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![]() Author has written 14 stories for Regular Show, and Frozen. Greetings: Hello! My name is Ryan Simpson, not related to Jessica Simpson! I love Regular Show, it's the best show on Cartoon Network. My favorite characters are Mordecai, Margaret, Thomas and CJ. My other favorite shows are Saturday Night Live, Doctor Who, Supergirl, and Brickleberry, I love Tosh.0, Simpsons, Family Guy, The Big Bang Theory, Bob's Burgers, Archer, any kind of Law And Order, American Dad. And murder shows on ID, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I'm 20 years old. Born on July 4th, awesome huh? But I was born in the morning so...it's not that exciting. Friends: I have a best friend, Darcy but she prefers Ian and I'm Anthony. We both love Smosh. Fan fic friends: Hawkmeister. (I call him Batman!) Kudleyfan93, LionLover23, Coolgirl1234, bg54598 (I miss you guys!!) Family: I'm the middle child of a Boston region family. My older brother, Lloyd and my younger brother, Zach. I'm more like my dad, and I'm more closer to my dad while my brothers hog my mom. Looks: Light blonde. I'm around 5'4. I have blue eyes and glasses. Dreams: To marry Bruno Mars (fat chance) marry Adam Levine (fat chance) To join Saturday Night Live's crew (Very fair chance). To have at least one 80s romantic gesture. (Boombox held up, waiting for me outside a church, riding off on a lawnmower). (Very poor chance). Meet Amy Schumer (probably never) Favorite music: Bruno Mars (obviously), Kara's Flowers, Maroon 5, Katy Perry, Bon Jovi (Thanks Hawkmeister), Kelly Clarkson, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga and Daft Punk, The Beatles, Van Halen Favorite movies: Trainwreck, A Million Ways to die in the west, Toy Story 1, 2, 3, Breakfst Club, Ghostbusters, Footloose, Say Anything, Spiderman 1, 2, 3, (Toby Maguire!!) Anything Marvel or DC, That's my boy, Bridesmaids, The Heat, Identity Theft, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm street, FREDDY VS JASON!!!! TED!!!! Back to the future 1, 2, 3, Jurassic Park, Wedding Singer, South Park movie, Wreck it Ralph...to be continued... Interests: Beating people up in watepolo, swimming, surfing, goofing off with my boyfriend, being lazy, listening to CDs and cassette tape or the radio. Watching TV, watching old movies, watching 80s movies, hanging out with my cousins and texting my superhero friend or (Hawkmeister ). Going on youtube. Reasons for not updating: As you can tell I have not been updating, reasons for that might be: 1. Fresh out of ideas 2. Swim schedule 3. School 4. I'm exhausted My personal life: I sorta add some bits of my life in my stories, but I'll just write it here so if people are interested, they can read here. I'm a college freshman. I'm a A- /B student. I've never once had a D on a report card and I want to keep that. I was born in California, so my accent is LA. Even though I live in Boston. I'm very random. If I just met you, I'd be nice and calm but if you're my best friend, I'm crazy! LOL. My older brother is 19 in college, youngest brother is 11, joining middle school this year. I also have celebrity crushes on Adam Levine, (I named my phone Adam) Bruno Mars, (I named my computer Bruno) and Cody Simpson. *not related either* That's about it for my personal life. Stories: A Change Between Us-Mordecai and Margaret adopt a baby and fall in love (Completed) Imagine if-Margaret really gets married to John (Completed) New Neighbor-AU, Margaret tries to raise her daughter with the help of Mordecai as her past haunts her. (In progress! I assure you!) We Don't Mix-Mordecai knocks up Margaret and goes on a journey to fatherhood. (Haitus) A Changing Generation: A CHANGE BETWEEN US's SEQUEL!!!!! (In progress) Spinoffs: Connor's birthday- Brianna and Alison sneak out to Connor's birthday party only for disaster to strike. He's my Romeo- Noah and Jade start spending the night together (Not like that XP) A new member to the park- Thomas and Jen (Oc) welcome their daughter to the world. Daddy's Girl and Mama's boy: Brianna and Noah pick their favorite parent. Upcoming stories: Batman's Hero: (Requested by bg54598) Noah gets made fun of and Brianna helps him. (One shot) Starter Pack Jr.: Muscle Boy starts harassing Tambry making her upset. (Oneshot) Love is just awkward: Mordecai and CJ become friends only to cause tension with them and their crushes. (Big Bang Theory, Frozen and different: coming soon!! Catchphrases: Bazinga! Word out! Shut up! And...I care...why? No, nope, nada! OHHHHHHHHH! Oooh burn! Touch me and you die! I'd kill you if you were legal. You're no fun! Why I love these