![]() Author has written 26 stories for Alpha and Omega, Minecraft, Mario, SpongeBob SquarePants, Bubble Guppies, PAW Patrol, 7D, Loud House, Star Wars, and Luigi's Mansion. Not much to say really. I exist. I like writing. Probably a side-effect of hyperlexia. Due to having Aspergers, I tend to have obsessions that cycle, and my fanfics often reflect said obsessions. Before it was Bubble Guppies, then it was Disney, then Ghostbusters, then SpongeBob, then Loud House... god help me. This cyclic obsession thing makes it hard to stick to one project, lest my interests suddenly change on a bloody dime. I am trying my best to get over this, as I desperately want to. You might notice that some characters in my newer fanfictions tend to have Aspergers themselves, if I personally believe it's a possibility. A good example would be Lisa in my Loud House fanfics, or Luigi from Super Mario. It's... a topic I like talking about, if you couldn't tell. It helps that being on the spectrum is so broad, that it could apply to literally any character if you REALLY tried your damnedest. RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME THAT YOU PROBABLY DON’T CARE ABOUT Real First Name: Natalie (and that’s all you’re getting) Favourite Pairings (not that I’m much of a shipper): LuigixDaisy, JessiexJames, PlanktonxKaren, LucyxRocky I guess, does R2-D2xC-3PO count? Favourite TV Shows: SpongeBob (both old and new), Bubble Guppies (yes, really), Pokémon, BoJack Horseman, Adventure Time, Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, House of Mouse, The 7D, The Loud House, The Real Ghostbusters, The Clone Wars Favourite Movies: Pretty much anything by Pixar (like Toy Story, Up, Inside Out, Wall-E), plenty of Disney stuff (Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Notre Dame, etc), Star Wars (wait, that’s Disney now too) Favourite Games: Mario, Minecraft, Pokémon, Luigi’s Mansion, de Blob, Pikmin, Terraria, LEGO Star Wars is shockingly fun Favourite Characters in Respective Media: Karen (SBSP), Deema (BG), Team Rocket/Clemont (PKMN anime), BMO (AT), Dipper (GF), Lisa (LH), Luigi (Mario), Leafeon (PKMN games), Egon (GB), C-3PO (SW) I've gone through and deleted some stories I was not happy with. I can keep embarrassing YouTube videos up, but not those fanfics, regardless of what others said. Not all my old stuff has been deleted - just the stuff I actually regret writing. I have both a YouTube channel and a Deviantart account with the same name Superfloxes. Normally I’d post possible fanfiction projects, but frankly considering my erratic schedule and cyclic obsessions, it’s impossible for me to tell what’ll be published next. Oh, and the best season of SpongeBob is Season Eleven. Fight me (please don't). WHAT TO EXPECT FROM MY WRITING Possibly as a side-effect of my hyperlexia (also known as precocious reading, ie reading at age 2, which is not as fun as it sounds), I tend to write a lot. So, my writing often has a lot of detail, mostly because I like going in-depth. Even my less detailed stories nowadays still have a lot going on in any given scene. I do have the slight problem that often times I will keep going and going and just... forget about the small details in the scene because I'm just THAT sunk into it. Fortunately, this is often fixed in proof-reading. Speaking of which, you can also expect my stories to have really good grammar and few typos. This is due to my perfectionist nature. Which, by the way, can be a detriment sometimes. Nothing like refusing to publish something until it reaches an unrealistic standard of beauty! I haven't quite found my favourite-est genre yet, but I like writing/reading stories about adventure, friendship, and family. Something about seeing relationships - whether family or friendship - always makes me feel good. I like pretty much every other genre, but romance is one that can struggle to keep my attention sometimes. I'm not sure why, but romance is always a little weird for me. Maybe it's because I'm potentially asexual, and how a lot of romance stories focus on 'they are SOOO pretty!' and silly dramas often fuelled by bad communication skills that infuriate me more than anything. However, I will like a romance story if the drama isn't forced AND it's a couple I personally care about. My stories tend to be strictly about my favourite-est characters, though I do try to mix it up a little. So often, I'll write Mario fanfictions starring Luigi, Loud House fanfics starring Lisa, Star Wars stories starring Threepio… I do try to have variety. In any Loud House stories I write for instance, while Lisa would be the main focus I give the other siblings a chance in the spotlight (usually Lori, Lynn, and Lucy). Likewise, I will tend to prefer reading stories starring my favourites and may even struggle to get through a story that doesn't have them in it. This is purely a ME thing, and not a problem with the story itself. One thing you can expect in my more lighthearted stories is making you wonder if my favourite character really is my favourite character. In any story focusing on say, Lisa or Threepio, you can bet I will be consistently poking fun at them and exposing them to high levels of slapstick. More or less, if I leave you thinking 'wait, I thought you said X was your favourite', then I have done my job right. You can't say I make my favourites too awesome by removing their flaws. After all, if I removed their flaws then I wouldn't like them anymore, would I? MY PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS (list never finalised) A Starry Wish, a Bubble Guppies fanfiction Summary: Deema is a dramatic party girl who’s a bit of an airhead. Nonny is very intelligent, but cautious and unexpressive. The two are opposites in every way. One night, the two both make a wish on a star. Their wishes may be more similar than they believe. Why I Recommend It: Despite being based on a preschool show, this is one of my favourites. It gives some interesting insight to Deema and Nonny, showing that the two of them idolise the other for different but similar reasons. Luigi’s Mansion: Tomb Service, a Mario fanfiction Summary: Luigi’s vacation to the Last Resort becomes a nightmare when the owner - Hellen Gravely - teams up with King Boo. With Daisy, Polterpup, and Gooigi by his side, Luigi will traverse the deadly hotel to save his brother. Along the way, he might end up making a new friend with a certain three-tailed feline. Why I Recommend It: I’m just having an absolute ball writing this one. Everything between the Luaisy interactions and the Boss Ghost’s personalities is just a joy. Not to mention that it sometimes deals with a certain topic that is very important to me. R-TOO, a Star Wars fanfiction Summary: A droid-centric retelling of Pixar's WALL-E. That's all you need to know, but I'll keep going. Artoo is a lonely astromech on a deserted planet, longing for companionship. His hopes are answered when a Protocol droid (who is obviously Threepio) is dropped on this planet for a special mission. Why I Recommend It: The idea may be really silly (trust me, I know), but I am perfectly aware of this and am trying way too hard. If you like Artoo and Threepio half as much as I do, it may be worth checking out since fanfictions starring them both seem to be shockingly rare. |