![]() Author has written 15 stories for Spyro the Dragon, Fire Emblem, Suikoden, Breath of Fire, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, Pokémon, and Mario. Hi everyone, this is my profile! Come on in and slip your shoes off! And mind the gator at the door. He bites. Name: Douglas Masters Age: 28 Hometown: Bellwood, Louisiana, USA Likes: Video Games (in particular Spyro, Fire Emblem, Ace Combat series, Medal of Honor series (WW2), Call of Duty (WW2) series, Final Fantasy, Suikoden series, Warship Gunner, Neverwinter Nights, and most recently, Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific)and of course, the Elder Scrolls series (especially Skyrim), British comedy (Monty Python, Benny Hill, etc.), Doctor Who TV series, anime series,(currently fixated on Sword Art Online, Dragon Drive, Buddyfight), Books, Computers, the Navy, Italian food, and of course my family and friends. Some of my favorite authors are: J.R.R. Tolkien, Tom Clancy, R.D. Henham, E.E. Knight, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, Naomi Novik, Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, and various others. UPDATE: Recently got Tales of Xillia 2 and Red Faction: Guerilla for PS3. Add to list of favorite games. Once again playing the Dragon Age series. I also now have an Xbox 360 again, still no LIVE though. I am also a HUGE music fan: Country, Metal, Rock and Roll, Big Bands, Choir, Christian, and Classical as well as Bagpipes are my favorites. It is often enough to the beat of music I can set the tone of the chapters and stories I write. One of my favorite bands is Dragonforce and another is Sabaton. Nations: Mainly this is for Metal Storm but as new stories may come I will expand. Kingdom of Syllia: Nationality type: pre-WW1 Germany/Britain. National Anthem: Aegis of the Cross (based of the hymn "Stand, Soldier of the Cross"). Leader: Originally King Emmerick XVI, now King Edward I. Military Structure: There are divisions in the Syllian armed forces mainly the councils: The Land Council led by the 1st Land Lord(Grand General), the Sea Council led by the 1st Sea Lord(Grand Admiral), and the Sky Council led by the 1st Sky Lord( a dragon by the name of Voltaris). The Army is comanded by the Land Council, the Navy by the Sea Council, and the Dracacorps by the Sky Council. The Royal marines are considered a joint force between the Army and Navy, The Dragoons are a co-op between Army and Dracocorps. The Navy and Dracocorps are currently working with Mechanist James de Launces to create a co-op unit (carrier-borne dragons). UPDATE FOR WORLD FURY: Following the events of Metal Storm, the economy of Syllia, bolstered by new trade routes to Tullinar, Praetoria, the Southlands (now called Avalon), and a newly forged peace with Tellanos, has flourished. With the help of James de Launces' constant flow of ideas (as well as his newfound love of teaching others who wish to become mechanists themselves), has made Syllia's military equal to Praetoria and they now have the strongest airforce in the world. Despite beliefs the Royal Air Force should replace the Dracocorps entirely, James argued on the grounds of tradition and thus the RAF patrols the border territories while the Dracocorps remains a dutiful home guard. Federation of Tellanos: Nationality type: pre-WW1 Russia. National Anthem: Shield of the Motherland. Leader: The Federal Committee. Military groups: Unknown. UPDATE FOR WORLD FURY: In the years since Metal Storm, Syllia and Tellanos have finally begun to coexist in peace. Since the defection (and following destruction) of the infamous Slayer Corps, Tellanos embraced the idea for the aeroplane. Though not having the numbers of Syllia or Praetoria, the Tellanos Federal Air Force is among the best trained and equipped in the world. Anozira: A small nation that exists primarily as a buffer state between the Praetorian Empire and the Kingdom of Syllia's eastern side. Little is known about Anozira except it's culture, language, and technology is essentially pre-WWI France. The Praetorian Empire: A massive empire that once spanned three-fourths of the world. However, roughly three-hundred years ago they suffered a massive depression and have been in a tailspin ever since. They withdrew their borders and thus the nations of Syllia, Tellanos, Schildhaven, and Anozira were created. They've tried to invade a few times in the past, however, their ruined economy limits their effectiveness. Most Syllians have nearly forgotten the empire as a threat. Although they still control much of the southern hemisphere, their country is dominated by the Helios Desert. Their actual