Hello everyone, I'm kinda new at this and this is my first fanfiction, so please no flaming or trolling.

Like I said, I'm new to this but this is a story idea I've been dying to try for ages, so please excuse the writing in some places. This is going to be a long story.

KND Chronicles: I.N.V.A.S.I.O.N.









Unregistered Outbound Communication [Operations to begin in 24 hours]

"The time has finally come, preparations are complete, we move in twenty-four hours."

"We don't have to be to hasty, we waited a thousand years we can wait a few more."

"We have a perfect opportunity here Admiral, I won't see it wasted because you have regrets."

"Why would I have any regrets?"

"Don't tell me you haven't formed any connections with these people, the three years you were down there 'scouting'."

"They're just kids, they act like little soldiers, in a global army, but they're all still just kids inside, they aren't ready for this sort of thing..."

"We were kids once too, remember; and we gave that up to become something more, something better! With any luck, they'll get to join us when this is over."

"We could offer them a chance to join us right now, spare them the casualties?"

"I don't think so, they're too tethered to the homeworld, to their families and normal lives. Remember the basic rule of soldiering, before we build them up, we must first tear them down."

"That's a great euphemism for 'invade and torch the whole planet'."

"It's what is necessary to stop the adults from expanding."

"Now you sound like a Confederate."

"Don't compare me to those rebels, though I assume you have them on the mind because of... well you know who."

"So you did read the reports."

"Of course, in spite of what you may think, I'm still a professional; so you think this esteemed... Number 1, is that what they call him? You think he was recruited by the Confederates, in broad daylight in the middle of the Sol system."

"According to KND intelligence, a shadowy group bearing remarkable semblance to a Confederate Spec-Ops division conducted a number of... abductions across Earth, no less than four renowned KND personnel were taken about a year and a half ago."

"Give me a break, you can't be serious! The Confederates haven't been this far into our space since... well since the Civil War, and that was a millennia ago!"

"Which means they've had plenty of time to figure out how to get back in..."

KND Moonbase: Bridge

Today was shaping up to be a fairly average day in the KND Well, as average as it got since Numbah 1, Numbah Infinity and Numbah 74.239's disappearances. For some in the KND, things just hadn't been the same since that day, though for many it had hardly changed a thing. Adult villains and teen ninjas continued their rein of terror across the globe and the forces of the KND moved to fight them on every front across the world. The never ending struggle against adult tyranny wasn't going to stop or slow down just because three people happened to be absent. Of course, you could hardly tell there was a young or old struggle going on judging by the peaceful atmosphere on the moonbase.

All around the bridge, KND officers and operatives went about their duties. Junior operatives ran to and fro, more often playing games than doing any work, while their seniors heckled them and occasionally snuck away for a few backroom rounds of whizzbee. "Hey chief, I need those papers signed ASAP" yelled Numbah 204. "Huh...what? Oh, yeah... right away Numbah 204", Numbah 362 rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned loudly. She'd barely slept a wink last night due to yesterdays paper load, but a Supreme Commander's job was never done.

She sighed as she sifted through the latest batch of reports from Earth side, things used to be so much easier around here. Really though she thought to herself, it wasn't that things were easier, it was just easier to do them when he was around from time to time. Still, part of her knew that wasn't really true. The months that had gone by since Nigel's disappearance had been some of the most violent and tumultuous months of the history of the KND's 7th age. After Nigel's disappearance, Father had been quick to step up his terror campaign against kids worldwide, the KND was stretched to its limits trying to contain his offensives.

Numbah 1 had been gone for almost a year and a half now, but still nobody knew where he had gone. The only people who might know were sector V and either out of ignorance or out of a sense of loyalty to Nigel, they wouldn't tell her anything. She remembered questioning them after the whole debacle with the scavenger hunt, how they seemed so suspicious of her when she mentioned Nigel's disappearance. They know something..., lost in thought she forgot about what was going on around her until Numbah 86 stormed up to her command console in a fit of rage.

"THATS IT, I CANNOT STAND THAT BOY ANY LONGER!" "What is it now Fanny", asked Rachel in an disinterested tone, annoyed at the sudden, but not unusual, interruption. "That STOOPID boy, thinks that just because he's the 'Drill Sergeant' of the Arctic Base, that he can steal half of my decommissioning squads just for some lock down exercise at his little ice fort!" Rachel grumbled under her breath, she knew the "stoopid" boy Fanny was talking about. Numbah 60, Patton Drilovsky, was the unofficial commander of the KND Arctic Base. As senior drill sergeant, he had pretty much taken over as full time base commander, a position few apposed. Unfortunately, that few included Numbah 86.

