Silvaze: Loved from the Grave
Hey guys! This is SilverSeeker97! As you may have noticed, I tweaked my username a little. I wanted all my names to be the same, but my name was too long for an Xbox gamertag, so I had to improvise. Anyway, I'm really happy because it's my 16th birthday! YAY! *Gets shot* this fanfic may seem a little morbid by the halfway point, so sorry about that. Anyway, enjoy!
Silver's POV:
I've loved Blaze for longer than I can remember. She's the only person who listens to me, the only person who cares about me, and the only person who calls me a friend. I'm happy that I have at least one friend in my life. Everyone else I know gives me a hard time just because I'm not a fast runner, my voice is a little weird and my hair apparently looks like a weed plant.
I've never even done anything to them, but they insist on giving me grief. I've tried to reason with them, but it was no good. Sonic is the worst by far. The blue [CENSORED] would always pull my chair away when I try to sit down, tear up my homework and even throw food at me at lunch. And that was just on a normal day.
On my last birthday, he ripped up a twenty thousand word history assessment the day before I had to hand it in. I had to stay up all night to finish it, and then he lied to the teacher, saying that I stole his work! I ended up with my first F while that blue son of a [CENSORED] walked out with an A*!
But even when I'm down, even when I'm close to sitting in a dark, secluded corner and spend the rest of the day crying, I stop and think about her. Just thinking about her brushes away all the sadness and dread. When I think about her, I can't help but smile. She makes me so happy. Blaze gives me the strength to live my life. She is my life. If it wasn't for Blaze, I would have killed myself long ago.
It's the last day of school before the Christmas holidays; one of my favourite times of the year. Both Blaze and I live on our own, so we decided that each year we would spend Christmas at my house. We never did anything special, just your average, run-of-the-mill Christmas day. We wake up at 7:30, go downstairs and then open our presents.
Blaze has a number of friends, so she gets many presents, while I only get one, which is from her. But even that is more than enough. Every year I say that she didn't have to get me anything. Why? Because spending Christmas with her is the best present I could ever receive.
After opening our presents, we would always go to a local restaurant for Christmas dinner, as I can't cook and I think that it would be unfair if Blaze did it. The food there is divine. The dinner tastes half as good as Blaze is beautiful. And believe me, the food is GOOD. Damn, I just did it again. I mentally slap myself whenever I think about saying something so corny. Then again, it may be corny, but it's true.
Every year for the past five years, I tried to tell her how I feel, but I always end up breaking down into a stuttering mess, especially last year. I remember standing in the hallway between the kitchen and the living room, with Blaze standing in front of me. I tried to tell her that I love her more than anything, but all that came out was a few stuttered words.
She then walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me in a gentle, comforting hug. I was then caught by surprise by what she did next. She pulled away slightly…then kissed me! It may have just been a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to make my numerous overflowing emotions quickly spiral out of control.
I foolishly though that she'd managed to put two-and-two together, but after she pulled away, she pointed up. It was only then that I realised that we were standing under the mistletoe. Even though to this day, I curse myself for not using that moment to express my feelings to her, it still stands as the happiest day of my life.
I'm a wimp who chickens out every time I get a chance to tell Blaze that I love her luscious golden eyes, that I love her heart-melting voice, that I love HER. I want to tell her that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I want to tell her that I would rather die than see her hurt or upset. I want to tell her that her smile alone is so bright that its heavenly light illuminates even the darkest corners of my soul. Every year I chicken out. But not this year.
I have it all planned out. And it all starts with her gift. Blaze is the most perfect person I've ever met, so she deserves the perfect gift, and I know just the thing. Many people call me a 'crystal nut', Blaze included. And they're right. If you want to find a crystal with a specific meaning, I'm your man…erm, hedgehog…you know what I mean.
Anyway, the crystal 'Rose Quartz' is a hard, yet smooth gemstone with a light pink colour, which is used to symbolise friendship and love. It's said that giving this crystal to a friend or crush will make your relationship last longer than time itself. And that's exactly what I want: to see her smile forever, to hold her for eternity and to kiss her until the end of time.
I could become lost in my fantasies forever. Every night, I dream of events that would occur if Blaze and I were together. One time, I dreamed that we were sitting on a beach in Hawaii, watching a beautiful sunset fall behind the crystal clear water as the waves gently lapped against the smooth white sand. I remember kissing her on the cheek, then saying "I love you Blaze." I also remember that my heart stopped when I heard her say "I love you too, Silver."
Another one of my dreams showed me and Blaze sitting on the sofa, watching a romantic movie to celebrate our fifth anniversary. Though it may not seem like it, I do have the capacity to be quite romantic if I want to. I even posted some stuff on Fanfiction. It's a good site. People should visit it more. Anyway, Blaze decided to check it out, as she is a bit of a reader. She said that I should write a book. I knew that my stuff was good, but not that good!
My favourite dream is one that I have time and time again. It's me, Blaze and the others in my living room. Somehow, everyone's opinion of me miraculously changed and we're now all friends. Anyhow, I remember that, for almost the whole day, I was fiddling with a soft box in my pocket. I even surprised myself when I knew what the box was. And what it contained.