settled lands are roughly the same as Syllia. Mainly have a very religious culture. Think the Vatican crossed with British Empire. Characters: (The characters at the moment are going into the Spyro fanfiction I'm typing called "Metal Storm".) James de Launces: the main human character, height is 6ft7, weight 200lbs, military rank is Brigadier General (retired), nobility rank is Count. Proclaimed a genius at a very early age, he joined the Syllian Royal Army at 20 as a lieutenant after graduating from the Royalis Military Academy. The only heir to the Launces family, the army was reluctant to let him fight due to pressure from the nobility, however, when the Federation of Tellanos invaded and occupied James hometown of Launces and executed his parents; James took command of his father's old unit the 7th Dragoons, the oldest military unit in the Royal Army predating even the Grand Chevaliers, and the Dracocorps. After four months if intense fighting the Syllian Army managed to drive the Tellanian Army back to Launces and it was the 7th Dragoons, led by James, who was now a Major, who breached the gates of Launces and pushed the enemy out, however the battle was not without cost, the Royal Army, being led by Lord General Gregory Dalon, suffered two-hundred casualties and one-hundred fifty six wounded; James himself was the only the only wounded the Dragoons suffered, an anxious rifleman fired a ricochet and the bullet lodged in his left leg. During James' recovery, the Federation was pushed back to Callen's Hill; a valley surounded by eight hills and one huge hill in the center. Although General Williams, and old family friend of the de Launces, wanted James to recover, he insisted on being put in the field and after much hell-raising, finally was placed in charge of an artillery battery of twelve guns on the south-eastern hill with a clear view of the army's path of attack and clear view of the enemy's fortifications. The Battle for Callen's Hill would become the bloodiest battle in Syllia's history and would forever scar James mind. After the war he founded Masterwork Metal Company and became a mechanist: an inventor who developed weapons and other devices for the common people and for the military. He is a hero of the Federation War and a recipient of the Syllian Cross: the Kingdom's highest military award. Henry Busser: James' workshop assistant, height is 6ft even, weight 180lbs, military rank is Master Sergeant in the Syllian Royal Marines. Sent to be the liaison between James, who by military standards was Army, and the Marines and also by relation, the Navy, Henry was proven quick to be technically inclined and didn't mind getting his hands dirty. He proved himself by creating a blueprint for the first iron superbattleship "Impervious" and setting a new standard for military might. The only thing that bothers him is that his younger brother used his brother's connections to become an ensign in the Royal Navy, a position that their father had worked twenty years to obtain. Other inventions connected to Henry, the Leviathan II super steam locomotive, the Rocker troop transport half-track, and the Defender heavy machine gun. Balances his life as a marine with being James' assistant. He is also a hero from the Federation-Syllian War. (The Federation War). Like James, he is a recipient of the Syllian Cross. Lyseerah de Launces: James' wife and one of the very few shapeshifting dragons left in the world, height in human form is 5ft 9, ask about her weight and you're liable to be slapped. Formerly from the dragon settlement of Volcanus, located near Launces in the remnants of a volcano, when her brother Zakwel joined the Dracocorps to learn from his father, who was the Commander of Dragons, Voltinus, she left home to explore the nation, when she visited Launces, she came upon a despondant man who had lost his parents in the war. Later she learned that the man was James de Launces. Because shapeshifting is an ability looked down on by members of the Dracocorps, she would not have had many options in dragon form, but in human form, she would be able to live among them with out causing fear. When she returned to Launces in human form, she was set upon by a group of bandits, nearby James heard her cry for help and single handedly with sabre and pistol defeated the bandits before collapsing due to his half-healed leg injuries. Lysa (the name she took in human form), helped the injured count into the city. For saving her she asked to serve as an assistant, James accepted. After four months of working together, they fell in love, married and nine months later, Magothera, their