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Author has written 8 stories for Codename: Kids Next Door, Hey Arnold, Fairly OddParents, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Well, I guess you're one of the few who've decided to check out my profile, so Kudos to you! I'll start off with a little introduction about myself. Age: 21 Gender: Male And there you have it! Everything you need to know about me. Sike. In case you must know, I find it rejuvenating to be on fanfiction whether it be reading or writing a story. I've read some extremely beautiful stories as well as some horrifying ones as well since I first discovered this site. So a little background about me now (no trolling this time). I spend a lot of time on Facebook and Instagram, and believe or not, none of my friends in real life know I even write stories. It's kind of a low-key hobby for me, even though it consumes a big portion of my time (hours a day lol). I'm a HUGE fan of Attack On Titan Most of my stories posses allegories to real events in history, countries, and sometimes even people. It's where I draw a big portion of my inspiration from. ALSO, I'm a huge fan of pairings. Pairings such as... Nigel/Rachel (1/362) Chad/Rachel (274/362) Timmy/Trixie Arnold/Lila Eren/Mikasa Armin/Krista (or Christa, or Historia, whatever lol) Levi/Petra Stories Working On 1) Faithful (CURRENTLY RE-WORKING/WRITING) 2) Binded Destiny (PUT ON HOLD) 3) Silent Wish (Trixie/Timmy pairing) POSSIBLE STORIES 1) Prequel or Spin-off to OPPRESSION 2) Kuki/Wally story 3) Heinretta/Ace story 4) Chad, aka Numbuh 274 story. 5) Attack on Titan story(s) COMPLETED STORIES (not including one shots) 1) Operation: OPPRESSION Copy-Paste this if you like Timmy/Trixie. Timmy Turner: Do I ever cross your mind? Trixie Tang: No. Timmy: Do you like me? Trixie: No. Timmy: Do you want me? Trixie: No. Timmy: Would you cry if I left? Trixie: No. Timmy: Would you live for me? Trixie: No. Timmy: Would you do anything for me? Trixie: No. Timmy: Choose: Me, or your life. Trixie: My life. (Timmy runs away in pain and shock. Trixie runs after him.) Trixie: Wait! The reason you never cross my mind...is because you are ALWAYS on my mind; I don't like you...because I LOVE you; I don't want you...because I NEED you; I wouldn't cry if you left...because I would DIE if you left; I wouldn't live for you...because I would DIE for you; I'm not willing to do anything for you...because I'd do EVERYTHING for you; I choose my life...because YOU ARE MY LIFE! I don't usually feel the need to do those copy/paste trending thingy's, but I seriously had to do this. Even though many of you may know me for posting KND related fanfictions, Fairly Odd Parents comes in at a close second. This is mainly because it contains what I believe to be, one the most intriguing couples that I feel should've, or SHOULD be elaborated further in the series. I mean, I won't lie, Trixie does act like a spoiled brat often, but I don't see that a reason to demonize her. She has such wonderful potential to become a much more complex character, and this is obvious due to episodes such as "The Boy Who Would Be Queen," and that whole segment where Trixie is involved in Timmy's fight against the darkness. Anyway that's my two cents on the topic. Oh, and not to be a hater, but even though I didn't watch the Fairly Odd-parents real life movie, I found it quite disappointing that the writers decided to pair him with Tootie. I mean, it may not even be totally canon to the series, but still, c'mon! Couldn't they have just left that part a little ambiguous so that us Trixie fans wouldn't feel the need to grab our pitch forks and torches?! Don't get me wrong, I think Tootie pairs wonderfully with Timmy, provided she was given proper character development along with Trixie, but I don't find them a particularly interesting pair. |