After a while, I started what I've wanted to do for seven years. First, I cleared my throat, resulting in the silence of conversation. "I want to say something to Blaze, and I can't think of a better time than in front of all our friends." I could hear Amy and Rouge whispering "Is he gonna..? No, he can't be!" I kneeled in front of Blaze and produced the soft box from my pocket.
I opened it and I saw the shock on her face as she saw the ring inside, a perfect blend of lilac and silver. "Blaze T. Cat, will you marry me?" My heart stopped as the suspense gripped the whole room. My mind was repeating the words "please say yes, please say yes, please say yes…" I never found out what she said, but I dream of making that dream come true, and I dream of her saying yes.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Blaze's gift. I spend my Sundays at the local market, specifically the numerous gem stalls that are located there. The only thing I love more than crystals and gemstones is Blaze, but despite this, I could spend hours just looking at each stone. I'm one of the only people who truly appreciate the meaning of gems, although Blaze makes an effort to try and understand them. I sometimes feel that she's the only one that understands me.
I found her gift a few months ago at one of the stalls. I was making my way through a row of beautiful emeralds, brilliant rubies and breath-taking sapphires, just like any other Sunday morning. After I was done, I moved on to the lockets, as I always did. I observed each locket carefully, trying to discover the hidden message behind it. But I've never bought a locket before, as none really caught my interest. That is, until I saw this one.
It was beautiful! It was a silver, heart-shaped locket with a rose quartz crystal embedded in the front. I opened it up with extreme care, almost like a student making great art. I found that the inside of the locket had a perfect blend of purple and silver metal, with the colours gracefully swirling together. I knew the message behind this item, as it was as clear as the sun in the sky. The locket says "I love you Blaze."
I could tell that this was the perfect gift. I could practically see Blaze's smile when she opens it. I am SO getting this for her. But, this hysteria was short lived, as I had only just seen the price tag. "700 RINGS!" There was no way I could afford this! I only had 20 rings on me! So much for the perfect gift. My heart sank as the image of Blazes smile faded from my mind.
The stall keeper noticed my interest in the item, and also my expression of disappointment as I saw the humungous cost. "Hey buddy, y'like the locket?" I turned my attention to the stall keeper. "Yes, I really do. I wanted to buy it for a friend, but I can't afford it. I only have 20 rings." I then noticed that the stall keeper seemed deep in thought. "Tell ya what; I'll give you the locket for 20 rings, and that amulet of yours."
He was pointing to the amulet I wore around my neck. It was a family heirloom, passed down my family for twelve generations. As I grasped the amulet, I was thinking, "Should I really accept this offer?" After a moment, my heart won the debate as I shook the man's hand. "Deal."
I walked home from the market with my heart in the heavens. I couldn't believe that I had finally found the perfect gift for Blaze. The man at the stall somehow knew what the locket would mean to me, so he was kind enough to wrap it up in a nice little box and engrave the words "I love you Blaze" on the inside, free of charge. He said he had sold another one earlier. From that moment; I knew that I was going to confess my feelings for Blaze by the end of the year. It was set in stone.
When I got home, I rushed to the rug in the centre of my living room and lifted the nearest corner to reveal the floorboards beneath the rug. I removed one of them from the floor. By doing this, my eyes fell on a safe door. I mumbled the combination as I entered it. "1…5…1…1"
November the fifteenth, Blazes birthday, my favourite time of the year. I always go overboard with her birthday. I always organise a surprise party, hire an expensive bakery to make her cake, y'know that sort of thing. She tells me every year that I do too much for her, but I can't help myself. She's done so much for me, but she doesn't even know it.
Anyway, I placed the box inside the safe VERY gently, locked the safe and returned everything in the room to its original state. No-one knows about this safe, not even Blaze. I remember the smile I had when I closed the safe, relishing in the fantasy of giving her the box and dreaming of her face as she opens the locket and reads the words that I have wanted to say to her for so long.
Well, enough about my fantasies and memories, time to do this. I woke up as usual and carried out my morning routine. I grabbed a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed into my school uniform. I never had breakfast, as I never have time. Now that I think about it, Blaze did say that I was getting a little skinny lately.
But, my physique is the least of my worries. Blaze is my priority, just like always. Just before I left, I ran over to the safe and opened it. Then, I gently picked up the box and placed it into my bag, which I'd lined with bubble wrap the night before. Call me paranoid if you want to, but I'm not taking any chances.
I put my bag on my shoulders, locked the front door and bolted for the school. I've never run so fast in my life! It seems that the combination of love, joy and excitement are giving me a strength that I've never known before! Usually I would be running out of steam by now, but I kept going!
I felt my heart flutter as the school came into sight. I can't wait! I slowed to a walk as I passed the entrance. My eyes rapidly scanned the corridor as I walked through the school, looking for a scarlet hairband, a pair of entrancing golden eyes or luscious lilac fur. Nothing. Maybe I should just ask someone.