The last thing Rachel wanted was to get caught up in another petty fight between two of her top officers, but as a friend and her boss she decided to try and mediate, "look Fanny, cross training with the Arctic Base operatives is common procedure and Patton is Chief Drill Sergeant for a reason, I think you should trust his judgement when it comes to training matters." "That's not the point", shot back Fanny angrily, "he's supposed to be the commander of the 'Arctic Base', he shouldn't be able to simply snap his fingers and steal half of MY squads!" "Steal seems like a bit of an exaggeration Fanny", responded Rachel in a bored tone, already tired of the situation, "considering I just signed the paperwork on his request an hour ago."

Fanny crossed her arms and gave an indignant "humpf", "well he could have at least asked me instead of shoving the paperwork past my nose!" Rachel's bored expression turned into a sly grin, "maybe you're just upset he didn't invite you along for a little one on one time?" "I'm... thats not... WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN", Fanny blurted out, red faced. Rachel chuckled to herself as her "friend" continued her tirade. Honestly, she thought, I should really do something about those two one of these days.

Meanwhile on the other side of the command bridge, the last of sector V were engaged in some friendly chit-chat, when they picked up on the commotion. "Man, does she ever stop yelling", groaned Numbah 4, "it's like someone replaced her mouth with a stereo and broke the knob off on extra loud." "Numbah five's with you on that one baby", agreed Abby, "be at least grateful that she's not yelling at us this time." "Yeah Numbah 4, at least she's not yelling at us this time", agreed Kuki, staring accusingly at Wally. "Hey", protested Numbah 4, "it sure wasn't my fault we failed that mission." "Oh sure it wasn't", replied Kuki sarcastically, "aren't you forgetting how you blabbed our whole attack plan over the loudspeaker, oh and then there was the part where you forgot all of your weapons and lost the keys to the ship!" "Actually Numbah 3, that part was my fault", cut in Numbah 2 sheepishly. "Say what", spat Numbah 5, staring daggers at Hoagie, "you mean to tell me it was your fault we had to walk 10 miles to get home that night!" "HA, I told you guys it wasn't my fault", shouted Numbah 4 triumphantly. "Uuuggghhh", Abby facepalmed.

It was at this point that Fanny's screaming reached an unprecedented decibel level, drowning out all other sounds on the bridge. Her ranting was so loud in fact that no one could hear the alert siren as it started blaring. "COULD SOMEONE PLEASE SHUT HER UP", screamed Numbah 321, "I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK!" "THATS NOT NUMBAH 86 THATS THE ALERT SIREN", screamed Numbah 204. "WHATEVER IT IS SHUT IT OFF", wailed Numbah 65.3, "MY FREAKING EARS ARE GOING TO BLOW!"

Suddenly one of the moonbase's newer officers, Numbah 141, walked onto the bridge, an angry, but confused look on his face. In a booming parade ground voice he shouted, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON UP HERE?! WHATS WITH ALL THE SCREAMING?! THREE DECKS DOWN AND I STILL CAN'T HEAR MYSELF!" The shouting on the bridge slowly died down only to be replaced by the blaring of the alert siren. Numbah 141 glared at the bridge staff quizzically, "well? Are you all just gonna stand there or is someone going to check out that alert!?" "Uh...uh, right away sir", stammered Numbah 321. He silenced the alarm and immediately began checking the readings on his console.

Numbah 141 walked over to where Numbahs 362 and 86 were still standing. Fanny's face was almost purple from all screaming she had been doing. As Numbah 141 came level with the two girls he shouted angrily at her, " and as for you missy, rant about your little personal problems on your own time and not on mine!" Numbah 86's face instantly went from purple to bright red, "MISSY!" she screamed. Numbah 141 kept a cool, if irritated face, "yes missy, I think the situation warrants it, if you want me to address you with respect then start acting like an officer and stop whining like a baby!"

Rachel did a double take, it was rare for anyone to say anything like that to the chief decommissioner, at least more than once anyway. Fanny looked like she was about to burst with anger, but numbah 141, not one to be intimidated, held his ground. Fortunately for him, he held a good stance, literally and figuratively. He outranked 86 by almost two whole levels, and was almost an entire head taller than her as well. He glared fiercely at Fanny and she glared back, Rachel meanwhile, sat on the sidelines and face palmed. This was the last thing she needed right now, if there was someone who could tick off Numbah 86 more than Numbah 60 it was Numbah 141. Ever since he had been given tactical command of the Moonbase, the two had been going at it over the smallest issues. However, even Numbah 141 knew better than to go head on against the KND's head of decommissioning. She must have really pissed him off this time.

