I don't own Titanic if I did Jack wouldn't have died! Just sayin'!

Thank you for your reviews please keep them coming I love reading what you guys have to say! Yes, I know I'm a bit late updating but anyway here's the next chapter!

Chapter: 2

June 13 1916

Rose's P.O.V

I'm in a playground, sitting on a bench, and staring into blank space thinking of Jack, my Jack, of the time we spent on Titanic when suddenly I hear a familiar voice cry out in pain. I turn to see Josephine, my three year old daughter and Jack her older twin brother on the ground underneath the slide, Jack tries to help his sister up but she only gets half way up and her knees give out beneath her. By this point I am at the slide trying to figure out what happened Jack tells me that Josie was at the bottom and when he slid down it and by mistake banged into her. Just like it would his father, the matter seems to upset him so, I assure him that it's OK, that Josie would be alright it was only a graze.I hoist Josie up on my hip and take Jack's hand in mine and lead him to the car, I get in and we drive home.

When we get to the small apartment in the middle of New York, I notice a bright light coming from inside. I hear someone shriek my name from behind me, I jump and grasp both Jack's and Josephine's hand.


I hear the shriek again and look around, I relax a little when I see that the person who made the noise was my best friend, Molly Brown. I glance down at Josephine realising that I had been squeezing her hand a bit too much and let go, but scared by the screaming she buries her face into my blouse I stroke her hair gently and reassuringly squeeze Jack's hand lightly before turning to Molly who is already over to me, panting and gasping for air.

"What's the matter Molly?" I ask her, just as she is about to answer there's a loud bang from inside the apartment and the feeble door is blown off its hinges and a sudden heat fills the corridor. Molly pulls us all back, out of the rain of fire, we turn and run, not looking back as we sprint down the stairs Molly takes Jack in her arms and I take Josephine. We don't stop running until we reach the other side of the busy street.

After the sudden confusion, I calm down enough to ask Molly about what just happened.

"I don't know," she says shaking her head, "earlier I dropped by to collect that prom dress from you for my friend but when I arrived at the apartment the door was wide open, I went in but no one was there and when I was on my way out I noticed that there was a fire in the kitchen.I'm so sorry. But I managed to save a few things," she looks down and hands me a picture of me and the kids at Santa Monica pier when I took them there once for their first birthday, I smile at the memory as Molly hands me a few more photos and bits and pieces but nothing really useful except for my coat -Cal's coat- the same one I was wearing on the night of the sinking, I look up wondering why she would save this.

"i know i know but It was the only one I could find because the fire was too big, and.."

Before she can finish I cut her off "it's okay, Molly seriously it's okay,"

I look down and a sudden thought comes over me "anyway it may be useful,"

Molly seems confused by my sudden change of mood and I explain about the money I found in the pocket of the coat and how I don't think I took it out. I am right the money is still in the coat pocket and I find something else as well, something that I wished to never see again it was The Heart of the Ocean I stare at it remembering all the bad things that came from that one piece of jewellery Cal's hand in marriage, Jack being framed, abused and handcuffed to a pole and everything else that Cal has done to me in the past.

Molly and I just stare at it, little Josephine and Jack walk over and look at it too suddenly forgetting about the fire or anything else. Josie reaches out but I quickly shove the gem in my pocket and stand up, "okay that's enough of that, now, let's go find somewhere to stay and in the morning we'll decide what to do from there," I say "Molly would you like to join us seeing as how your apartment is probably gone now too?"

Molly looks at me, shakes herself and answers "oh yes um thank you,"

I nod, still a bit uneasy from seeing the necklace again, I take Josie's hand and she holds onto Jack's and with Molly taking up the rear we walk to nearest B&B.

Once we check in and go to our room I put the kids to bed in the small room, Molly takes the couch and I go to the second -tiny- bedroom.

I lie awake for what seems like hours staring at the ceiling thinking about the necklace in my pocket and if it had something to do with the fire shrugging it off I finally get to sleep dreaming about the Titanic and of Jack….

Thank you so much for reading and please review I love hearing from you guys and again I know I'm late but I've been really busy with my other book.

Anyway thanks again!