Reviews for Food for Thought
SortingHat chapter 1 . 1/25/2017
Did you know in England all wall sockets have *on* switches? Not to mention you can run American devices if you have the right converters to convert voltage to the 240 volts needed.

And you'll need a plug adapter to match the different shaped plug which has safety features our plugs back home do not have.

Do you need to go to the bathroom? Well in England all you get is the *bath* but no toilet...errrr I mean the John or the loo.
Saoirse7 chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
I took your advice and read this both on LJ and AO3. Haha. The formatting there is definitely better. But I must say that this was not what I expected, but so much better. I love how she is stumbling over how amazing they all are, and I liked your explanation for why Susan was not around the train crash, as well as the lesson from it. Great story!
Toaofwriting chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
Ghostwriter71 chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
Ah, you've totally got the whole teenage thing down to a T! (Being less than a week away from having four of them, I know it when I see it) :) I see she doesn't want to go to England, and would rather stay in Chi...I took my two oldest to England two years before your story is "dated", and they loved it! But then, perhaps they are not "typical" teenagers. Also, I was born in Naperville, IL, so I loved all the Chi references (been to Woodfield a few times myself).

Anyway, a very good little story. Well, "little" in that it was "only one chapter" sense, not content wise. :) I do find it to be a tad "feminist" leaning, as was sort of mentioned in the story itself. I mean, I totally agree that if a guy and a gal have the same job, they should get the same pay and all that sort of thing. But there IS the whole "going too far the other way", too. Also, Susan was mentioned as being really "girly" in "The Last Battle" when was her big turn around, or did I miss it in the story here? I did like how she thought they should have "waited" on Aslan, as it were, and then they all died in the train wreck...and yet, Jill and Eustace were supposed to go to Narnia, and it was all their time to die anyway. But there's no way Susan could possibly have known that, hence her journal entry! Awesome. :D

You and your story were recommended to me by a friend here on FF, and I was NOT disappointed. May have to read some more of your work now. :) Oh-I don't think you're a horrible Christian for writing this, just FYI. (Yeah-sounds stalkerish, but I read your profile, as I tend to do, before reading the story). Some people just need to grow up a bit, and learn that if they have a problem they may need to agree to disagree...on Facebook, i have had people I don't even know start making personal attacks on me for my not agreeing with certain well established things. Seriously?

Anyway, shutting up now. And again-great story! :D
Gaia was Framed chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
I knew from the summary that this fic was going to be great. A modern girl learns a Narnian lesson without being romanced by a King? Count me in!

Jess is an immensely believable character - annoying yet likeable and empathetic.

I loved all the things she learned about Susan...actually, I just love your portrayal of Susan all the way around. She didn't lose her character; if anything, she went on to be the greatest of them all. The things she did with her life! A great role model for girls and women everywhere! I wish I could meet your Susan.

My favorite part was when we find out that she didn't lose her faith - in fact, her quarrel with Peter was because her faith was stronger than his, and all of theirs. I was floored by the brilliance of that idea.

The attention to detail was astounding. This fic taught me a lot about war and postwar British history. I'd never heard of the Land Girls before, but they sound awesome and now I want to learn as much about them as I can.

Finally, I love the big orange Cat that Jess keeps seeing. We all know Who that is :-D

Having seen the quality of your work, I am astounded and flattered that you have taken time to review my little Witnesses. I can't thank you enough.

Lion Bless!

Occasionally Asian chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
So I'm reading along, thinking this was kind of a nice fluffy story, I didn't really care for the narrator but it was still cute, up until the letter in the last file which pretty muh made me cry. Susan usually gets some hate for "growing up" from narnia, but I loved the interpretation you had of her, the idea that she still believed, still loved narnia, but knew it wasn't their place to try to go back. It may not be canon, exactly, but maybe it is, and canon was tainted by perception. I just wanted to let you know that this is probably my favorite fic portrayal of post-narnia Susan, and thank you for writing it.
Avia Tantella Scott chapter 1 . 11/30/2012
This was a little different for you, but I still enjoyed it. I loved the historical pieces (Lucy and Susan and Polly and the Land Girls! Rationing and Jill's first banana in ages!) but my favorite piece was your take on the final argument between Susan and her siblings. I have long wondered how you would handle that in your universe, and love the tiny glimpse we get here. Very well done.