Rachel idely watched the two officers argue for a few minutes before turning her attention back to the bridge, staff, they're both way too stubborn, she thought. Needless to say, she liked Numbah 141. He had only recently come into a command position, having been rapidly promoted for acts of bravery during a particularly nasty battle with Father's forces, a conflict most operatives had taken to calling the Beach War. They also shared similar backgrounds, he'd started as a regular officer in a newly created sector, dubbed sector CAL, one of the many new sectors propped up in the last two years to help police the growing adult population on the American west coast. He had mainly taken the promotion out of necessity, but also because he felt he was pretty well suited for the job, which were the same reasons she had taken over as Supreme Leader after Chad's betrayal. His promotion to the moonbase staff had eventually seen him given the rank of Global Fleet Commander, or as most people just called him, the admiral. As the name suggested, he had been put in direct command of the KND's global fleet of spacecraft, a fleet he had been reorganizing to meet the organizations new demands.

That didn't mean he got along with people unfortunately. The 'admiral' was often quick to anger and had radically different views on how the KND should be run, views that had often led him into many arguments with some of the KND's more "traditionalist" members. Recently, Rachel had authorized him to move some of his fleet experiments down to the labs at the Arctic Base, partly to give him some training time with Patton, and partly as an excuse to get him away from 86. I should be careful how I handle his case though, Rachel reminded herself, while 141 finished up with 86 in the background, I can't let it look like I endorse favoritism. However, her conscience was quick to respond, when he was around, you always favored him more than anyone else.

She sighed, because she knew it was true, she had shown extensive favoritism to Numbah 1 and Sector V as a whole, but that still didn't change the present. This thought brought her back to reality and she finally noticed Numbah 86 quailing on the other side of the bridge, with a jittery expression on her face and Numbah 141 standing impassively behind the bridge staff as they finished their assessment of the alert. Rachel looked at Fanny again, confused, then asked, "what did you say to her?" Numbah 141 turned around a look of amusement on his face and replied, "I told her that if she wanted to remain as head decommissioning officer to shut up and do her job, otherwise I'd demote her and send her to clean toilets at the Arctic Base under Numbah 60, that shut her up quick." He chuckled, "ah the perks of rank."

Rachel frowned, the admiral's now jolly behavior was confusing next to his controlled rage just minutes ago. She shrugged it off though, the admiral's confusing mood swings were fairly common these days, and said, "next time try and end it a bit sooner. You didn't mean any of that did you?" He grinned, "I'll let you decide that." He turned back to his work, leaving her to her thoughts. She wished she had known him better before his time as admiral, it would have made it so much easier to deal with him, but he had only joined the KND 3 years ago and that was back when Nigel was still her go to operative. She had had little reason to seek out him, a single unassuming operative all the way over in California, while she was living in Virginia. Still, he made a good officer and in times like this, she'd take all the good officers she could get.

Meanwhile, Numbah 321 had finally finished his scan. "Sir, it looks like it was a proximity warning, our long range scanners are detecting a fast moving object approaching Earth through the asteroid belt." He hit a button and immediately a basic picture of the object's position in the solar system was displayed on one of the overhead screens. "Identify", ordered Numbah 141, "and did it really take you that long to come up with this?" "Negative identification sir", replied Numbah 321, "and I'm sorry, I'm a bit off my game today." "Hmmm", Numbah 141 thought to himself for a moment, "Numbah 362 I need your authorization to move orbital patrols to engage the incoming object." "Now hold on numbah 141", chided Rachel, "we don't even know what it is yet." "It came from outside the solar system, so it has to be either a space rock or an alien ship", responded Numbah 141 coolly, "and neither of those possibilities is really appealing." The other operatives on the bridge looked skeptical when they heard the word alien, all except sector V, who just stared at each other. "You don't think it could be...", started Numbah 2, "I think that you need to shut your mouth before someone hears you finish that sentence", Numbah 5 snapped back, "even if it is him, we swore never to tell anyone about the GKND and I am not about to break our last promise to Numbah 1."

Suddenly the object increased speed, much faster than any space rock could move on it's own, it rocketed out of the belt and headed straight towards the Moonbase. "IT'S HEADED STRAIGHT FOR US" screamed Numbah 321, "Send the orbital patrols to engage", ordered the admiral. "Sir it's too late, they'll never hit it at that speed", responded Numbah 92, a tremor in his voice, "WE'RE ALL DOOOOMMMED" screamed 321. "Order all base defense to fire on the object when it gets in range and order all damage control teams to stand by, if this thing hits us we need to be ready to handle anything and everything" ordered the admiral. He turned on his heels and left the bridge, "I"ll go organize the boarding response teams" he said on the way out.