daughter, was born. Gregory Dalon: the human antagonist, 7ft8, weight 225, military rank was Lord General (dishonorably discharged for suspicion of torturing POWs and corruption), also a mechanist like James only his polar opposite. "Cruel, coniving, self-centered, and very egotistical", these are the words that a deceased Army officer wrote about Gregory Dalon in his journal, and he hit the nail on the head. Dalon owns the Dalon Metalworks, and is the only other mechanist in Syllia, although he has no national contracts, he does have buyers amoung the private sector, mercenaries, PMCs, and on the side, anarchistic organizations and enemies of Syllia. Although the charges of torture were never proven, Dalon was nevertheless, stripped of his rank and thrown out of the army. Although he never shows it openly, he has a hatred for the Syllian Dracocorps and the Dragoons who, "stole his thunder" during the Battle for Callen's Hill, even though his use of outdated tactics had led to the slaughter of over twelve-thousand soldiers. He would call himself a national hero for ousting the Federation, but the suspicions of war-crimes had made a broad mark against him. Voltinus: First Sky Lord and Commander of the entire Dracocorps. He is the only dragon on the Syllian Royal Council and as such due mainly to his record with the Dracocorps, has the King's trust and ear on ALL Dracocorps matters. He is also Lyseerah and Zakwel's father. Shimmer: One of the extremely rare and powerful light dragons. Shimmer and his little brother, Pyre, were both hatched and raised in Launces. Shimmer considers James his big brother and thus get along well with him. It was in part on this relationship that Shimmer and Pyre's father, Commander Titanus assigned Shimmer to James de Launces. Pyre: Shimmer's little brother and Commander Titanus' youngest child. Pyre showed early on to be an exceptionally powerful fire dragon. When his status as partner came up for debate for the Dracocorps, every recruit wanted to be his partner. Eventually, the commanders of the academy selected Gerald Ross, son of the de Launces family steward, Bertram Ross, who Pyre already had a friendly attitude toward. Gerald's disappearance after the Battle for Callen's Hill shook him greatly and he refused another partner, he still believes Gerald is alive out there somewhere and refuses to believe otherwise. Gerald Ross: Bertram Ross' only son and a lieutenant in the Syllian Dracocorps. He is ambitious, confidant, and some would even call arrogant. He is an expert marksman and is fiercely loyal to those in his unit. He has recently found employment with the Blackguard Mercenaries. Though who has hired the Blackguards is a mystery at this point. Bertram Ross: Steward, Surgeon, Marksman, Drill Instructor, and Hero are some of the titles people have attributed to this man. He has served the de Launces family dutifully and loyally for sixty years. There is little he does not know and next to no injury he can't heal. (Think Alfred from Batman.) Magothera de Launces: James and Lysa's only daughter. She is impulsive, curious and above all else brilliant. She is like her mother a shape shifter but unlike her mother, spends most of her time in dragon form. She had her heart broken before and as a result is slow to trust males of the dragon species. Secretly she hopes that one day she will find the perfect mate. Ignitus: Spyro and Cynder's oldest child. He is shy, unobtrusive and stays silent except when he strongly disagrees on something. He Wants to be like his father above all else and thus embarks on adventures, sometimes to the chagrin of his parents. He is a master of the fire element, however, being the son of Spyro and Cynder, he most likely has a few more tricks up his sleeves. First Sea Lord Admiral Greagor: The First Sea Lord of the Syllian Admiralty and Admiral of Syllia's First Fleet. His flagship is the originally the Dreadnaught, however, when James completes the super twin hull battleship 'Crusader' he transfers his flag to that ship. He is incredibly loyal to Syllia and the Crown and takes no lip from anyone. He is also an old friend of James' father and thus is a friend and mentor to James. General Williams: One of the Syllian Army's most brilliant and experienced leaders. He has fought in the Straits War, The Federation War and now the Southlands conflict. His tactics are always focused on completing the mission with as few casualties as possible. He is one of the few Generals not directly on the Military Council, yet his voice carries as much weight as the First Sea Lord's. Jonathan Havvers: A Captain in the Syllian