PS: I also loved the bit about Susan spending time as an election monitor in Eastern Europe... I have a funny feeling I know where the inspiration for that piece came from...
Phoenix Flight chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
This is exquisite! I loved the livejournal version with the pictures.

Your stories in general have brought wartime and post-war England to life in a way that nothing else has matched.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
I have already enthusiastically reviewed this insightful and meticulously researched piece (twice!) but, after reading the previous review, I feel compelled to quote the author's words: "Reasonable adults may disagree..we did not have to understand one another, only be understanding of one another and respectful of our fundamental disagreement..."

Many readers adore Rth Stewart's fiction and find her vision of Narnia forceful, compelling, and consistent with an ethical framework that affirms tolerance and generosity of spirit as cornerstone values. You are certainly entitled to eschew those values, but it is not appropriate to use hate speech, or treat designations of sexual orientation as epithets.

Boots to asses chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
However, I will delete all homophobic anonymous reviews. I will report all signed homophobic reviews to site moderators as abusive and violations of the Terms of Service. Readers and would be readers should have the freedom to click on a story I write and not be subjected to hate speech.

Hipocryte! Your lesbian lover liz has a livejournal full of hate speech where she cries about people who tell her she broke the rules and you support her!

Fuck you for being such a hipocryte lesbian retard!
robnrun chapter 1 . 9/10/2012
Wow. Just wow. You really nailed it with that last journal entry, so full of grace and power. It stands on its own as a response to intolerance. As an historian by profession, I have to say well done for accuracy throughout your work.
Reading your profile I see that you have been attacked by any number of bigots, this practicing Anglican has no issue with your work. I hope that you have the desire to contine.
LM22102 chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
Hi, just wanted to let you know your link is faulty. The 737 should be AFTER the html part. :)
DarkPhoenix101 chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
I really enjoyed this, especially your take on 'the problem of Susan.' That Susan's estrangement from the friends might involve their use of the rings, clearly disregarding Aslan's instructions to Diggory is something that I have thought of before. But considering the comments Eustace, Jill and Polly made in TLB there must be more to it than that. I suspect the underlying reason was their approach to living in England after Narnia. I hope to see you explore this theme further in the future.
Starbrow chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
I'm pretty sure this is a strong bid for favorite one-shot of all time. I don't even like Susan. I hate and love you for making me a fan of your strong smart Susan.

I was incredibly blown away by the unique perspective, the creativity of seeing Susan's past through modern eyes, and most of all by the ending. I had never ever ever considered the possibility of Susan disagreeing with the way the others were going about their faith and belief in Narnia, and disapproving of their interference with Aslan's plans. But it puts the train crash and everything that was described of Susan in Narnia in an entirely new light, and I was profoundly moved by the revelation. It fits so perfectly, and is so beautiful and heart-breaking all at once.

Random loves:

-The small home details about food, like "we ate sandwiches with them and drank cold tea from canteens and the cheese and jam tasted as hearty as anything we had ever had in N." And the bits about the tarts. Yum!

-CAMPING! Jess shares Lewis's opinions on camping! ::EEE::

-The Land Girls and all the descriptions of Polly and Lucy and Susan and Jill as powerful, active, vigorous women in the early 20th century. These accounts are amazing, enhanced so well by the pictures in the blog version too, and such a Narnian thing for these women to do here in the real world

-The running. (Former and currently-in-progress-again long distance runner here.)

-Jess's smart interesting voice throughout the blog. She is the anti-Mary Sue. She is awesome. I want to be her friend!

I shall return with more loves if FF will let me.
she's just dreaming chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
this was awesome, to put it that way.
i love Jessica's voice in all of it, and hearing about Susan, and all the things that occurred with her, in her entries.
absolutely great.
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