Author has written 13 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Supernatural. In the interest of avoiding actual work on actual stories, I thought I'd jazz up my profile. The Supernatural fandom ain't my first rodeo, but it's the one I'm currently obsessed with and writing in. For years I had no interest in the show. Two brothers driving around committing credit card fraud? Why would I want to watch that? Kind of like my total lack of interest in The Sopranos because I mistakenly believed it was some sort of musical program, and I'd already seen The Three Tenors, so big whoop. ...Yeah. Sometimes I am just a tad too literal. Then my television broke and I discovered Netflix. And binge-watching Supernatural. So here I am, back after a seven year hiatus. If you're reading this, there's a good chance I have kids older than you. Just sayin'. Also, we never got the television repaired, so if you message me please try not to spoil season 9 for me. Thanks. In real life I work at an elementary school as a classroom aide for kids with Autism. I love my job! My hobbies beyond mucking about writing fanfic include reading, hiking, vegetable gardening, and mucking about with various craft projects. Oh, and I'm pretty obsessed with zombies, too. I hesitate to put my name up on the Beta Reader list because I have no writing credentials beyond a high school diploma and a streak of masochism, but if you happen to be looking for some random stranger on the internet to Beta your fic, twist my arm. I have a good grasp of grammar and spelling and I am encouraging and respectful when offering constructive criticism. I love people who leave reviews and I would basically message each and every one and thank them profusely but that just seems a bit stalker-ish and over the top. If, however, you would like a stalker-ish and over the top personal thank you from yours truly, just drop a hint the next time you review. I'll be glad to oblige. Thanks for stopping by my profile. Happy reading! |