Author has written 8 stories for Chronicles of Narnia. What I wrote on first starting out: "I'm an Australian woman, originally from Melbourne. I'm fairly new to all this, and find the whole fandom thing hugely complicated -- the language, the conventions, the protocols. For example, I'm not too sure what to put in this profile. I've written fiction before, for my own pleasure and to a very limited extent, but most of my own writing has been non-fiction; in my day-job I do a lot of re-writing of factual and technical stuff. The story I'm writing now is my first fanfiction; it's set in C.S. Lewis's Narnia. (And thank you, C.S. Lewis, for Narnia, and much else!)" And: I was adding, bit by bit, the things I was learning as I went along about writing - mistakes to avoid, mostly. But in the interest of keeping the profile succinct, I've taken that all away. If anyone wants to talk about writing, I'm happy to chat,by PM or otherwise. :) Also, since starting out, I've joined LiveJournal and Dreamwidth, as heliopausa and heliopausa, and also archiveofourown as Heliopause, and the Narnia Fanfiction Revolution forum as heliopause. There's a few more stories at those places: readers welcome! :) And lastly: I really like the idea of the collaborative nature of story-telling - so if anyone wants to use my stories for characters, or to mix, or remix, or podfic, or other transformative purpose, well, that's fine. Acknowledgement of and a link back to my work would be good, and of course I'd like to have a link to the new work. That's for transformative works of any kind; on the other hand, I ask that nobody reprints or reposts entire stories in full without checking with me first. |
Anastigmat (10) cofax (20) | greaves (3) ilysia (6) | rthstewart (49) |