Freeze Blade's expression but upon hearing this he grinned widely.

"Ooooh, I see what's going on here," He playfully twisted out of Night Shift's grip. "Okay then Shifty, I'll behave." With that he plopped down on his chair, cheerfully humming a tune. Satisfying that his point had sunk in Night Shift returned to his seat, addressing Star Strike with her first question.

"All right Star Strike, to start we were wondering if you have any other uses for those unique fans of yours, other than busting enemies, obviously."

Throughout the exchange between the two hosts Star Strike had been watching patiently but now a question had been aimed at her she replied casually.

"Funny that you ask that, the reason I was slightly late to the studio was because Chef Pepper Jack was trying to get me to work in his kitchen. As well as versatile weapons and a useful cooling device during summer my fans are perfect for expertly chopping ingredients. Remember sushi night last month? That was me who prepared that."

"How interesting, I never would of expected."

"Mm, I can always go for a little sushi," muttered Freeze Blade, absently sweeping his tongue over his fangs.

"Uh-huh, next question," Night Shift continued. "You have heard of the magic Trap Master, Enigma?"

"Ye-ess..." Star Strike stretched the word out, looking shiftily around the room. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, is it true that you possibly come from the same dimension-?" A black hole suddenly opened up in the center of the stage with the afore-mentioned Trap Master appearing in the middle of it. Night Shift started and Freeze Blade almost fell off his chair in surprise."What the heck?"

"YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH." Enigma boomed at the hosts, raising his arms to the ceiling. As always he had that same stony, emotionless tone of voice and dark expression. Star Strike tutted and looked at the hosts with disapproval.

"Now you've done it, it will take me ages to calm him down again now." Hands on her hips she hovered to Enigma's side and gave a quick tug on his robes. Instantly he whirled round and seemed to shrink at the sight of the magic Skylander.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" She scolded fiercely. "Popping out of that vortex and scaring these two hosts half to death." At that moment Night Shift and Freeze Blade had both ended up on the floor, clutching each others arms. Star Strike continued with her chiding."And another thing, those black holes are so destructive, pulling everything into their depths. There better not be any mess when I return home!"

"B-but, they were about to revile the forbidden truth, I had to stop them." Enigma defended. Star Strike wouldn't have it.

"No buts, young man. Those two will get their spanking soon enough. Now get back to the house before I change my mind and decide to give you a time out!"

With a gulp Enigma disappeared just as swift as he had entered, the black hole swallowing him up to some unknown place.

With a long-suffering sigh Star Strike shook her hooded head. "Honestly I don't know what to do with him sometimes." She then turned to the two hosts, who were still on the floor in a state of shock.

Night Shift seemed to retain some of his dignity and had thrown Freeze Blade's arms off and rose again, brushing off the random encounter. Freeze however remained on the floor, edging away as Star Strike neared him. "You''re not really going to spank us, are you?" He queried nervously.

"I might." Their expressions turned horrified. "Oh, don't look at me like that. No, I'm not going to so much as touch either of you as long as you promise to never mention where me and Enigma come from again."

"We promise," Night Shift reassured her and gestured for Freeze Blade to get up. He did so with a quiet '#StarStrikeisscarywhenshe'smad' and remained a safe distance from the Skylander.

"With that strange experience over I feel it is time for our last question," Night Shift declared and Freeze instantly perked up.

"Yeah, it is! And I have a burning question that I'm sure everyone is dying to know."

"Then it will have to wait, I have the script right here and I'm sticking to it." Night insisted. "So Star Strike, for your final-"

"But it's important!" Freeze Blade looked fit to burst with the effort of holding the question back.

"I don't care. Look, Star Strike, I was wondering do-"

"Do you wanna build a snow man?!" Unable to hold it back anymore Freeze Blade let his burning question go. "Or chase Night Shift round the halls? He never lets me do it anymore, because he's such a bore, even though I do it anyway!"

