Harry Potter isn't mine.

Author: I'm still alive. I know, I know, I've been a lousy author to everybody. I'm sorry. But I'm not abandoning the story. I shall finish it no matter what. Hopefully.

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Draco twitched.

He twitched again…

And again…

And again…

"Will you stop twitching!" Hermione said sharply looking up from behind a monstrous book. Odd as it seems, she was getting sick and tired of reading. She spent the past seven hours researching about cursed handcuffs, charmed handcuffs, Hogwarts tradition, missing keys and extreme knock-out curses. The knock-out curses were her last resort. If nothing and absolutely NOTHING can get the handcuffs off, she'd simply stun Draco for days at a time and get on with her life levitating an almost lifeless body while enduring teases and taunts from her peers and dodging Draco's parents' killing curses. The thought made her nauseous.

"I can't help it."

"Do something productive then. Like, I don't know… reading a book?" She was trying to be patient. She really was.

"I told you, I'm on my break. I can't read for hours at a time. It gives me stress wrinkles."


Madam Pince threw them out of the library and gave them a 2 hour ban.

"A TWO HOUR BAN! How could this happen to me on the day I needed the library most! This is ridiculous!" There's one word to describe Hermione right now: hysterical. Well, there's also angry, confused, and irritated. "This is all your fault, Malfoy, of you weren't so lazy back there; I wouldn't have lost my temper! I don't know what to do now! STOP MOVING SO MUCH!" With that, Hermione slumped on the floor and finally broke down. She's had enough of everything; Missing keys, reading, Malfoy, everything going wrong, not eating breakfast or lunch and responsibilities.

Malfoy got dragged down against his will but that didn't matter this time. He somewhat felt sorry for her. Well, almost. He was hungry too. And he was also tired of reading, missing keys, and everything going wrong. He was in the same position as her and you don't see him breaking down like that!

"There, there, Granger. Go run to Potty or Weasel or that other Weasley girl. Just don't slobber all over me." It was a good suggestion with insults added here and there.

Poor, insensitive, Malfoy. Hermione swished, swashed, and poked her wand in very complicated steps and screamed, "DENORIA!" It could knock people unconscious for two hours. She read all about it. She could of course knock him out for weeks or months even but even Crabbe and Goyle might get suspicious if they saw Malfoy not moving.

"Wingardium Leviosa," she muttered. Draco's unconscious body levitated. Hermione grudgingly dragged Draco's body under the Great Hall to where the kitchens were. Time to eat.

She came across a portrait and ticked a pear in the fruit bowl. It opened. The sight made her gasp. Over a hundred houselves were chatting happily which meant they're pleased. This sent a completely different message to Hermione.

"Look at you!" Hermione screeched, seeing the 'poor' creatures, "You all look so overworked and tired and your only happiness is when students are in their classes which meant you're not tirelessly cooking and feeding great lumps of empty-headed slobs! Oh! What did Dumbledore do to you! Oh goodness. Here's my hat and robe and socks and my gloves. Oh I have extra elf-hats in my pocket. And I can summon some more upstairs. Accio Elf-hats!"

Hermione threw pieces of clothes at houselves and the poor creatures were jumping and dodging and tumbling trying to help each other to not get hit by them.

"RUN!" screamed one of the house elves. The others scuttled out of sight as two dozen elf-hats came zooming though the portrait landing close to Hermione who threw them at houselves.

"No! He's been hit!" screamed another as a house elf fell down on the cold kitchen floor.

"Don't worry! That Potter Boy freed him a long time ago!"

"Keep running, she's throwing more hats and socks!" In a couple of seconds, the kitchen was cleared of houselves except for two: Dobby and Kreacher.

"Miss Hermione! Dobby is delighted to see you again! How's Harry Potter? Could you tell him Dobby said hi?" Dobby walked towards her picking hats and socks along his way and putting them on. "Dobby appreciates all the things you knit for houselves. But others is insulted by them. Dobby is been taking your hats, Miss Hermione. There are all warm and cozy; especially to Dobby's ears." Dobby wiggled his ears which were partially hidden by hats.

Hermione gasped. "You mean… no houselves have been freed in my years of S.P.E.W.?"