Luckily, Amy was nearby. Amy Rose is the only person that respects me, other than Blaze of course. She's also good friends with Blaze, and the only other person who knows how I feel about Blaze. I told her about the locket last week, and I even showed it to her. Amy says "Oh my god! Blaze is soooooo lucky!" Amy is so wrong. I'm the lucky one.
"Hey Ames. You ok?" Amy turned to face me with her trademark sweet smiles. You could say that I love her like an older sister. "Hey Silver! I'm GREAT! You?" I nodded then raised my right eyebrow. That was our signal for when we would be talking about Blaze. Amy picked up on it instantly. "Did you bring it?" I tapped my backpack gently. "Do you really think that I'd forget this?"
Amy giggled and gently hugged me. "Blaze is so lucky." She whispered in my ear. "You are the sweetest guy I know, Venice." Venice was my nickname. I was born in Venice before I moved to Station Square. When I told Amy this, they started calling me Venice. Blaze said that Venice means kindness and generosity, so I guess that it's a compliment. The very first compliment I've ever received.
"Thanks Ames." I whispered back with gratitude. Amy pulled away and kissed me on the cheek. "For luck." I smiled back, trying to mimic hers. I only just remembered why I started our conversation. "Do you know where Blaze is?" Amy nodded. "Yup, she's over in the humanities block." "Thanks Amy." I replied. "Time to do this."
The humanities block wasn't so far away. I could probably get there in a few minutes. I gave Amy a final hug and started the long push to the humanities block. The corridors were extremely crowded by now, so I had to push my way through. Great, just great. Fan-tucking-fastic.
I was methodically barging my way through the corridors, trying to get through quickly so my backpack wouldn't get hit. I was ready to punch anyone who even touches my backpack. I'm not the strongest guy around, nor am I the most intimidating, but I'm still ready to put up a fight.
I was almost at the humanities block. I could feel the excitement building and my heart beating out of my chest. I saw her! At last! I saw that she was talking with Rouge and Knuckles, two more people that I'd rather not be near. I also saw Sonic standing beside her. Right beside her. I was starting to get a little angry, and a bit jealous. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind.
"Calm down, Silver." I thought to myself. "He's just standing next to her. It's not like anything's going on between them anyway." After I'd calmed down a little, I opened my eyes, only to see something. Something heart-breaking. I saw Blaze look up to Sonic…
…And kiss him
I felt my heart shatter inside my chest. I could almost hear the shards hitting the floor. All of my joy and excitement was replaced with sorrow and despair. I felt cold tears build up in my eyes and flow down my cheeks. I couldn't even stand and watch. I just turned around and ran home.
When I reached my house, I burst through the door, slammed it shut, sat down in a corner and cried. It could have been for hours, days or even weeks. I didn't know. I just sat there and let my emotions overflow in a flood of sadness. My shirt was soaked with tears, clinging to my fur.
Why? Why did this happen? This was supposed to be the best day of my life! The day I finally give my heart to the girl of my dreams! Why does that blue [CENSORED] have to make my life a misery? Blaze knows what he does to me yet she still did what she did! I guess that she doesn't really care about me.
I felt empty, almost as if I had nothing left to live for anymore. A shell. That's all I was, a shell. I hated myself. I felt like this was my fault. I was overcome with sorrow and regret. Even though I know that she doesn't care about me, I still love her. Despite that, I feel as if I lost the will to live.
I looked at my bag, still containing the locket, now a meaningless piece of junk. I then looked at the safe, which contained a journal I kept, recording all my dreams about me and Blaze. I wished that I could make those dreams come true, but what use is it now. Finally, my eyes fell on the knife rack, at the far corner of my kitchen. There's only one way out of this realm of horror and sadness.
Sorry that this fanfic is a bit morbid, and sorry that this is only a chapter. I wanted this to be a oneshot, but I couldn't finish it in time.
Anyway, I looked at my reviews for Silvaze: Love the Night Away, to find that two people answered the trivia question. A guest by the name "Answer" Said that Blaze wished Silver good luck at the end of Sonic 06, but Zu-lice said that Blaze made a comment on how naïve Silver is, and how that's what she likes about him.
Since both reviewer's answers were correct, I would like to announce that they can PM me with a demand for a fanfic! *Assorted gasps and cheers* I will try my best to get it done, and I will publish Love the Night Away chapter 4 ASAP. Promise. *Held at gunpoint by Shadow*
If you like my stuff, check out the work by Earth Night and Uniquechains. They're friends of mine and I want to help them iin any way I can.
I would like to thank my friend Anna for being so supportive of me and for being like a sister to me. I would also like to thank Zak and Shorif for visiting me to wish me a happy birthday. I LOVE YOU GUYS! But no homo. Finally, I would like to thank Andrea for helping me with a problem and being so considerate and helpful. I owe you a whole lot.
Now that the previous trivia question has been answered, time for a new one:
In Sonic Unleashed, what is Professor Pickle's favourite food? *Clue: He spends the entire game bitching about it*
Remember to answer the question in a review. The first three correct answers will receive a prize!
See ya later guys! If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna play Halo 4 with Hades. Caio.