Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter.
NEWS: (14 September 2009) Uploaded a short one shot, featuring Draco (naturally).
(18 June 2009) Started working on my fic again! Summary below. It's much more interesting than it sounds, I promise. Hogwarts High Inquisitor returns, Draco's in it (duh), there's a new type of magic (Elemental), Voldemort has a new ally, etc... :) Oh and Snape is there, too.
My fic...
Deleted "A Different View" due to lack of updating and general crappiness. If you're curious, here's a summary-in-progress:
(AU after OotP) Rhia's a seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her father's an auror and she's friends with Harry Potter. So what's so special about her? Her left forearm bears the Dark Mark.
In other news, I have an idea for another short fic. Stay tuned. Ah, summer projects...
(Ships I support for fanfiction) Draco/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, Ginny/Tom
(Ships I don't read) Any slash. Also fics that focus on Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione
(Fics I read) Ones that focus on Draco :) (you know you've read too much fanfiction when you refer to Malfoy as Draco...)
(Fics I don't usually read) Slash, severitus challenge fics (look up severitus, I'm not saying it's a bad challenge, it's awesome I'm just not too interested in them), most fics in marauder era
Fic challenges from me...
-Write a fic that takes place completely underwater (kinda like how the movie Phonebooth took place inside a phonebooth...); the fic starts and ends underwater.
More random stuff...
Flamethegreat keeps insisting that I write fanfiction...so I may. Depends how much time I have (college...). Maybe I'll get a one-shot of some sort up here...eventually. Heh.