A/N: Hello again! I'm back with more angst! ::gasps:: Yes, that's right, if the previous one-shot didn't get you depressed enough, I've a poem that'll do just the trick! Aren't I so nice? ::grins::
Anyway, for some reason,I can't seem to put spaces between the verses, so I think I'm gonna have to drop in a full stop between every . . . single . . . one. If anyone can find a solution to this, please tell me (wow, this will completely ruin the mood).
Review responses. . . .
Yugi the Other White Meat: Yeah, I hated that part of the game too (why'd I write a one-shot about it? Well . . . !). Especially since I was just getting all enthusiastic about the Matthew/Leila pairing, too . . . darn you, Nintendo!
GoldAngel1: I'm glad you liked what I wrote. Sain comes so easily to me, for some reason. Hopefully, that doesn't mean anything . . . ! And I'm also happy you liked how I portrayed Matthew. Strangely enough, I was in a great mood when I was writing this. Heh!
Cathy Barton: Thanks a lot! Though I don't know whether or not this classifies as "soon," heh heh.
hyliansage: Yeah, that part had me depressed for the rest of the day . . . not nice. And it must've been quite a while since I updated, considering we were still on the Erk picture! ::sweatdrops::
Kevin C: You have ten muses?! ::stares:: Wow, and I thought five was a lot to handle! Minis, whoo. Don't even want to THINK about them here. They may be adorable, but after you hit the three hundred mark, they get to be a bit of a handful. ::sweatdrops:: Anyway, I'm really happy you liked this—thanks for reviewing! ::smiles::
Jessica Kite: Preferably one we didn't get to know, and one that wasn't romantically involved with a member of the army, huh? . . . But the scene wouldn't have been as effective at showing what the Black Fang had become, so much as I hate this, I suppose they had a reason for doing this. Still!
Semaj Fallen: Yeah, Ephidel was so cruel, wasn't he? ::angry:: And I actually liked him quite a bit, up until that point. And—what do you mean, Karst is coming to visit?! ::stares:: Oh boy, this isn't going to be good . . . !
Morning Mist: Thank you! I try! ::smiles::
SM together (x2): I'm putting you on a real roller coaster of emotions, huh? First chapter makes you laugh (hopefully), second chapter brings you down . . . and this interlude's going to pull you down even lower, I think. Thanks for the fav!
Megumi: Heh, people do strange things like that. I'm prone to illogicalness myself, as any of my friends or muses would tell you . . . ! I promise I'll bring in a one-shot with Wil sometime! Can't guarantee it'll be soon, but if I don't include him, I know several people who would complain quite a bit (not just you!).
Samurai101: Well, I hardly think Matthew would be rejoicing . . . ! ::grins:: Glad you like it!
gfds: ::blushes:: Thank you!
Wow, that was a lot of reviews! ::beams:: Thank you so much, everyone!
Well, I know this update's brief, but I have a lot of projects on the go. The next chapter's already half-written, so hopefully I'll be a bit faster posting it (hopefully being the key word, here).
Enjoy (if you can do that with a death poem)!
Pulled backwards into its grasp,
the fire begins to lick at me.
It is hungry.
Calling out, begging for a salvation
that does not come.
And as I begin to die, everything slows
as I realise:
Never a child,
never to know.
Never innocent,
never carefree.
I came into the world fully formed,
an adult, already with
the hundreds of careworn experiences
that make up a person,
yet never
feeling them for myself.
The fire, spiralling out of control,
playfully feeds itself on my hair and clothes.
Sadistic enjoyment, it seems,
cruel destruction for entertainment.
As my skin chars, I remember
seeing so many children at play
as I walked
through Castle Laus' surrounding village,
cloaked, always cloaked from the sun.
I felt superior.
I felt envious.
Excruciating pain brings me back.
And in my last eternal seconds,
it runs through my mind
again and again:
Never a child,
never to know.
Never innocent,
never carefree.
Never a child,
never to know.
Never innocent,
never carefree.
Never a child
Vyctori: Ahem. Well, that's it. Short update, I know. Probably the review responses were larger! ::hears doorbell ring:: Hmm, who's this? ::goes off to answer the door::
Karst: ::walks in, carrying scythe:: Hi there!
Vyctori: ::blinks:: What are you doing here, Karst? Isn't this the wrong fandom?
Karst: ::shrugs:: Semaj sent me to visit Menardi.
Vyctori: But she doesn't cover my non-Golden Sun fics!
Sain Kent: ::enter room::
Kent: Who's this, Vyctori?
Vyctori: This is Karst—she's Menardi's younger sister.
Sain: ::opens mouth::
Vyctori: ::stomps on foot::
Sain: !!! What was that for, lovely Lady Vyctori?
Vyctori: ::whispers:: Karst has one of the biggest tempers I've ever seen; she'd appreciate your flirting even less than Menardi does. ::aloud:: Anyway, review, everyone, even though the before and after junk took up twice as much space. And Semaj, don't forget to pick up your muse when you're done.
Sain: ::clutching foot:: Yes, please review, to make this darling angel smile.
Kent Karst: ::annoyed::