A/N arg, its been forever and a day, soooooooorie, ive been being a lazy fangirl, and a procrastinating one at that, so sue me, or not Disc: is a world where anything can happen and usually does Disclaimer: someone who claims they own the Disc when they're not Terry Prattchet, or someone who disses a claimer Okok, on with the shoooohoooow *dodododooodododo* I made up a song, here, if you want something off me take the song Here ya go, sorry about the unfinishedness of it

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~~ In which Everybody is Everybody Else~*~ Part one cos I'm not finished yet~*~*~*~~ Ginyu, in Vegita's body, sat with his spandex covered legs crossed and his sore, throbbing hand cradled in his lap. The though crossed his mind that Vegita was probably the only person who wore spandex pyjamas, but it was run out of his mind by the anger at Goku, who refused to wake up, and the hopelessness Ginyu felt at not being able to get the mans mouth open without resorting to food, and even then it turned out painful. Ginyu growled, and the wearing-spandex-to-bed thought returned rather quickly, how the hell did Vegita stand the chafing. "Aaaw" Moaned Goten, returning to the kitchen a few moments too late to take the photo that would have come back to haunt Vegita time and time again. Would have. It was too late now, Goten hung the camera round his neck, sighing and stinking out his bottem lip. "Eh, don't worry 'bout it" Trunks whispered, "He'd probably kill you to get it off you anyway. We're safer without it." Goten still looked disappointed. "Chin up Goten" Trunks gave Goten a sly sideways glance, "I'll let you eat cookie dough" He said in what would have been a sing song voice, if the singer was planning universal takeover, that is. "Okay" Goten chirped, Ginyu looked up and saw a small, shrunken Goku head silhouetted against the white light of the still-open fridge.

"You little brats! C'mere!" Ginyu yelled, venting his anger as he stood up, facing the half-saiyans crouched behind the tipped over table. Trunks, sensing something not-quite-right-or-at-least-less-not-quite-right- that-usual about his father, thought it best to scarper, which he probably would have done even if he couldn't sense the not-quite-rightness about his father, an angry Vegita is not the most favourable of opponents at one am. Trunks pinched Gotens ear to bring him out of his Cookie dough dream (which, face it girls, we've all had, including the hallucinations which come after eating a double choc-chippie mix between three.) "Run!" Trunks advised in a not so calm manner, diving towards Ginyu and through his legs (Pulling a Samwise, you might say, but if you haven't seen LOTR, you might not) sliding on the over polished floor, then getting up and, after tripping over Goku, nipped out the doorway. (The Whistlers Mother one) then, when the world didn't collapse around him as expected, he poked his head round Whistlers Mothers arm to see why it hadn't. He saw his father, looming (as much as our little Prince can loom) over Goten, who was still in Cookie Dough Dreamland, mouth open and a small bead of droll visible at the corner of his mouth, the pinch obviously hadn't been hard enough. 'Damn my great heroic nature' thought Trunks, running back into the room to save his friend, but tripping over Goku again, Trunks landed flat on his face, and a bright light flew over the him, illuminating everything in the messed up room. Such a light would suggest the fridge had exploded, Trunks raised his head from the ground; he hoped the fridge hadn't blown up! Goten had disappeared, and Vegita stood, looking at himself with a puzzled Why-am-I-wearing-spandex expression on his face, he turned to look at Trunks and giggled. Giggled Vegita. "Hehe, Trunks, you've shrunkened" He said, Trunks put a hand to his head and felt desperately for a bump that would explain all this. Exactly how hard had he fallen. "Lookie! It's Bert!" Vegita said, tiptoeing towards the moving cousin on the couch with outstretched arms, he pulled the cushion aside and grabbed the large rat out from underneath it, the rat squeaked in protest, and wriggled, but Vegita held on, making a cute squashed up face at the rodent. "G-Goten?" Trunks cautioned, still standing stock still from shock (try saying that 10 times fast, I dare ya!) Vegita turned around, "yeah Trunks?" He asked Trunks put a hand to his face, then raked it through his hair, "Oh man, oh man, I've lost it, or dad's lost it, or we're all still dreaming, or...or...oh man!" Trunks said to himself, 'If I'm dreaming, I want to dream about a nice cool glass of OJ' Trunks thought, closing his eyes and holding out his hand, he opened one eyes carefully, 'well, scratch that theory' he thought. "You're sure you're Goten?" Trunks asked. Goten, who still hadn't notices his change but for the slight change in height (Which he dismissed as happening on account of all those vegetables, the ones Chichi always said made you Grow-big-and-strong-like-Daddy) nodded. Trunks sat down very fast. "Then where'd Dad go" he asked himself, the rat in Vegita/Goten's grip squeaked indignantly and bit his captor. Goten the Vegita yelled out and dropped him, and Vegita the rat landed with a thwunk and scurried away, following his nose after Gotens smell. He dodged chair legs, leaped over fallen down chairs, and turned the corner into the hallway. Within moments he was standing by the Whistlers Mother doorway, blinking rat eyes into a room from which a second flash of light had just dimmed. Trunks was rubbing his hands together, standing with his back to Veggie- rat, "This ones a little stronger, he mumbled, pleased, to himself. Vegita was still looking confused, rubbing his eyes after the flash. Goten pointed at Trunks. "Gimme back my body!" He yelled angrily, stomping over to Trunks and grabbing hit pyjama top. "I don't know who you are, you body snatcher, but if you don't gi-" Goten wrapped his arms around the spot on his stomach where Trunks had just punched him, Trunks grinned sadistically, reaching down and backwards to grab the rat, who sunk his teeth into Trunk's thumb, Trunks picked him up by the tail, then help him between himself and Goten, "This is your father, you little Saiyan princeling, and I'll kill'em if you take one more step." Goten froze. "That's not a very nice way to hold Bert, Trunks" Vegita piped up, Goten stuck out his arm to prevent him from going any further forward. "That's not me, Goten, it's someone else." Goten warned, not taking his eyes of Bert. "Waaaiiii!" Wailed Vegita, looking down at Goten, "You're me!" "Yeah Goten, and my dad's in Berts body, so we gotta get him off that guy in mine before he hurts him." Goten said out of the corner of his mouth, keeping his eyes locked on Trunks and the dangling rat. "Then...who are you?" Vegita asked, all innocence. "Trunks, duh" Said Goten, and Vegita's eyes glazed over as he attempted to work this out. "Okay, what do you want?" Goten asked cautiously, Trunks jerked his head towards the still asleep Goku. "Wake him up." He ordered. ~*~*~

tell me tell me tell me if ya liiiiike it!