Dragoons and one of James' teachers from the academy. The Havvers family has been the vassals of the de Launces family for nearly four-hundred years. Havvers is the only human who is said to have wrestled a dragon and won and has held titles in Syllia's boxing tournaments for several years. Standing at nearly nine feet tall he is a mountain of a man and believes strongly in honor and glory on the battlefield. Like both James and Henry, he is a war hero and a Syllian Cross recipient. In truth, he is one of the most decorated soldiers in the Syllian military. Reyson Havvers: Jonathan Havvers' only child. As a boy he survived the Federation's brutal assault on Launces at the beginning of the Federation War. After it's conclusion, he was raised by his father and taught everything he knows by James himself. James advancements and research into powered flight was what caught Reyson's interest and he was soon involved in the P-1 project. He has a moderate temper (compared to his father's short fuse), and is a mechanical savant, able to fix something with anything he has on hand. Suisei Abato: The second son of the Abato Shogunate and the Commander of the Blue Isles 5th Knights. Being a son of the Shogunate, he began training at the age of six to become a soldier. He believes strongly in honor and upholds the ideals of the Shogun, his father. Sergei Alenkov: James' uncle and Commander of the Northumbrian 15th Mountain Guard. As the older brother of James' mother, he was shaken as badly as James with her death. He climbed atop Mt. Dolg and camped there for three weeks mourning. When he came down he began doing everything possible to help James find the murderer. So far their efforts have uncovered nothing. IF YOU CAN AGREE ON THESE SUBJECTS COPY ON YOUR PROFILE: If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then guess what, it's a duck. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, unfortunately, mine has gone out the window. A Veteran is more than just a soldier returning home, he or she is a hero, a parent, a son or daughter, brother or sister to someone here at home and abroad. They have laid their lives on the line to protect those who cannot and are deserving of our utmost respect. If you see a veteran be they from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, the War in Afghanistan, the War in Iraq, or even if they served in times of peace, shake their hand, listen to their stories should they be compelled to tell them, and most importantly of all: Thank them for what they've done. Remember the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Personal Quotes: The day man has no hatred is the day he is dead. Aggressive negotiations is when you put a .44 Magnum on the table to keep the documents from blowing away. If it takes more than one bullet, get a bigger gun. When subtlety fails, grab a shotgun. They say that power is measured in how many people you can hurt, TRUE power is measured in how many lives you can SAVE. Funny Farm Jokes: (feel free to copy if you like any of them) There was a farmer who believed his horse was suffering from colic, wanting a second opinion, he got his neighbor, another farmer to take a look. Upon confirming it was indeed colic, the second farmer went home and came back with a piece of tubing, a pail of warm water and inserted the tube in the horse's rear. He proceeded to pour water into the tube and blow but couldn't get it to clear. He asked the first farmer if he'd like to try. The first farmer nodded, then removed the pipe and inserted the other end back into the horse. The second farmer looked at him curiously and asked him what he was doing, to which the first farmer simply replied: "If you think I'm putting my mouth on the same end your's was you're crazy." A Few Things Everyone In The Military Can Agree On. 1.) When subtlety doesn't work, use C4. 2.) Remember, your weapon is made by the lowest bidder. 3.) The thing about the easy way out, it's usually booby trapped. 4.) Tracers work both ways. 5.) Incoming fire has the right of way. 6.) When mortars are involved, surprise is always lost. 7.) Wise man once said, 'Soldier who stands tall, is usually first to fall'. 8.) Remember: there is no such thing as indestructable shelter, it's only a matter of firepower. 9.) Two things grenades and shit have in common, it always runs downhill. 