"There is three."

"That's IT?" she shrieked

"Mmmm…" Dobby didn't want to answer.

"How could this happen? Ohhh…" she groaned.

"Well…" Dobby said awkwardly, "Does Miss Hermione want some food?"

"Kreacher don't want to serve filthy blooded witches," mumbled Kreacher.

"Yes, Dobby, but I'll get it myself! Don't tire your poor hands preparing it!" Hermione stumped to a cupboard and snatched a variety of jams, bread and ham enough for two people. "I'll be happy to eat only these! And he," she pointed at Draco, "shall be too. He'd better be. I'll free those houselves even if it's the last thing I do." With that, Hermione stalked out of the kitchen, levitating Draco's unconscious body behind her.

Hermione sat close to the Great Hall entrance at 3:30 P.M. thinking.

Draco sat beside her hungrily jamming bread and ham into his mouth. Hermione released the knockout spell an hour early. She thought working with someone hungry would be harder than with someone full. With Draco finished fifteen minutes later, Hermione was getting drowsy. He poked her with the tip of his wand.


"Where's your robe?"

"I freed houselves with it. Well… I tried."

"They're filthy creatures. They don't deserve freedom… OUCH! WHAT THE HECK!"

"Take that back! They're perfectly capable of thinking for themselves and they don't need us wizards and witches!"


Hermione's body grew boils. "Densaugeo!"

Draco's teeth grew. "Stufefy! Stufefy! Ugh! Incendio!"

Hermione's on fire. "Finite Incantatem," she turned back to normal, "Serpensortia!"

"Don't shend my house fet on me! Finite Incantatem. Tarantallegra!"

"Petrificus Totalus!" Both students fell. An hour passed and they were still unconscious. Another hour passed and still frozen. The students were released from their last classes.

Harry and Ron were walking towards the Great Hall and stumbled upon the two.

"I have a vague idea of why they're lying like this. Finite Incantatem."

"Oh Ron! Harry! I'm so relieved you're back here! We were having a fight and Malfoy casted hexed me and we ended up being frozen and we've been lying here for hours!" Hermione hugged Harry and Ron, "I'm so glad you're both here to help me. I'm so lucky to have you two." She jabbered on and on about Malfoy being an inconsiderate hog and how she was the luckiest girl to have them as friends and all…

Two stomachs squirmed with guilt.

"So… Malfoy's frozen too, huh?" Ron said vainly, "Um…" he brought his foot down towards Malfoy's rib. There was a sickening crunch.

Harry kicked Malfoy's side. "That felt great."

"So, do we have to bring him to the Hospital Wing?" asked Hermione.

"I guess so," sighed Harry, "Well just tell Madam Pomfrey Peeves dropped a chandelier on him," he pointed at a chandelier, "Diffindo." It split open and crashed sending shards of broken glass and diamonds everywhere.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGH! Draco! POTTER! WEASLEY! GRANGER! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" shrieked Pansy Parkinson who was walking around with her gang of Slytherins. She furiously produced a Stinging Hex and her gang followed. Soon, the trio and the Slytherins were sending sparks everywhere.

"HALT!" bellowed Snape who came running over when he heard the chandelier crash. Everything stopped. A Slytherin was in the middle of a curse, Pansy's friend were jabbing Harry with a wand, Ron was using a Shield Charm for another Slytherin's curse, Pansy was debating on whether to hex Hermione or not because she had Draco by her side.

Broken chandelier. Slytherins. Harry Potter. The brainy girl. His favorite student lying unconscious on the ground. It's all clear in Snape's mind. "FIFTY POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR! POTTER! Take Draco to the hospital wing. Detention with Filch! Parkinson, stop your friend over there from obliterating Weasley," Snape was overwhelmed with the chaos, "NO, WAIT. ALL of you, detention with Filch when Draco gets out of the hospital. No words from anyone. Twenty more points from Gryffindor! I have some business to attend to! CLEAN THIS MESS UP!"

I hope that chapter doesn't deserve rotten tomatoes. Eh… sorry. I'm losing interest in the story again. –sigh- BUT I'LL Continue it. So far, I'm freestyling. I have no idea what to write next. Expect next chapter next year.