Hey! This is a new fic that I've written on a whim about the kids of our characters. It's AU so Finnick and Prim are still alive, theres is no Hunger Games but they still live in Districts. Some characters might be a little OOC and there'll be a couple of original characters too. Also, Finnick and Annie's son in this is born at a similar age to Katniss and Peeta daughter (making them both 16) just for the purpose of this story.
Just so you know, I will finish High School Games soon but I've just been a little distracted and unable to write recently (again, apologies for ALL of the typos in that story). I will try to update as soon as possible but for now, here's a new story. That's all:) - panemsbest
"HE'S BACK!" my best friend, Madeline Hawthorne, screams as she comes through my bedroom door. I roll over from where I'm lying on my bed to look at her. She has a large smile plastered on her tanned face. Madeline is the daughter of my parents' best friends, Gale and Madge Hawthorne. Gale and Madge went to high school with my parents and only live down the road. My parents and their friends are still all very close, except one couple that moved away to District 4 when I was a child. Maddie and I weren't always friends. We'd get along when our parents had dinner but she had her girly friends and I was happy with my one friend. It was when we were both 13 that we truly became friends.
She has the features of her father (dark hair, tanned skin, grey eyes) but her mother's beauty. I've always been jealous of Maddie's looks. Where she's got a full chest, mine's flat. Where she's developed curves, I'm skinny and shapeless. Where her hair has volume and a silky look, mine is limp and lifeless and just sits on my shoulder in its usual braid under my hat. Where her face radiates beauty, mine is dull. I wouldn't say I'm ugly but I'm definitely not beautiful like Maddie.
"Orion Mellark! Are you even listening?!" Maddie shouts.
Orion Mellark. That's me. You'd think I was named after Orion's belt because my mother used to stargaze as a child. That's only half of it. The other half of it is my nickname. Dad wanted to name me after bread, like he was, (being a baker and all) but Mum refused. They ended up compromising coming up with Orion, so Dad would be able to call me Rye.
Unlike my brother, who only takes after my father, I take after both my parents in looks. I have my mother's brunette hair but my father's blue eyes and my mother's lips but my father's nose; the works.
"Who's back?" I ask, not really taking much interest.
"You mean, you really don't know?" I shrug and raise an eyebrow. "Finn Odair is back."
Finnick Odair Jr., or Finn, was my best friend as a child. He is the son of Finnick and Annie Odair. Finnick was my father's best man at their wedding along with Gale and my Uncles as the groomsmen. We did everything together. Where all the girls were off playing with barbies, Finn and I would go on adventures in the woods, coming home covered in dirt and who know what else, from our travels. It broke my heart when they left for District 4, when we were just 6.
My mouth drops open. "WHAT?!" She smiles and jumps up and down, squealing. She the flops on my bed and watches me. My mouth opens and closes and I try to get out words. All I manage is, "When?"
"I saw him in town this morning," she smiles. "Do remember what he looked like?"
"We were 6 so I didn't really care. The last picture I saw of him was when we were 11 and Uncle Finnick sent over a bunch of polaroid's. He was… cute? I guess," I shrug. Maddie grins.
"Scratch cute! Puberty hit that boy hard. In the face," she adds. I roll my eyes. "It hit him like a fucking freight train, Rye! You're so lucky."
"Why am I lucky?" I ask, confused at what she's getting at.
"You guys go way back. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the year you two are dating." I snort, "You're kidding right?" She shakes her head and I laugh harder. "I have reason to disagree." This time, she rolls her eyes.
"What reason? You're beautiful and funny and-"
"Let's not forget sarcastic, cynical, flat chested and dresses like a boy," I interrupt her. She throws a pillow at me but I deflect it.
There a knock at my door and when I yell to come it, my mother pops her head around the door. She's holding the laundry basket under her arms, which are strong from years of hunting. Her chocolate hair is in its braid like mine and she's wearing her favourite necklace. It's a mockingjay with an arrow in its mouth. My father gave it to her when they were just teenagers, but she still wears it.
"Hello, Madeline," she says.
"Afternoon, Mrs Mellark," Maddie replies.
"Call me Katniss, Mrs Mellark make me sound old," she winks at me because that's what my father always says. "How're your parents?"
"They're fine; they said to apologise for disappearing for a while, they've been so exhausted since mum had the baby," Maddie replies. Mum smiles and nods knowingly before turning to me.
"Orion, Honey, the Odair's are coming for dinner so get dressed and put on a dress or something nice." I look down at my pyjamas and smile, saying, "Sure, Mum." She gives me a small smile and backs out of the room, shutting the door again.
I turn back to look at Maddie, who has a massive grin on her face. Then it hits me and my face falls.
He's coming to dinner. My childhood best friend who I haven't seen in 10 years is coming to dinner.
"Shit," I whisper.
"Rye, you look like you've seen a ghost."
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" I shout.
"Language, Rye!" My Dad shouts, passing outside my door.
