Author has written 30 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, and Inuyasha. hi this is dark, feel free to scream about silvaze with me. any feedback/reviews on my stories are greatly appreciated thank if you like my fics, please consider supporting me on my ko-fi page!: ko-fi(dot)com/darkblaze my tumblr blog: dxrkblaze my youtube: Dark Shredz (where I post guitar covers) CURRENT FIC STATUSES Untitled silvaze fic - This is what I'll be putting most of my effort toward for the foreseeable future. I'm gonna write the entire story, and then publish it when I'm done so it'll be on an update schedule. If anyone out there is still silvaze trash, stick around for this one maybe? It'll be the best thing I've written yet. It's a royalty AU that focuses on the kinetics of the sonic world, in which the pyrokinetics are of the highest status. Lots of lore and universe-building is going into this one. Will be divided into four or five parts, and I'm working on the third chapter of the first part now. Lost Without You - Who knows when I'll work on this again, but I do love the au. Through Golden Eyes - I'll write more on this when I'm in an inuyasha mood again, but right now, it's all sanic. |
Aurora-Boring-Alis (18) Buccaneers6 (4) Eba-chan150 (7) Kanbaroonie (0) KEKF (0) KokoLockhart (13) | Lordoftheghostking28 (93) MamaJake (1) MidnightStarz15 (3) Mr BritishFace (5) Nova the hedgehog (23) Silverflames16 (9) | Solarknight117 (1) SolsticeReid (0) Space Mercutio (22) Toxicological (34) Zany the Nerd (13) Zexstrow (1) |