The poem is Neruda and I hope you enjoy this thank-you-chapter.

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

"If you burn her Carol, I swear on your life I will strangle you because I'll be the one having to cover it up!" Christina speaks a little too loudly. I'd call it yelling.

"Not to mention, um, that'd hurt her." Charlotte chimes in as the voice of reason. She's in a gray dress, a small pearl necklace draped around her collarbone. Her curls are pinned up and she's in small heels.

She's the kind of girl I would have been jealous of back in Abnegation.

"Close." Christina says applying primer on my eyes. Carol let's another curl bounce and I feel the breeze from the open window lick at my neck. It's the four of us. Christina, Carol, Charlotte and I prep for the wedding.

"I can't believe your getting fucking married." Carol squeals pulling sections of my hair onto the top of my head.

"Hey, hey," I say sternly, "Language. Sorry Charlotte."

Even with my eyes closed, I can see her smirk. "Heard worse."

"What are you doing?" I ask as Christina starts applying powder to my eyebrows.

"Filling in your brows. It gives them definition and frames the face."

I roll my eyes. "That's not important."

Christina's jaw drops. "It most certainly is important! Have you ever seen what a person looks like without eyebrows? Tris, if anything the eyebrows are the most important part of applying make up! Everything you know is a lie!" She's red as the polish on her fingers and we laugh even though she's right.

I'm in a dream in this room. The cream colored walls and tarnished gold mirrors. Everything looks lacey and frilly and girly and any other day I would hate it but today I want to pour it into a teapot and drink it. Save it in a mason jar and set it on the kitchen shelf and pour it in my soul when it's raining in my head and storming in my heart..

Christina blows softly onto my eyes. "This house is so cute."

"Tell me about it."

We're at the Yellow House. The little bitty home by the lake (swamp, really) Evelyn picked out for us. I know Tobias and his boys are on the porch waiting or maybe they're getting ready but either way they don't infringe on the girls, us.

"Alright open and look at the edge of the chandelier," Christina instructs as she loads my eyelashes with mascara.

Charlotte sits in the window and smiles smally, "What's it like falling in love?"

"Maddening." Christina says with a smirk.

Carol snorts. "Heart wrenching."

They wait on my answer. "Lovely."

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

The swamp would be absolutely revolting if not for the work of Chris. He had made it his personal task to create the venue for our wedding. It's dark, but not black. More forest green and murky water. The vines cascade and crisscross into an elegant canopy and there's a gorgeous arch at the end of the isle with hydrangeas like the light blue sky and morning glories like the color of Tobias's eyes.

Candles are lit up the isles where our friends sit on creamy picnic blankets. Someone sucks the breath from my chest and blows it back on my face. They don't stand, I asked them not to. But I walk down the isle the all the same. Alone. No Caleb. No father. Faction before blood tattooed in my head and in the rules even though no one wants it there.

I make it to the end of the isle and Tobias looks like sex all dressed up in a suit and black bow. His smile tickles my heart and fills my huffing lungs with flowers instead of fear.

He cries before I cry and when I do he brushes the tear from my check, his fingers ghosting over the place his lips have been pressed time and time again.

He slides the ring on my finger; bonding us with gold and bone and love and when he kisses the bride everything inside my head goes murky like the swamp water and all I feel is him. Him and him and him again.

The clapping is our music as I press against him and we sway to each other.

I feel whole, if there even is such a thing.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

{Author's Note}

Hey y'all. Long time no see. I just wrote this little chapter for you because OVER 1000 FOLLOWS AND FAVORITES OH MY GOD THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I cannot tell you enough how much your support for this story means to me and I thought this would be the best way to show you :) It's incredible to think over 1000 people have read this story because that's more than the number of people that go to my school (but now it's summmeeeerrrrrr... YAY) I do have some WiPs I think I'll be picking up again and another surprise fic that should be out around the middle of July. For those of you who weren't around when I was updating constantly, Hi. I'm AJ ( Tumblr linked in my bio :) Nice to meet you and THANK YOU. Y'all rock and I miss you so please leave me a review and tell me how you're doing, if you liked this chapter, and/or your thoughts on the movie because your words are ALWAYS read and very much appreciated. Feel free to PM me anytime because I'm always around and I love hearing from you.


Much love,

-AJ Grishamxo