characters- Mordecai-I loved him from the very beginning, he was a really cool character. I love his voice, his laziness, I really hope he gets with Margaret. Margaret- I hated her at first because of always having a boyfriend and showing Mordecai her boyfriends. To me, that seem to be kind of a bitch move. But after a while, she kind of grew on me. I don't know. Thomas-I loved him because of his just getting to know the park. I like how he's always calling his mom. He's really adorable, but I wish he'd talk more. CJ-When I first watched Yes Dude Yes, I was a little angry that Margaret just suddenly got engaged. But I realized how stupid that was! But CJ seems like a really cool girl for Mordecai. If they'd introduce her in the beginning of the series, I would I have been more of a MordecaiXCJ fan. A Change between us: I'm thinking of putting Brianna has a hidden talent? Rigby breaks Brianna's arm? Mordecai drops Brianna on accident? Benson hits Brianna out of anger? (':\ hmm...) Brianna plays the saxophone? Mordecai and Margaret separate for a year? (Seth's idea!) Mordecai freaking out in the delivery room of a baby being born. Brianna says a bad word in front of her grandparents? Abbey, Marie, and Brianna get into big trouble at school. Brianna decides to go nude? Obviously these ideas are fresh off my mind. But I think some will make it into my story. Sequel: A Changing Generation: Or ACG. Sequel will be updated! Through summer! A lot of Jade X Noah stuff. Brad X Brianna X Connor Logan X Alison Thomas X Jen Katy X Connor Remy X Muscle Boy Chris X... Natasha X Tasha X Patty X James X Ken X Tristan X Carlos X Beth Brianna's character: Brianna is a red feathered robin. She has black comma shape and two spikes. Born on 10/8. Left in good care by her dying mother. Who died in Chapter 2 of cancer. Brianna has a liking to both Mordecai and Margaret, though it's kind of clear, she likes Mordecai more. As Brianna grows up, you'll see changes in her behavior, like, instead of going to Mordecai for help, she'll go to Margaret. Brianna as baby is based on my little cousin, Summer. Who's a year old now. I babysit her alot so I know what baby's sound like. Brianna can't speak but she understands the situation of the room. Brad's character: Brad is Benson's son. With his father's black hair and human body. Brad tends to lose his temper like his father. Brad hates Brianna for playing with his toys. Brad has a sister named Abbey. I based his character on Sid from Toy Story. How he's violent with his toys. Deciding: Ian and I are deciding for upcoming characters: CJ's help in the crime: No real name has come to mind! Please stand by!* Mordecai and Margaret's first child, names we thought of* Noah Rigby and Eileen's children's names* Remy Remember these characters MAY OR MAY NOT be in the story! *means no real name yet 1. Last song I listened to – Young and beautiful 2. Last movie I saw- Bridesmaid 3. Last movie I saw in theaters- Captain America Civil War 4. Last book I read- Prom 5. My favorite book Character-Isaac 6. Favorite Soda- Coke 7. Last thing I bought- Grad nite tickets 8. Last injury I got: Tripped and fell down two flights of stairs at a friend's prom. 9. Do I have siblings- Two brothers, one big brother, Lloyd and a younger one, Zach. 10. Do I have pets- No. 11. What did I want to be when I grew up- An actress or a cast memeber on SNL. 12. My favorite singer when it was 2006- Adam Levine, something about his voice made me like him. 13. My favorite singer- Bruno Mars 14. Do I like One Direction- I have Directioner friends...stuff happens but Louis is mine!!! 15. Do I like Justin Bieber- NOPE 16. Did I suffer beiber fever- No. 17. Celebrity I have a crush on- Bruno Mars, Adam Levine, all of Big Time Rush, Mickey Madden, Matt Fynn. Seth Rogen, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Amy Schumer, Bill Hader 18. My favorite candy- Hersheys 19. Have I ever ate snow- Yes 20. My wallpaper on my phone- Leonardo DiCaprio as a pilot / Ian and I at prom. 21. Have I ever been to a concert- 1. I went to a Big Time Rush meeting, they sang one song, (it counts) 2. A Maroon 5 concert just a few weeks ago. Bruno Mars on May31st!!!!! 22. Favorite flower- Roses or sunflowers 23. What is my favorite number- 21 24. First theme that pops into your head- Pikachu 25. Do you like Spongebob?- Yea 26. Do you have peircings- NOPE!! 27. What color is your hair- Brown 28. Have you ever glued your hands together- Yes and my teacher got mad. 29. What movie do you know all the lines too- Breakfast Club, Ted, Benchwarmers, Toy Story 1 and 2. 30. What CD is currently in your cd player- Bruno Mars's first album. 