10.) If all else fails, call in an airstrike. I am the descendant of a line of heroes. No matter in what time period, continent, or nation they hailed, I have ancestors and family that have served their nation with honor and pride. I am proud to know their names and to know what they had done. I shall never forsake them or dishonor their memories. I am the descendant of veterans and I am proud of them all. If you know your ancestors who served or have living family either currently or formerly with the armed forces be they American, British, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, or whatever country they called home and are proud of them, copy this to your profile. God Bless Our Veterans and their Families! DRAGON PRIDE METER: 100% If You're Proud To Be A Dragon Lover Stick This On Your Page FURRY PRIDE METER: 100% Put this in your profile if you are a proud furry no matter what shape we take, be it dog, fox, bird, or shark. You know you're a dragon trapped inside a humans body when... You love to draw them You can't get enough of them You start imagining what it would be like if you were one You write stories about dragons You keep it a secret from you're friends You love Spyro If you feel kindness to everyone, a dragons heart is one of the largest If you like singing happy songs yourself. A dragons lungs are the largest. You love to fly whether it be in a plane or sky diving You look at everyday situations as if they could determine you're destiny Copy and Paste this on you're profile if you're a dragon THE LAWS OF THE NAVY: CAPTAIN TOPWOOD H.M.R.N. Now these are the laws of the Navy, Unwritten and varied they be: And he that is wise will observe them, Going down in his ship to the sea. As naught may outrun the Destroyer; Even so with the law and its grip, For the strength of the ship is the service, And the strength of the service, the ship. Take heed what you say of your seniors, Be your words spoken softly or plain, Lest a bird of the air tell the matter, And so ye shall hear it again. If ye labour from morn until even’ And meet with reproof of your toil, It is well--that the guns be humbled, The compressor must check the recoil. On the strength of one link in the cable, Dependeth the might of the chain. Who knows when thou mayest be tested? So live that thou bearest the strain! When the ship that is tired returneth, With the signs of the sea showing plain, Men place her in dock for a season, And her speed she reneweth again. So thou shall, lest perchance thou grow, Weary in the uttermost parts of the sea, Pray for leave, for the good of the service, As much and as oft as may be. Count not upon certain promotion, But rather to gain it aspire; Though the sightline end on the target, There cometh, perchance, a miss-fire. If ye win through an Arctic ice flow, Unmentioned at home in the press, Heed it not, no man seeth the piston, But it driveth the ship nonetheless. Can’st follow the track of the Dolphin, Or tell where the sea swallows roam; Where Leviathan taketh his pastime: What ocean he calleth his home? Even so with the words of thy seniors, And the orders those words shall convey, Every law is naught beside this one-- “Thou shall not criticize, but obey!” Saith the wise, “How may I know their purpose?” Then acts without wherefore or why, Stay the fool but one moment to question, And the chance of his life passeth by. Do they growl? It is well: be thou silent. So that work goeth forward amain; Lo, the gun throws her shot to a hair’s breath, And shouteth, yet none shall complain. Do they growl and work be retarded? It is ill, speak, whatever their rank; The half-loaded gun also shouteth, But can she pierce armor with blank? Doth the funnels make war with the paintwork? Do the decks to the cannon complain? Nay, they know that some soap or a scraper, Unites them as brothers again. So ye, being heads of Departments, Do your growl with a smile on your lip, Lest ye strive and in anger be parted, And lessen the might of your ship. Dost think, in a moment of anger, ‘Tis well with thy seniors to fight? They prosper, who burn in the morning, The letters they wrote over—night; For some there be, shelved and forgotten, With nothing to thank for their fate, Save that (on a half-sheet of foolscrap), Which a fool “had the honor to state”. Dost deem that thy vessel need gilding, And the dockyard forbear to supply; Place thy hand in thy pocket to gild her, There be those who have risen nearby. If the fairway be crowded with shipping, Beating homeward the harbor to win, It is meet that, lest any should suffer, The steamers pass cautiously in. So thou, when thou nearest promotion, And the peak that is gilded is nigh, Give heed to thy words and thine actions, Lest others be wearied nearby. It is ill for the winners to worry, Take thy fate as it comes, with a smile, And when thou art safe in the harbor They will envy, but may not revile. Uncharted