Ch. 14
Gweneth would never wish this feeling upon anyone. To feel so so dead inside. Her innards weren't rotting, they were far past decay. She was a walking corpse, as ancient as time. The only thing keeping her moving was Haskill. For he has said hope was not all lost, that was her drive.
The imperial ran her thumb over the dull staff as she walked. The wood no longer heavy but a husk of what it once was, heh Gwen smiled, at least she had one thing in common with her new accessory. The Isles shimmered beautifully in parts where the order had not reached yet. Vibrant colors melting together in the sky as she walked on through the hills.
She hurt so much. She hurt so much the pain dulled to numbness. Gwen felt herself fading, away from who she was. But she lacked the emotion to care. Blank puffed up eyes looked to the skyline ahead, turned and kept on. Daedae was left behind with Haskill for he was too weak to go on. Gweneth had kept on at an inhuman pace, people would rest more but the Imperial couldn't stop. She was so driven, and now that the Greymarch was here she couldn't afford to stop.
Everything was a blur to her though, she was sure she was on the right path but for the life of her she couldn't remember what she had just done. There was no memory, it was as if she was running on autopilot. She felt nothing, she saw nothing, and remembered even less. Gwen was a mindless killing machine.
There was someone named Dyus, and she had absorbed all he had to tell her in order to complete the staff. The imperial had to create it from scratch. The man would create the actual staff but she had to gather the power for it. For that she had to kill a woman for an eye, for it has seen things that are unseen. Gwen also had to take a branch from one of the oldest trees in the Isles, named the Tree of Shades. He cautioned her well regarding the tree and said this was no easy task.
She didn't care. Her mind forgot it all after he sent her off, only following her subconscious's orders. Treading through the Howling halls was easy enough, a religious group wanted their leader dead so they could harness the light she kept from them. Cirta was the woman who she needed to kill in order to take her eye. Dressing as an apostle didn't do much for Cirta knew what was coming. The group bickered for minutes and when the battle commenced Gwen approached the woman from behind and slit her throat before she could swing her sword arm.
Milchar wasn't exactly so easy as she thought. The grove of reflection required her to reveal her true self before she was allowed to take on of it's branches. Of course she didn't realize that she was going to be fighting herself. Gwen dropped down to the lower layer of the caves and turned left when she found foliage. A turquoise stone shown bright within the grove, the imposing tree behind it. Putting a hand on the stone, it shown bright and glitter covered a growing black mass beside her.
"What's a matter Gwen? Nothing to fight for? Everyone you love is dead? Aww you poor baby. HaHAHahhah!" The black mass looked like an exact copy of herself, just a shiny black version with turquoise glitter speckled all over her. But the creatures voice was dripping with malice.
"What are you?" Gwen reached for her sword, the copy did as well. It looked as if the woman had everything she had, the imperial woke up from her numbess and swallowed a lump in her throat.
"I'm you, silly. Well, actually I am better than you." She laughed a dark laugh "I would have stopped the Greymarch. I would have saved Sheogorath."
"You're lying, I was working faster than anyone else would have. I never stopped. I was so close!" Her fingers itched over her hilt.
"NO!" Gwen screamed at the top of her lungs, and lunged for the copy. She couldn't get a hit on herself, no matter where she hit she was evenly matched.
"You will die alone. You've always been meant to be alone." The copy giggled, prancing around Gwen blocking every attack.
"Why are you saying these things to me?! This is not my true self!" Gwen conjured fire between her fingers, setting her sword on fire. The copy did not repeat her actions.
"THIS IS WHAT YOU TRULY FEEL. YOU'RE WORTHLESS AND YOU'RE THE REASON EVERYONE IS DEAD." The copy glided across the plane between them and took a slash at her. This time the copy connected and cut deep into Gwen's forearm.
"That may be true but I've avenged all of them, and will avenge Sheogorath." The growl emitted from those lips were barely human. While the copy's sword was still embedded into her forearm, Gwen pushed her lit sword into the copies gut.
"You won't succeed." She spit black blood onto Gwen's face before melting into nothing. The young and broken woman slumped to the floor for a few minutes. Crying, screaming, clawing into the dirt below. Eventually she would get up and snap off a branch before leaving the place.
"You have the items. Contrary to all prediction. Once again, you defy the path set before you. However what comes next is unclear. If you wish to confront what is to come, I shall create the staff for you. You posses the eye and the branch, together they shall form the physical shape of the staff of Sheogorath. After I shape them into the staff, you must take it to the seat of power in the Shivering Isles- The palace of Sheogorath. There imbue the staff with power from the Font of Madness. Soak the staff in the waters of the land, and it will open it's full power to you." Dyus looked up at her with old eyes, assessing how she defied all predictions he had of her. "Now, take your treasure and leave me."