After Numbah 141 left the bridge, Rachel turned back to the monitor. Something was bothering her about that object, she couldn't quite make it out, but it felt like something was prickling the back of her mind. Almost like there was a presence there, a familiar presence, Nigel..., she thought, no couldn't be, its just the melancholy... although. She took another long look at the information readouts on the object. Slowly, she turned to Numbah 321, "order all defenses to stand down." "uhh, sir, are you serious", demanded 321. "Do I look like I'm joking", demanded Rachel, "follow my orders." "...yes sir", replied 321 dejectedly, as he lowered the base defenses. After that the bridge was dead quite as everyone watched the object make it's approach, it was now mere seconds from the base.

Rachel held her breath as the object drew closer, if she was wrong, they could all be in very big trouble. Suddenly, mere seconds from impact, the object braked to a more reasonable approach speed. Rachel breathed a silent sigh of relief. "Impact in 3. 2. 1." Numbah 321 held up to his name and the object smashed into the base somewhere on the lower decks. By the time the aftershocks hit, the whole bridge crew was already racing downstairs to check out the object, or in the case of sector V, to see if the person they hoped for was on it.

They reached the lower cafeteria and beheld a small cone shaped capsule, about the size of an escape pod, embedded in the wall. Already Numbah 141 and the clean up crews were hard at work, pulling the object out of the wall and sealing the hole. The object was definitely a ship of some kind, judging by the large engine cones at the back and the small view port across the front. "Alright nobody touch it until the scientists get here", ordered Rachel. Just then the side of the pod opened. "Weapons up", yelled Numbah 141, instantly every operative in the room with a weapon had it aimed at the ship. A shadow crossed in front of the opened hatch. Everyone in the room gulped collectively, several of the younger kids suddenly bolted from the room screaming, "ALIENS!" Slowly but surely though, the shadow emerging from the pod resolved into a familiar shape, one that five specific people in the room recognized. "It's a human", exclaimed Numbah 141 with surprise. And it was, until Numbah 1 fell bodily out of the ship and flopped onto the floor, unconscious.

Everyone was silent, for all of three seconds until Numbah 362 broke the silence and screamed the name that was racing through everyone's head, "NIGEL!". In an instant the medics on the scene surrounded Numbah 1 and rushed him off to the med bay, with Rachel, sector V and Numbah 141 following in hot pursuit. Numbah 1 was dumped onto a stretcher and wheeled into the med bay, instantly a crack team of KND doctors and nurses surrounded him and began analyzing his condition. The rest of sector V and Numbah's 362 and 141 were forced to wait outside for about 20 minutes until a doctor came out to give the news. "IS HE OKAY", shouted Rachel and sector V "well.." stammered the doctor. Rachel began crying and hung her head, Numbah 141, looking quite uncomfortable, put an arm around her shoulder, the rest of sector V looked down cast. "Hey aren't you guys kinda jumping to conclusions, I haven't said anything yet", yelled the doctor. "Yeah", said Numbah 2, "but everyone knows something bad has happened when the doctor doesn't come right out and say everything is fine." The doctor sigh irritably, "you guys watch way too much TV. Alright, physically he's fine, no burns, scratches or wounds of any kind." Everyone instantly perked up, "sooo, there's nothing wrong then", asked Numbah 362, drying her eyes on her sleeve.

"Well, sort of", explained the doctor, rubbing his head, "what he does have is a mild concussion, probably from the crash and so far when we've asked him questions about where he's been, well, he doesn't seem to remember anything. Everyone looked stunned, "so, he doesn't remember any of us", asked Numbah 4 incredulously. "No,no,no, he remembers the KND and the events before he disappeared just fine, it's just that he can't seem to remember anything about what he was doing while he was gone." This puzzled sector V, who all began chatting amongst themselves, while Rachel continued drying her eyes. Meanwhile, Numbah 141 scratched his chin in deep thought.

"Well, can we see him then" asked Rachel hopefully. "Of course you can" said the doctor, holding open the door. Everyone rushed into the room, sector V and Numbah 362 were at Nigel's bedside in a second, while Numbah 141 held back watching. Sector V and Numbah 362 were all over Numbah 1, asking him questions giving him hugs and welcoming him back in their own way. Numbah 1 was laughing and happily going along with it all, if a bit overwhelmed. "Curious", muttered the admiral under his breath, "most curious." It was at that point that Numbah 1 noticed Numbah 141 standing in the back. "Hey guys, who's this", he asked blearily. Numbah 141 came forward, a half smile on his face, "it's nice to finally meet you Numbah 1, I'm Numbah 141, commander of the KND fleet." He shook Nigel's hand, "the name's Jaque Schmitt. Welcome back to the land of the living." Enjoy it while you can, you Confederate dog, thought the admiral, it won't last for much longer.