the rocks that surround thee, Take heed that the channels thou learn, Lest thy name serve to buoy for another That shoal, the Court—Martial Returns. Though armor, the belt that protects her, The ship bears the scar on her side; It is well if the court acquit thee; It were best hadst thou never been tried. Now these are the laws of the Navy, Unwritten and varied they be; And he that is wise will observe them, Going down in his ship to the sea. As the wave rises clear the hause pipe, Washes aft and is lost in the wake, So shall ye drop astern, all unheeded, Such time as the law ye forsake. Now these are the laws of the Navy And many and mighty are they. But the hull and the deck and keel And the truck of the ship is—OBEY. Written by a Captain Topwood of England’s Royal Navy The US government may take wolves off the endangered species list. that means hunters and anyone can kill trap and skin wolves or kill them for the fun of it. IF YOU BELIVE THIS IS DOWN-RIGHT WRONG AND WANT TO VOICE YOUR OPINON OR PUT A STOP TO THIS COPY AND PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE WITH YOUR NAME AFTER IT!! - Is there a point to even be hunting wolves? If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. - For there is a power greater than us all and faith is the strongest of all virtues. Feel honored to serve such a leader who loves us... If you believe in God and Jesus Christ his Son then copy and paste this in your profile If you ignore him, in the Holy Bible, Jesus says... " If you deny me before man, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven..." If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven Though our journey takes us far and wide through many ups and downs, no matter where we are to roam, we may always come home. Story Progress: The Legend of Spyro Metal Storm: (Spyro the Dragon) Finished!!! The epilogue is up as is the teaser for the next story. Thanks for reading!! The Legend of Spyro: World Fury: (Spyro the Dragon) Chapter 70 is posted. Dang, I need to update this profile more. Fire Emblem: Imperial Flames: (Spyro/Fire Emblem Crossover) Story on hold until Knights of the Star Completed. Fire Emblem: Knights of the Star: (Fire Emblem) Story not forgotten, just dealing with other projects at the moment. CHAPTERS POSTED HAVE BEEN MODIFIED. PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT. Suikoden: Eclipse: (Suikoden series) Story not forgotten, just dealing with other projects at the moment. WILL REWRITE WHEN TIME PERMITS. Spyro: Aegis Arcanum: (Spyro the Dragon) Complete! Praise the Lord it is done. Now I must find a way to piece together the sequel. Breath of Fire: Silver Reign: (Breath of Fire) Chapter 9 now complete. Sorry for the long update time. Planned Stories: Assassin's Creed: Division (Assassin's Creed) Summary: The year is 1863. The Civil War is in full swing in the United States and in the midst of it all, an officer in the Confederate Navy, Lieutenant James W. Miller, is drawn into a conflict he never would have expected. While sailing for Nassau to take possession of an English-built ship for the Confederate Navy, he is blown overboard in a battle and is rescued by the USS Kearsage, a Union privateer. On board he learns his captor is an Assassin and must make a choice. Help end the war that has engulfed the nation, or die and be lost to history. (Planned for after World Fury and Silver Reign but I can push the timetable up if requested.) (Prologue and first chapter is up but on hold while I compile historical data. Gotta get my own Codex ready...) Legend of Spyro: Sniper's Dirge (Legend of Spyro) Summary: It all started in a land far away from the Dragon Realms. Two nations at war. Both discover a new continent. One sends a massive force of men and equipment to conquer this new land. The other nation sends only one man: a sniper, to upset the enemy and keep the peace in the new land. Takes place ten years after DotD. Fallout: Louisiana: (Fallout story) Summary: It is apparent to all that there were survivors after the Great War. California has become the NCR, Washington DC has also been confirmed as survived. However, there are fewer things in this world harder to kill than people who grew up knowing the land and how to live despite the worst of conditions. New Orleans and Baton Rouge are confirmed destroyed, however, the cities of Alexandria, Shreveport, and Natchitoches remain, damaged, but there. Vault 65 in Natchitoches opened and immediately the people began rebuilding. There are few things harder in this world to kill than a good ol' country boy. Especially when you make the mistake of pissing him off. |