Author has written 15 stories for Misc. Plays/Musicals. If you are lost in your way Now you're too close to the pain Hear the chorus of pain Now you are lost in your way -"A Stray Child" Chalchihuítlicué is the way that name ought to be spelled... I think the name's pronounced kal kee weet lee kway (with emphasis on the weet and kway syllables), but I'm not sure. It's Náhuatl for "Lady in Emerald/Jade Robes". Wanna see my art? Check my gallery: http:// Wow. It's been half a year since I even came to this site. Still no end in sight for my Writer's Block, though I have been trying to write. Everything just comes out like crap. I'm trying to see if rewriting Canto Alla Vita (84,000+ words and no where near completion) will help. Guess not. |