31. Do you have an ipod- Like five. 32. What movie did you cry in- Phildelphia, Tom Hanks just made me bawl, Toy Story 2, Jessie's song!!!, The Vow, Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Tears of joy because it was over X'D) 33. First rated R movie- Semi Pro 34. Do I wear makeup- Yes... 35- Celebrity look alike- Someone told me Amy Schumer 36- Movie I'm looking forward to in 2013- The new Thor movie. 37. Most ridiculous thing I asked for this X-Mas - Adam Levine and Bruno Mars hiding behind the tree. 38. What best friend/family member lives furthest away from you- My friend Hawkmesiter And my Gramma lives in Oregon. 39. When was the last time you had like a heart attack- 40. Nail polish I'm wearing - Blue and black 41. Be anything after you die- A ghost. I'm gonna haunt alot of people ;) 42. Book I really want to see as a movie- 13 reasons why. 43. Will I try to upload eveyday- Yes. 44. Favorite writer- ... 100% Regular Show fan! Copy and paste if you agree! If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile! If you have a cartoon crush post this to your profile and tell the world your crush. Uh Bart Simpson!!! If you've ever copied something from someone else's profile, copy this onto your profile My Ocs for We Don't Mix: Charlene Jessica Quintel "Carly": is the firstborn child of Mordecai and Mordecai. She has her own thoughts and adds her mental opinion to her parents' discussions. She has mutant powers that resemble a ghost, she is just like Mordecai and has a crush on Jeremy's son Jake ignoring AJ's feelings Age: Unborn to unknown* Looks: Carly has dark blue feathers with bright red feathers in her three spikes of hair. Along with purple eyes although when she uses her powers her feathers turn white and her eyes turn purple. Avery Benjamin Marin "AJ": is the older twin from Drew. Though he is Chuck's son he hardly resembles the man. When he is born he can think like Carly also is able to communicate with his sister. He has a huge crush on Carly although he cannot compare to Jake's upper body strength. Age: Newborn to unknown* Looks: AJ looks like Audrey except with Chuck's nose. Although his hair is blonde now it will turn orange Drew Allison Marin: is the younger twin to AJ. She is very quiet and shy. She is Benson's daughter and she resembles him in music and yelling. She has a major crush on Tyler, Chad's son. Age: Newborn to unknown* Looks: Drew is a bright pink, blonde gumball machine. Her crank is in the shape of a butterfly. Joshua Henderson "Josh": a dangerous man that has fallen for Margaret. He's madly in love with her and thinks she loves him back. He's very nice until he tries to makeout with Margaret making her confess that she's getting engaged to Mordecai. Age: 25 to unknown Looks: Josh is a canary with yellow feathers with a brown comma. He has hazel eyes that change colors. (More are to come to We Don't Mix) My OCs to New Neighbor: Rosaline Mavis Haddad-Tompkins "Rosie": Margaret's first born child to an 'unknown' father. Rosie is very attached to Mordecai due to him making Margaret happy. Rosie is scared of people hurting her mother, she often has nightmares about Jack and worst of all Henry coming back for her. She's very sweet and kind and has a little crush on Thomas's son TJ. Age: 2 to unknown Looks: Rosie looks just like her mom, red feathers, brown comma but with green eyes. Jackson Tompkins "Jack": is Margaret's still married husband. He's an abusive, drunk, rapist that was happily forced into a marriage with Margaret. He'd beat Margaret, let his friends beat and defile her. When Margaret tries to escape he makes sure she's found. Age: 32 to unknown Looks: A red robin always wearing a black leather jacket and shades. Jack's cronies: Henry Bruce Carlos Jude Joe Duncan Daphne Haddad: is Margaret's little sister. She doesn't like Jack because of what Margaret tells her. She's a loving aunt although she never sees them because of distant. Age: 24 to unknown* Looks: A red robin with long red hair and a brown comma. Alice Marie Haddad-Quintel: is the firstborn child of Mordecai and Margaret. She's very small and quiet but as she grows she becomes very loud. Although she is Rosie's half sister, they tend to act alike. Age: unborn to unknown* Looks: Mordecai's shade of blue for feathers along with two white stripes on each of her wings and little black rings around her fingers. MY OCS for ACBU: Name: Brianna Crystal Haddad-Quintel is Mordecai and Margaret's adopted daughter. Though she tends to act like them. She's a kind, smart, easy going girl that can get along with anyone. She loves to swim because she's on the swim team, she loves