Poll: Which fans enjoy The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows the most? Vote Now!
Author has written 22 stories for Dark Shadows, Hello Kitty/大好き!ハローキティ, Kids In The Hall, Golden Girls, Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Addams Family, Clue, Munsters, Bewitched, Doctor Who, Dark Shadows, Beetlejuice, M*A*S*H, and Rocky Horror. humanetech[dot]com "I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own!" - The Prisoner youtu[dot]be/3CK8Rg7FyD8 Dark Shadows 2012 Movie Fans: You are EXTREMELY WELCOME! HELLO! :) Welcome to my profile. I shall endeavour to make it more friendly. (Yeh, yeh, I know... I'm totally terrifying and endlessly gossiped about. So much for direct communication on the planet's fastest correspondence tool. If you are feeling guilty for gossiping about me you can relieve that by letting me know how that occurred. Not my personal preference, but hey, that's human psychology for you. :) Inquiry: Why do I do what I do? How did it start? Answer: I combed Dark Shadows fan fiction for five years looking for a relief series and I couldn't find one. Yes; almost half a century of this television show having aired and gobs of fan work written for it for decades? No one had produced a relief series for it. So I started building my own with a little help. Inquiry: Why do I share it? Answer: In order to find others of like-mind who prefer to enjoy themselves rather than suffering or making others suffer. I resigned a good job in 2013 to do this work full-time and get the chat for some darned hard effort. I would really, really, really, like to go back in time and show the previous years’ result to the dot com boomers who were forever peer pressuring me to be oh-so pro-internet. "But, Daryl! It's gonna be great! Everyone will meet others who have similar interests! There will be so much harmony and glass highways, Daryl. YOU'LL SEE!" *cough* Yeah, right! Bunch'a nonsense and worthless pursuits. Well, we can change that together. It all depends on team work. It has often been said of me that I am too different. I’m not sure why on Earth that is a problem in this day and age when we’re meant to bring harmony by embracing diversity. However I’ve come to notice many shallow pursuits that took over the general populous in the last decade in which everyone became programmed to “rate” everything and everyone around them, and then peer pressured to “critique”. Considering barely anyone has the proper skill set or need to do either, this has rather flipped the world upside-down for any pursuit of happiness, hasn’t it? In the wise words of olde I would like to express: “Homey don’t play that.” ;) I welcome pleasant discussion about all shows I’m currently using so that I can continue to make The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows the best series that I can. Would love Addams Family chat, Munsters trivia, Bewitched witchy cataloging, Clue: The Movie banter, Ghost and Mrs. Muir facts and fun, as well as knowledgeable viewers of the Dark Shadows program which aired from 1966-1971. I’m currently viewing Dark Shadows episodes 641-700 to help relieve that segment of it. (My husband and I are also viewing Dark Shadows: First Year together and alternating that with Doctor Who episodes starring Tom Baker.) I have figured out the link problem thanks to some lovely individuals on this site pointing out the necessity. So? Everything is just semi-completed urls you can paste and your search engine can figure out the rest on it's own. en[DOT]gravatar[DOT]com/morlock13 Mission Statement: Communication with the lonely and the suffering first and foremost. Secondary? Healing Collinsport. Occupation: actor/writer/comedienne (Yes, here you will see the text, but that is not all that I do.) Previous occupations: High School Teacher for (Severely) Emotionally Disturbed High School students. Vision Therapist. (VT is much like Physical Therapy, but for the eyes and comprehension of what is seen and understood. This incorporates practices like Occupational Therapy as well.) I also do readings in audio for librivox[dot]org: Audio books performed by Daryl Wor librivox[dot]org/reader/6415 Yes! There are even new books I am working on. Wasting time on "social" networks has been a scourge on our lives. The main purpose in posting here is to keep The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows audio project going. For me reading is not something to do to waste time but to enhance and enrich one’s purpose and being. I do not see conflict as the sole purpose of story-telling. I create morality plays that contain humour. Humour provides stimulus to the brain that increases the capacity for memory. For some of us text isn’t the best way of imbibing literature clearly. For some audio is not only better but necessary. (Much testing is provided in audio for this reason.) Reviews for me are not to gain popularity nor get a wider audience but to understand the view points of my audience’s enjoyment and maintain an organized record of it. Also, as a comedienne, most of the purpose in sharing one’s humourous work is to see the audience’s reaction. In over four years of giving my best I rarely see or hear that reaction. (Yes, it’s looking better now, but that entailed going through strenuous grief.) Most of what I do see is shy people too nervous to say much, folks hoodwinked that reviews mean they have to be something on the order of Siskel & Ebert (no thanks) or looking for