Star Strike was unsure how to reply and Night Shift looked as if he was about to explode. Freeze Blade looked at Star expectantly, in all seriousness expecting an answer. Instead of replying an invisible smirk formed under the magic Skylander's hood and she pulled a long, paddle-shaped object from under her chair.

"I appreciate the offer Freeze Blade, but I've got a prier arrangement."

"Oh, really?" The ice cat raised an eyebrow. "With who?"

"Him." She pointed the paddle at Night Shift, who looked just as surprised as his co-host.

"Wait, Shift here?" Freeze jabbed a claw at him. "King of the old school Night Shift. Is there something I should know?"

"Yes, I need some old school advice. You see, Night Shift, I found this paddle backstage and I was uncertain of what to do with it."

"I might have a suggestion," A smile spread over Night Shift's face as he caught on what Star Strike was getting at. "Do you know what we did to naughty ice cats in the olden days?"

"N-no, why do you ask that, Night Shift?" Freeze Blade did not like the looks the two Skylanders were giving him and tried to sink back as far as he could in his seat.

"Oh yes, I remember. You would take them by the tail and..."

That was enough for Freeze Blade. Not wishing to hear anymore he sprinted from the studio as if a whole pack of bone chompies were snapping at his paws, wanting to put as much distance between himself and the paddle-wielding Star Strike as possible. The two remaining Skylanders on the stage watched him go with obvious amusement.

"Was that a bit cruel?" Star Strike said after a while, feeling a touch guilty at causing the ice cat to flee the studio. Night Shift gave his reassurance.

"Nah, he'll probably forget about it by tonight." He turned away from her, awkwardly clearing his voice before asking, "So, uh, Star Strike, if you're not busy I was wondering do-"

"If you're asking if I want to build a snowman then you will receiving the paddle!"

"N-no! Of coarse not! I was wondering if you would join me in the training hall. It's often quiet at this time of day since everyone else is busy with all these festivities and such."

"In that case I'd be delighted to join you," Star Strike discarded her newly gained weapon and joined him at the edge of the stage. "Granted you don't mind having your skills matched by a girl."

With Star Strike following, Night Shift led the way out of the studio towards the training hall. However he failed to notice Freeze Blade crouched in hiding behind the door, singing softly to himself as he observed the pair leave.

"Love is an open door..."

So...many...frozen references. I can't believe I had the start of this written back in February, I'm so slow -_- On another note I actually considered writing a Skylanders parody of Frozen with Night Shift and Freeze Blade as the main characters. I even made up a Night Shift version of Let It Go XD Maybe I'll put that in the show one day. I'm not entirely sure when the next episode will be out as I've currently got two Doom Raider oneshots, a sequel to Skylands gone Screwy, a Skylanders Christmas story (that won't be done before Christmas), a Tuff Luck/Wolfgang humor fic, a Pop Fizz/Trigger Happy friendship fic and numinous other things started that I want to finish first. But it's nearly been a year since I started this so I'll try and get a special episode done for that :)

Magnicanus: Thanks for the suggestion of using Enigma, he certainly made this episode a whole lot more interesting XD.

DragonDreamer1011: I'm not sure when Cynder will be getting her own episode but she'll defiantly be playing a part in the show soon.

Technow: I originally didn't intent for Tuff Luck to be a jokester but I guess it kind of works. Also Whirlwind will be making an appearance in one of the next few episodes.

Skyfan: You've got the right idea XD

Craiger: While we don't normally do dares on the show I'm sure Freeze Blade will find some way to make that happen. As for a Snap Shot one he will get his chapter eventually.

NixAvernal98: #hashtagoverloadindeed. I've got a Sonic Boom episode planned so Drobot will probably be making an appearance at the same time and we can ask him a few questions.

Dracona of the Teen Legends: I kind of ship Zap and Echo too so they'll both be making an appearance at some point.

Zenet2527: I know how you feel, I laughed more than I should of while writing that one.

SHS3G: As with a lot of the characters they will all be making an appearance at some point.

Coming next episode: The next episode is based off a song parody by The Key Of Awesome on Youtube and will feature a few characters who haven't appeared on the show before.