One Shot!
Well I have read alot of Pamen high school stories and I thought I might give it a shot.
I do not own the Hunger Games.
Katniss POV
I'm sitting at the lunch table with Madge and Delly as Madge goes on about some boy she likes in her gym class. Guile is his name I think. I'm not sure something with a G. Being new here I'm not sure who anyone is. Madge was in my first period class computer info tech with and said I could sit with her and her friend. Delly and Madge are both really nice. There are the one people who have spoken to be all day.
"So Katniss, have you have you made any friends?" Madge asks me kindly.
"No, no one seems to notice me and I'm glad. I hate attention."
"You don't know anyone at all even their names?" I just shook my head no. Delly giggled as Madge counties to talk.
"Well let me tell you. You see that blonde boy with that scary looking dark haired girl? He's Cato and she Clove. They have been together since freshman year. They are the only careers with this lunch period."
"Who are the careers?" I ask confused.
"It's there group name, everyone clique has one."
That seemed odd to me. I wasn't really listening to Madge as she went on. My eyes looked around the lunchroom and saw a group that interested me. Before I even knew what I was thinking I asked Madge who they where.
"They are the victors. The most popular kids in this school. They are good looking and on a sports team. Annie is the one with dark flowing hair. She is currently dating Finnick Odair hottest guy in the school. They are both the star swimmers on the swimming team. Any girl here would kill to be dating him. He's the one sitting next to the girl with short hair and brown eyes, Johanna Mason. No one messes with her, she'll kick anyone's ass without a doubt. She's on the track team. The blonde boy who's arm is around her is Peeta Mellark, Delly's cousin."
Delly picks off where Madge was.
"Peeta is the nicest guy in school, oh heck! He's the nicest guy PERIOD! Peeta's one great baker and an artist. He's also caption of the wrestling team."
After Delly finished talking about what an "awesome" guy Peeta was I got up to go throw away my lunch. I wasn't paying attention to where I saw going and BOOM! I had dumped my tray on some guys chest.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry. I should have been looking where I was going. I'm so stupid! I'm so sorry! I'll pay to have that clean. I'm sorry! I dont know..." I started to ramble when I noticed it was Peeta who I had dumped my tray on. Thank god he cut me off.
"It's ok, no need to say sorry. I was the one not looking where I was going," He said while taking of his sweater. I couldn't help but notice how big his arm muscles where in that white t-shirt.
"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before. I'm Peeta."
"Yea, I'm Katniss."
He handle his hand out and I felt a spark as soon as I touch his hand. I guessing he felt it too since he gasped alittle.
"Well I'll see you around Katniss," We smiled at each other the he lets go of my hand and walks away.
I walk back to the table and Madge and Delly have huge smiles on their faces.
"What are you guys so happy about?" I ask taking a seat.
"We saw you and Peeta together. That look he had on his face! He so likes you. Do you like him?" I roll my eyes.
"Delly Peeta was just being nice. He doesn't like me and no I don't like him. I don't even know him."
"Oh come on Katniss-" Madge says
"- Peeta is a great guy. Don't be shy if you have a crush on him. I have had one on him too. In fact one time we where talking and OMG KATNISS! Stop giving me the evil eye! Your creeping me out." Madge slaps me on my arm while I laugh.
"I don't like Peeta ok?"
"That's what you say now, but we'll see," Delly winks at me.
A loud laughter comes from the victors table. I turn to see Peeta bright red while the others were laughing. What were they say? I wonder.
As I see Peeta and his friends have a good time I realize something. Even if I did like Peeta, which I don't, he would never like me. Why would the most popular guy in school want the new girl? He seems pretty comfortable with his around around Johanna, anyways. I can't help but feel jealous.
Review Please :D Thanks for reading.