![]() Author has written 4 stories for Hunger Games, and Divergent Trilogy. um hi, I'm Josh (I'm a girl ok it's a nickname. I'm not trans, I have been asked that before) and I found this website so I thought I would give writing a go. I live in England and am just your average teenage nerd who writes stories about fictional people like they're real. I love writing stories and have even written some originals on FictionNet (if you'd like to check them out, PM me) and if you have any stories you'd like me to read then leave the name in the reviews or PM me. I love talking to you guys so even if you just want to talk then message me and we'll strike up a conversation. Also, if you need someone to talk to about anything that's troubling you then either message me on here or message me here (x) and I will be happy to try and offer the best advice I can, on the account that I go through some things myself. The Hunger Games and Harry Potter changed and saved my life. It's influenced me in so many ways, made me want to become a better person, made me read more, made me want to follow my dreams, and I don't know where I'd be without it. If you have any stories like this, any ways stories and books have helped you then PM me and I may be able to introduce them into The Apartment Upstairs. I love to read and I read almost every night. Books and book series such as The Hunger Games (obviously), Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, The Fault in our Stars (or basically all John Green books), Harry Potter, Lorien Legacies, Percy Jackson etc are some of my favourites. I also love watching Supernatural, Doctor Who and Sherlock (superwholock rules ok) and Marvel films are my favourite. If there are any books or movies you'd like to suggest for me to read/watch then please feel free to tell me. I'm always happy to enter a new fandom:) A little background on my stories: High School Games: High School Games is currently on Hiatus as I am unhappy with the quality of my writing. It was my first fanfiction posted on here and it is what brought me closer with a lot of my friends. HSG introduces ideas such as 'when you get knocked down, get back up fighting' and hopefully shows that you can fight back when you need to. Friday Night Dinner: Friday Night Dinner is my second fanfiction and one of my favourites. Because a lot of the characters need to be OCs, I can create them however I like and it almost feels as though I'm writing an original story. FND introduces themes such as bullying and mental illnesses such as anxiety. Some of the characters are based off real people in my life, although the story line is not. For example, Orion is slightly based off the kind of person I want to be (Skater girl with long braided hair etc.) and has a few of the same struggles but the bullying is strictly in the story. However, things such as the events in the story (like the message left in the suggestion box- meant to symbolise anon hate on tumblr/cyberbullying) do happen in real life and if you experience things such as this I suggest you tell someone, such as a teacher or a trusted adult, or find a way to block the users, asap before it gets worse. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can PM me or message me on tumblr as mentioned above. The Apartment Upstairs: The Apartment Upstairs is an M Rated AU that is going to be co-written with my best friend, Burry. It is about three best friends from England that move to California to follow their dreams. After much discussion between myself and Burry, we have concluded that each of the characters shall be based off people that we know in real life. This is because we have realised that we are all so much like said characters that we may as well use what we hope to have one day and write a story about it. I will write a description at the start of each chapter, when a character is introduced, of who the character is based off and why, for you to have a better understanding. TAU is all about following your dreams and not letting small things get you down. It's also about how different people come together. But if I had to name one theme that TAU represents the most, it would be friendship and that is what this story focuses on the most. Here is my THG & HP tumblr: http:/// I also have two youtube channels and I will love you forever if you subscribe : please follow me and subscribe and I hope you enjoy my stories:) |