![]() Author has written 22 stories for M*A*S*H, Elder Scroll series, Fallout, Heroes of Might and Magic, A song of Ice and Fire, Transformers/Beast Wars, Dark Tower series, and Borderlands. Hey! :D Welcome to my profile...I hope it met all your expectations and wildest dreams. Although, if your dreams are anything like mine...that may be a bad thing... Let's start with introductions shall we? I am Farky-fark and the Munky Bunch, but you can just call me Farky. Or Bunch. But preferably the former. GrowlingPeanut is my sister. She writes Borderlands (and Tales from the), Halo, Transformers, and Supernatural. She's rather smashing (and a lot like me) so...you should check out her stuff. Yup. Please. We have a hive mind (true story) so if you like me, then you'll like her. And...she's a better writer than me. I learned everything I know from her, so if you like my writing, you'll definitely like hers. Okay...so I finally have an avatar for my profile and it probably needs an explanation... It was drawn by me, because my artistic talent is limited to stick people. The guy on the left is Khal Drogo from A Game of Thrones, and the guy on the right is a humanized version of Soundwave from Transformers. The other one is some random kid wearing a sheet for Halloween. The background of this picture is that Drogo and Soundwave exist in a universe along with their respective fandoms. So...the little kid thinks that they are their costumes, and that results in a moment of "...". I was bored in Language Arts class... Feel free to go check out my stuff and review if you want. I won't harbor a grudge if you don't, but come on! What author doesn't like feedback? Even if it's not positive, at least someone took the time to read it and try to make it better. Anyway, you don't have to, but at least you all know about it now. And on the subject of reviewing, I would like to thank all of my wonderful reviewers. You guys are great! Just giving you fair warning that updates to my stories will not be as frequent, but I will do my best to get out at least one chapter every few months or so. I know that's not that often, but I'm annoyingly busy, so I'm doing the best I can. My Stories: Reflections: A one-shot about Radar O'Reilly (M*A*S*H) Complete The Beginning of the End: This story follows a young Falmer named Feredir and his wife, Laietha as they first come to Blackreach and details their interactions with the Dwemer and the eventual decline from the proud race of Snow Elves to the Falmer known today. (Elder Scrolls) Currently on hold Main Course: This is the dinner party with the Daedric Princes. 17 Princes who don't always get along that well, stuck in one room...exactly. As my summary says: hilarity ensues. (Elder Scrolls) Complete Sweet Dreams: The result of random inspiration! A one-shot about Marie and Wernher about a year after the events of The Pitt. (Fallout 3) Complete Who Decides if You Get a Second Chance?: Multi-chapter fic sort of in the same universe as Sweet Dreams, further exploring post uh...Pitt...(DLC Questline wise) Pittsburgh and the relationship between Wernher and my Lone Wanderer, Red. (Fallout 3) Currently on Hold One-shots of Might and Magic: Will be six one-shots; one for each of the six campaign stories. Chapter one is from the point of view of Gauldoth Half-Dead, exploring his relationship with the priestess Alana. (HOMM4) Currently on hold Ayyey ma Oma Nakho: One-shot about Daenerys and Khal Drogo, before...ya know... (A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones) Complete Waking Up: Another Dany/Drogo one-shot. Set after his death. (A Song of Ice and Fire: Not specified, but post A Game of Thrones) Complete If Love Hurts, is it Really Love?: One-shot about the relationship between Daenerys and Viserys. (A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones) Complete Ice and Fire: Multi-chapter cross-over between Skyrim and A Song of Ice and Fire. Focuses on Sandor/Sansa, Dany/Drogo, and Vilkas/Arya/Jaqen. (Skyrim/A Song of Ice and Fire) Complete A Song of Odd Moments: Thanksgiving: One-shot cross-over between A Song of Ice and Fire and Transformers about the aforementioned holiday. (A Song of Ice and Fire/Transformers) Complete A Song of Odd Moments: Christmas: One-shot cross-over sequel to ASoOM: Thanksgiving, set in the same year. (A Song of Ice and Fire/Transformers) Complete Constellation of Tears: The fourth of my four Dany/Drogo one-shots. Again, set after his death. (A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings) Complete Your Song: Valentine's two-shot about Sandor and Sansa's developing relationship, physical in particular, but also emotional. (A Song of Ice and Fire) Complete Ho'opa'i: ASOIAF Pearl Harbor AU in which Sansa is a nurse for the US Navy and Sandor Clegane is the infamous Kāne ‘Ōkala of Hawaiian legend. Work in progress Blood and Iron: The sequel to Ice and Fire, starts directly where the aforementioned story left off and continues through [spoilers]. (Skyrim/A Song of Ice and Fire) Complete Closure: One-shot dealing with an alternate ending to chapter 42 of my story Ice and Fire. (Skyrim/A Song of Ice and Fire) Complete Opposites Attract: A series of one-shots about Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark, in various contexts. (A Song of Ice and Fire) Work in progress A Man and a Girl: A series of one-shots about Arya Stark and Jaqen H'ghar, in various contexts. (A Song of Ice and Fire) Work in progress Other Worlds Than These: A Tales from the Borderlands/Dark Tower crossover written collaboratively with my sister, GrowlingPeanut. (Tales from the Borderlands and the Dark Tower series) Work in progress And now for the cliched, "about me" section. Just a few things I thought of off the top of my head that you might like to know. Or maybe not. Favorite Food: Anything with alfredo sauce on it. Favorite Song: I Want to Break Free by Queen Favorite Book: Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov and Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King Favorite Author(s): Isaac Asimov and Stephen King Favorite Movie: Interstellar Favorite Video Game: Ha. I used to say this was a hard question. Nah. It's Bioshock Infinite. 100%. But I also love the Fallout games, and the Elder Scrolls series, pretty much anything by Bethesda, uh...the Splinter Cell series, Borderlands, (and Tales From the...), Beyond Good and Evil, Assassin's Creed, any of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six games any of the Forza games with auto braking so I don't veer off the road... :/ As for others out of that 'style', I play Neverwinter Nights, Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Wonders...stuff of that sort. Favorite Animal: Definitely cats. Favorite Color: Blue. Specifically navy. Favorite T.V. Show: Maniac. So good! But I also like and watch or have watched Psych, Monk, Parks and Recreation, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Chuck, Firefly, Downton Abbey, Castle, Battlestar Galactica, Breaking Bad anything on the Food Network, all the Netflix Marvel stuff and Lost. Favorite Dessert: The lemon bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cake. So freaking good. Favorite Fictional Character(s): Sandor Clegane from A Song of Ice and Fire, Khal Drogo from A Game of Thrones, Eddie Dean from the Dark Tower series, Elizabeth Comstock from Bishock Infinite, Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Assassin's Creed, Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbird, and Elodin from The Kingkiller Chronicle. My OTP(s): Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark from the A Song of Ice and Fire series, and Eddie and Susannah Dean from the Dark Tower series. Song I'm Listening to RIGHT NOW: Not a song, just listening to MBMBAM cause I love me some McElboys. Quote of the Week: [In a decent sized warehouse for a book sale] "Dad, is the White House as big as this place?!" "Uh...yeah. Even bigger." Today...: Is Monday. Just got off work, and I think I'm gonna go to the gym. Maybe. Probably not. That's all for now, so if you ever have any questions, just let me know and I'll get back to you. Have a good day! :) --Farky |