Author has written 29 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Naruto, Fruits Basket, and Tales of Symphonia. 16/05/06: If anyone's still hanging around here, I've created a writing journal for my more recent works. It's on Livejournal and it's public (for now), at http://. 29/01/06: It may be a little obvious, considering the frequency at which I post new works, but I've mostly abandoned my account. My writing priorities have changed over the past year or so and I've discovered it's more satisfying for me to write for a smaller audience I know personally, rather than a somewhat faceless multitude. Interactivity is part of what makes writing fun for me, and it's pretty hard for me to achieve that here. At the moment, most of my writings are posted on my personal journal. I've been flirting with the idea of getting a non-friends-locked writing journal for some time, though. I'll see, I suppose. OFURNK won't be returning; I've lost 99 of my inspiration for it. My apologies to those who were following it. If I do post works here, they'll likely be for the following fandoms: - Golden Sun That's about it, I suppose. So long, and thanks for all the fish! |