every last flaw in the world to result in bash-critiquing. I also see people being distracted with trying to imbibe too much online and losing the ability to comprehend and correspond harmoniously with each other. This is a severe problem as our current technology and advanced mode of living has been created, mostly, with the ability to communicate and correspond efficiently, as well as for the pleasure of each other's company. (In so many words, we are spitting on our ancestors gifts to us: the future generation they longed to know would succeed and thrive.) The characters I have adopted to channel into my psyche take a great deal of concentration and effort. If you’ve ever watched documentaries on how such artists maintain the ups and downs, as well as the high-stress level, of performers you’ll find I work in the same way. The only difference is I do it for free, as well as spend what money I have on it. This is not said to impose guilt on anyone, but to explain for the hope you will understand what you are getting in my work and struggle. Also, I do not own a car. I stress this because many people do not recognize what kind of a “universe” that leaves a person in socially. They are often neglected and left to a cold online world that keeps managing to get colder and more aloof or petty. If some bloggers and writers wish to see stat-numbers and make up some idea of what others are thinking? Not my problem. Popular opinion? Again, not my problem. The human heart in conflict with itself? That’s my problem, as well as seeking to help others with loneliness, depression or any other ailment which creates a feeling of abandonment. There are too many of us alive with this kind of technology that such things should be left to “just happen”. I prefer an engaged group of people who are going to share the journey and their perspective because discussion and consultation are important to me as well as the growth of ability in others. So is problem-solving, which is what this Spooky Multi-Fandom with a Dark Shadows base is all about. How do we stop making things worse, wallowing, complaining or pretending it’s all fine, and begin isolating how to take the tools provided and build community again? Book club style is where I’m at. I hope you are too. Personal journal & web-log pitofultimatedarkshadows[dot]wordpress[dot]com/ iTunes Link to The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows audio show itunes[dot]apple[dot]com/us/podcast/pit-ultimate-dark-shadows/id808980956?mt=2 Podomatic Link (The fun whistles & bells version) xoiscythe[dot]podomatic[dot]com/ link (the least whistles & bells version) archive[dot]org/details/Podcast_The_Pit_of_Ultimate_Dark_Shadows podbay fm (which I'm told is the easiest version) podbay[dot]fm/show/808980956 google play play[dot]google[dot]com/music/listen?gclid=CLGIjYaQk84CFRFjfgodeA8Ehw&gclsrc=ds#/ps/Imbafyfwyjzgosdrrhz4pvblgz4 Want an even more official site to relay this is audio? audio-drama[dot]com/doku[dot]php/directory/p/pit_of_ultimate_dark_shadows For folks who are tired of trying to figure out how the heck to use those rotten phone & tablet keyboards and prefer the postal system? The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows Care Package link pitofultimatedarkshadows[dot]wordpress[dot]com/2015/04/20/the-pit-of-ultimate-dark-shadows-care-package/ Like to write letters and get mail? Me too :) For writers wanting help with their fandom work? Here’s the scoop: Send a PM and please be specific. In order to maintain what sanity I have left I will do review swapping for the fandoms I am using. This means you & I shall not waste our time with generic “This was good/This was bad” sentence fragments, but enjoy a sense of correspondence in the shared journeys with our favourite characters. :) None of that, "I don't know how to write reviews!" nonsense. You can write stories, correct? If you can do that, you can write good commentary. I adhere to canon-romantic-pairings. If either party in your work is not mutually reciprocal in the original movie or program I am not interested. (OC pairings for characters like Captain Kirk, Commander Riker, Quentin Collins, Dr. "Hawkeye" Pierce and Blanche Devereaux are acceptable because they all sleep-around a lot.) Email is often better for all of this work and I prefer email. (xoiscythe@) Many fandom wikias want help in program accuracy and I’m happy contributing to this as well. I'm going to add a little something more at the bottom of my profile. There are canon romances and there are non-canon romances. Canon romances happened in the original fiction and non-canon romances did not happen in the original fiction. When many people make various attempts in trying to create the belief in other fans that a non-canon romance was canon? We have a problem. It is a problem in faulty observation skills, and it is a problem of insecurity. (We ought to be helping each other to understand things, not tricking each other into misunderstanding what we wish happened instead.) Barnabas and Josette are a canon romantic pairing. Barnabas and Dr. Hoffman are a non-canon romantic pairing. (Sam Hall wrote something to the contrary that never aired on the screen for Dark Shadows.) This needs to be understood for things to run smoothly. Please bear that in mind. And now for the stories and favourites: |
AutomneArcher (12) ecinspired (7) | Lovely girl 10 (18) Osheen Nevoy (17) Reesie (1) | ruby gillis (21) Tabitha12 (52) TorontoBatFan (32) |