"Sorry!" I shout back, turning to look at Maddie again before mouthing 'shit' one last time. She begins to laugh and I run to my wardrobe, throwing out my endless amounts of jeans, t-shirts, camisoles and lumberjack shirts, trying to find something to wear. "What am I going to do?!" I panic.
I jump when I realise Maddie is standing next to me, looking at my clothes with a calm expression. She reaches over and pulls out my grey Aliveta t-shirt skater dress.
"You have such nice skater dresses, Rye. I don't understand why you don't wear them anymore," Maddie complains.
"Because I don't Ice Skate anymore, I skateboard. It's just not my style," I grumble.
"Why did you buy it in the first place?"
"Because it used to be my style."
"Do you realise how much attention you'd get at school from boys if you wore something like this?" she asks, holding the dress up to my body.
"Yes. Did it ever occur to you that I like being invisible? That I don't like the attention?" I counter. "I don't want to wear a dress, Mad."
She frowns and puts the dress on my bed. She walks to the other side of my bed and picks up my red converse and black beanie, placing them on the bed next to the dress.
"How's that? Still a dress but a bit more you." I sigh and give her a smile. I know it's difficult for her sometimes. She's into fashion and make up and I'm not. She wears summer dresses and I wear jeans, a cami and a plaid shirt. It didn't used to be like this. I did used to wear dresses and put on makeup but after a while I realised I was just fooling myself. That it wasn't who I really was. So I put away my skirts and grabbed my board and that's the way I like it
"Thank you, Mad," I give her a quick squeeze before slipping off my slippers. I pull my top over my head and slip the dress over my head. Once I'm fully changed, Maddie brushes my hair and puts my beanie on. My hair is perfectly waved from the braid and, dare I say it, actually looks nice.
"There. You look beautiful." Maddie smiles, stepping back to look me up and down. I feel uncomfortable under her eagle eyes, checking for any 'fashion faults', as she would say. "Alright," she claps her hands together, making me jump. "I'm going to head on home. Good luck!" She winks at me and skips out the door.
I end up just staring at myself in the mirror for a while. I look so different and yet, I look the same. I smooth down my dress and leave my room. Dad is cooking dinner, wearing his 'kiss the baker' apron that Mum got him last Christmas while Mum is setting the table.
"You look beautiful, Rye," says Dad, glancing up. I smile a little as Mum looks over and smiles too.
"Just take off the hat," she chuckles. I roll my eyes and sit at the kitchen counter, watching as Dad chops and sautés. "Everything smells delicious, Peeta," Mum says wrapping her arms around Dad from behind. He spins around and plants a big kiss on her lips. I pull my hat down over my eyes and groan in disgust.
"This is a kitchen. C'mon guys, enough with the PDA." They both laugh and I lift up my hat from one eye, to make sure they're not making out. Thankfully, Dad's gone back to cooking and Mum's pouring herself a glass of wine. The doorbell rings and big smiles spread across my parents' faces. They should be excited; they haven't seen Finnick and Annie in so long. But me? I'm keeping all my excitement of seeing Finn inside. Keeping a cool, level head. Dad runs out to open the door. A loud booming laugh is heard and my heart begins to pound as a smile plays on my lips. Finn's here. I wonder what he looks like. Maddie said he'd changed but I'm still anticipating seeing that cute 5 year old that I used to spend every waking moment with.
So much for keeping a level head, Rye.
I follow Mum out into the hallway as she runs to hug Annie. That's when I see him. His perfect golden hair is messy on his head, his piercing green eyes stand out against the dim light of the hall and his shirt stains against his toned muscles. My palms begin to sweat as I realise Maddie was definitely not exaggerating. Two strong arms wrap around my waist and I laugh as thrown over someone's shoulder and I'm spun around.
"Uncle Finnick!" I yell. His laughs booms out again and he puts me down, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.
"It's so good to see you again, Kiddo!" he exclaims, picking me up again and spinning me once more. When he puts me down, I realise how far along the all he must have moved me. I stand on the stairs to try and get some height against him. "How've you been?" he asks, with a goofy smile. I laugh again.
"I've been keeping," I respond.
"You've grown up so much!" he exclaims again.
"Well, the last time you saw me was when I was 6 so of course I have."
"That's our Rye, always seeing the logic in things," he winks.
Dad eventually pulls Finnick into the kitchen for a drink, leaving me alone. It only takes a second for me to notice Finn approaching me with a small but charming smile. Mine immediately matches his as he stands in front of me.
"Hi," he says.
"Hi," I copy.
He holds out a hand in front of him. "I'm Finnick Jr. But you can call me Finn. What's your name?"
My smile falters and the blood rushes from my cheeks as my skin automatically pales. I feel my stomach drop and have the sudden urge to be sick.
"O-Orion," I murmur. He takes my hand and shakes it.
"It's nice to meet you Orion." His charming smile grows and he winks at me before following everyone else into the kitchen.
He doesn't remember me.
So let me know what you think of that in the reviews:) Idea's for future chapters, events and reactions are appreciated ok coolbeans I LOVE YOU ALL