So now here we are at the final scene.

DISCLAIMER: This has nothing to do with Eragon, How To Train Your Dragon, Dragon Booster or any other stories involving people who ride dragons. Also I do not own Spyro, just my OC's.

So let's wrap this up.

Chapter 16: Happy Reunions

When Troy came to, he found he was back at the Temple's Grotto. His armour and sword had been removed and his wounds were dressed in bandages. As he sat up, he heard a voice ring out, "Hey everyone, he's awake!"

At once a crowd of humans came running in, cheering and shouting. Among them, Troy recognized Argos, Cassandra and Orion. Cassandra gave her son a small dish of water which he gratefully took. He took a few sips and then spoke, "What happened? How did I get here?"

"Thank your brother," Argos replied. "When he, Cosmo and Ignitus got back, he insisted we sent out a search party to find you. We saw you fall out of the portal and took you back to the Temple."

"So that's what I saw," Troy muttered. Then he gasped. "The dragons, where are they?"

"They're in the Dojo," Orion said. "If you're able to walk, I can take you to them."

Troy got shakily to his feet and followed his brother out to the Dojo. There he saw the Guardians and younger dragons gathered in a circle. He made his way through the crowd to where Spyro, Astral and Cynder were. The smaller dragoness was awake and slightly embarrassed to see the young human.

"Are you ok?" Troy asked.

"Yes," she sighed in a meek voice. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and to your friends…"

"Hey, it's alright," he smiled. "You were being controlled by the Dark Master; it wasn't your fault. All I have to say is… I forgive you."

"What?" Sparx cried out. "After she tried to kill us, you're forgiving her? You're crazy!"

"Word of advice," Troy hissed. "Don't listen to Sparx."

Just then, two loud groans were heard. Troy turned to see that Spyro and Astral were waking up. "Hey, look who's back from the dead," he cried.

Ignitus let out a weak smile. "Feeling better, Spyro and Astral?"

"Not really, Ignitus," Spyro croaked. "That battle drained every last bit of my strength."

"Mine too," Astral groaned. "I can hardly even lift my head."

"Yes, it will take some time for your powers to return," the Fire Guardian replied, "but they will in time, young dragons, they will in time." Then he turned to the black dragoness. "Cynder, ever since I failed the night of the raid, I've dreamt of this day…"

"It wasn't just you, Ignitus," Volteer argued. "We all failed." Cyril and Terrador nodded in agreement.

"Be that as it may," Ignitus continued, "we're together again now, thanks to Spyro, Astral and Troy. Well done, young ones."

The younger dragons cheered for the little group.

"Thanks, Ignitus," Spyro said, bowing his head.

"I said I wouldn't let you down, Master," Astral added.

"Glad to be of help," Troy agreed, "but we still don't know what happened to the Dark Master or if the Dark Lord managed to get out…" He didn't say anything about the dragon he'd seen in the portal, nor the strange voice that had spoken to him.

"No matter, Troy," Terrador said. "There will be time to talk of the Dark Master and the Dark Lord later… now, we should be grateful for the success of you, Spyro and Astral."

"Their success?" Sparx blurted out. "Hey, what about me? Just because a bunch of weird stuff doesn't come out of my mouth or I can't use a weapon of some sorts, doesn't mean I didn't help, you know."

"Yeah, you were a big help, Sparx," Spyro agreed. "No doubt about it."

"Yeah, but just for the record," Astral added, "a lot of weird stuff does come out of that little mouth of yours."

"What the heck does that mean?" Sparx shouted. Then he started buzzing around the crowd, moaning, "You know I don't need this. I could have stayed with the… llama people, whatever, where I was appreciated, but no. No, I decided to help the poor, helpless dragons rid the world of evil. What a mistake that was, cause I get no thanks, no respect, no love, no credit…"

"My goodness," Troy chuckled. "And I thought Volteer talked a lot!"

The dragons all burst out laughing as Sparx continued, "I left home too, you know. I don't know if you've noticed, but things are a lot bigger to me than they are to you, and did I back away? Uh-uh, na, na, na. Why? Cause I've got moxy, I'm a tough cookie, I've got class-" He broke off at this point with a cough. "I've got a… little frog in my throat. As I was saying, on Tall Plains, they knew a good thing when they saw it, they recognized the value of a quality dragonfly like me, but here I get nothing, not even a thanks, hey how're you doing, good let me buy you a drink. I should go back to the swamp; Mom will make it all good… Mommy always does…"

By the time Sparx had finished complaining, the dragons and humans had all gone to other duties. Ignitus performed the ceremony for Orion and two other humans, a young archer named Stellan and a young woman about Troy's age named Veronica, pairing them with Orion, Banshee and Telsa respectively. Argos and Cassandra then came forward to give Troy an idea; since the village Elders were killed in the Apes' invasion, they needed someone to lead them when the time was right. Troy accepted the task as leader.

As night fell, the alliance celebrated their victory against evil. Everyone was happy and joyful, but soon, Spyro and Troy left the party, went out onto the balcony and looked out into the stars. Cynder and Astral soon joined them.

"Is everything alright?" Astral asked.

"We're just keeping a lookout for something," Troy replied.

"See anything?" Cynder asked.

"No," said Spyro, shaking his head, "but I've got a bad feeling."

"Me too," she said.

The group looked out into the night, all aware that the danger was far from over… that if anything, it had only just begun…

Finally finished! What an exciting story.

My thanks go out to all the people who reviewed my story, especially to D. J. Scales for the ideas for Astral.

Stay tuned for the next part of my tale: Legend of Spyro and the Riders: The Eternal Night