to listen to music, and hang out with her best friend Alison and beau Connor. Age: 8 months to 10 years old. ACG age: 13 to Looks: A red robin with a black comma on her head. Two spikes but curved more then Margaret's. She has green eyes. Bradley Samuel Marin: Age: 4 years old to 14 years old. ACG age: 17 to Personality: Short tempered, mean spirted. Takes pride in ruining Mordecai's day. Brad is called a very sick child who's very evil. Mordecai recalls him always pull of his tail-feathers. Brad needs and desires of being a only child are crush due to his mom having another baby. Looks: His father's black hair and a human body. Hutch Lou: Age: Over a 1,000 years old! Personality: Hutch is a very nice timetravler, he is Mordecai's personal time traveling friend, who can see if his future with Margaret and Brianna is secure. Hutch doesn't like CJ, he finds her very annoying and suggests Mordecai should probably ignore her. Hutch will appear in more chapters but he'll be very distant. We may not hear from Hutch for a bit! Looks: A very old man, with a beard always wearing overalls. Maverick James Quintel: Age: 46-60 years old Personality: Maverick is a very immature for his age, he spent his entire fatherhood torturing Mordecai with his pranks. Though deep down he loves his son more then life itself. Maverick loves to tell embarrassing stories of Mordecai but is crushed when everyone asked about Mordecai's birth. Mordecai was born three months early, Maverick and Miranda were scared to death. But their baby was healthy. Looks: Maverick is a dark blue feathered blue jay has three spikes and wears sunglasses. Miranda Cynthia Quintel: Age: 43-57 years old. Personality: Miranda is free-spirted and spent most of motherhood being a strict, tough, loving mother. While Maverick was bugging Mordecai, Miranda knew when to say Maverick stop. Miranda promised herself never to become overprotective but she tends to step over a bit. Mordecai's birth led her to believe that she should be glad she finally had a baby. She refused to have another child. Looks: Miranda is a baby blue feathered blue jay with human hair. Jeff Ross Haddad: Age: 53-67 years old. Personality: Jeff is a loving father, he's very protective of Margaret making him hate Mordecai. Jeff is always on his daughter's side, even when it's against his wife. Jeff and Maverick were once good friends but Miranda got knocked up, and Jeff and Maverick lost touch. Looks: A red robin, with two spikes in his hair. Mandy Grace Haddad: Age: 51-65 Personality: Mandy is a strict mother, alot like Miranda but stricter. Mandy really wanted a son but instead Margaret was born, Jeff was excited to have a Daddy's girl but Mandy wanted a Mama's boy. As Margaret grew, Mandy learned to except the fact that she'd never have a son. Margaret kinda grew on Mandy until Jeff's sister and her husband died. Cousin John entered the family making Mandy happy. Margaret was more closer to her dad because of Mandy's obsession with wanting a boy. She tends to be a bit nosy in Margaret's parenting. Looks: Mandy looks just like Margaret but older, with her spikes a little down. Abbey Road Marin: Age: Newborn-9 years old. Personality: Abbey is a newborn, who'll soon be a exact copy of her mother. Sweet, kind, generous but piss her off and get her father's bad side. Abbey will be a baby for quite some time but soon be Marie's best friend. Looks: A red gumball machine with blonde hair (VERONICA) Marie Samantha Sorenstein: Age: Newborn-9 years old. Personality: Marie will be just like Abbey, a baby for a quite some time. But when she gets older she'll be a total opposite from her parents, skinny, quiet, but will tend to crack a My grandma joke every once in awhile. She'll soon become Abbey's best friend. Looks: Green skinned, blackish...greenish, (I have no idea what color Muscle Man's hair is) Alison Brittany Murphy: Age: 2-10 years old. Personality: Alison is a smart, witty girl. She's very strong and very funny. Alison and Brianna are best friends and are conjoined at the hip. She's a Avril Lavigne fan and can sing very well. Looks: When Alison is young, she is green and blue feathered with a huge tail feather, as she grows, her tail feather seems to get smaller and smaller. Connor Douglas Lloyd: Age: 3-10 years old. Personality: Connor is bit shy and timid. He had a stutter problem until he was 9. From day one (according to Alison) Connor had a huge crush on Brianna, being completely oblivious to Katy's crush on him. He asked her out when they were ten. And they've been dating ever since. Looks: A green and red bird (robin/parrot) hybrid. Switch three spikes in his hair. |