The staff formed in front of her eyes, the branch becoming elongated and spiked at the end, Ciirta's eye enlarging to fit on top of the staff. It was incomplete, but only for a moment until she dunked it in the Font of Madness ahead.
"Ah you're back. As you can see we have a little bit of a problem." Haskill looked ashamed, as if he failed her already.
"What's wrong with the Font?" Gwen set the incomplete staff aside.
"Order. The taint appeared only a short time ago, but it has spread quickly. I fear that soon we all will be serving a new master." The man before her looked tired for once, the lines in his face beginning to show his true age.
"You mean Jyggalag..." Gwen's voice was barely above a whisper.
"Yes. His agents must have found a way to poison the Font with Order. Once the Font of Madness becomes the Font of Order. Jyggalag has won."
"But we've beaten him at every turn!"
"Somehow the forces of Order have poisoned the pools of Mania and Dementia that feed the Font. I suspect the Traitor Thadon. Jyggalag has never had an original thought in his existence. Be that as it may, You will have to enter the fountainhead beneath the tree and find the source of the poison." Haskill clasped Gwen's hands in between his and gave her a reassuring nod before she went.
This was it. This was her last mission and she would be able to save the Isles. Gwen passed through the door behind the tree within the throne room. Gnarls were trying to remove order everywhere she passed them. They were tame and would follow her around, as if they knew she was there to help.
Priests defended large blocks of Order spikes within the water, knights patrolled the halls nearby. By this time Gwen had figured these enemies out, they were nothing to her. Thadon would be ripped to shreds and fed to the Gnarls. So many tunnels, so many priests of order that weren't Thadon.
Gwen switched her claymore for a katana, and poisoned it when she head Thadon's babbling.
"You of course, Sheogorath's assassin. I see so clearly now, what a fool I have been, A happy heedless fool." There were about five priests of order running after her as Thadon spoke above the lake they all fought in.
"Now he must have mocked me, with my poems and painting, and my meaningless revelry. BUT NO MORE. NO MOORRE. Instead she is dead! You will pay FOR KILLING HER!"
Six men ran after her with swords, six priests of order. Water splashed about as she ran, fumbling to free one of her hands to summon a beast. A dremora was what she got, the demon-like creature spitting blood and crying a battle roar in a forgeign tongue. Gwen ran for high ground, throwing flames out of her hands as she tried not to trip over shards or Order.
"My beautiful duchess, you killed her!" Thadon gunned for her, not caring about the dremora decapitating his men behind him.
"Sheogorath wanted her dead, I was only following orders!" Gwen fell to the ground, raised roots from a tree caught her footing.
"You lie! You wanted her position you harlet! You killed my love!" Thadon swung his dagger at her, pinning her down to the ground. Gwen tried her best to roll them over but the madman seized her neck.
"You ruined everything!" Thadon cried out "Now you will di-aaahhh!" His robes were set aflame, the madman rolled off of gwen and on the ground in order to put the flames out. The imperial just continued to burn him alive until he was a charred corpse. Gwen rose to her feet, took his shard of order and restored the last lake underground.
"Haskill!" Running out of the tree, she turned the corner to see Haskill smiling at her. The Font was restored and she could finally imbue the staff. Gwen grabbed his sleeve to come with her. Dunking the staff in the fountain gave it life. It didn't just feel like a branch anymore, it had the power of Sheogorath.
"My lord!" A dark seducer ran up to her out of nowhere. "Autkendo Jansa sent me to find you. She requests your immediate assistance."
"What does she want?" Gwen looked over at Haskill, he let her hand him the staff to hold onto.
"I don't know my lord. She only said it was of gravest importance to the security of the realm." She ran off to the door. Gwen followed her but it seemed that said woman was already inside the palace walking up to her.
"My lord, I am glad to see you. We have a developing situation that requires your attention. An obelisk had just activated itself just outside the palace. I've ordered my Mazken to engage the enemy. I suspect that this is the beginning of the final assault. The cursed usurper Jyggalag himself may even take the field before the end. What are your orders my lord?" She smiled bright at her, as if she knew her all her life.
"Attack with full strength." Gwen looked outside behind them, the sky became very dull.
"With pleasure my lord, My Mazken will gladly die in your service." Autkendo grinned, unsheathed her sword and ran out the door. Her dark seducers followed her out. Gwen sighed and unsheathed her sword as well, making her way out the door.
Order ran up the steps, her people ran down them, impaling each other. Magic cracked all over, and large shards of order rose out of the ground. The sight was bleak and bloody. Sheogorath's servants fought to the death for her, Gwen perched on a corner watching all of the mess. She waited for Jyggalag, hoping it was him.
A second Obelisk popped up, teleporting more Order into the palace grounds. She needed to destroy it before they were all overwhelmed. Jumping over the fighting crowd below, Gwen looted corpses of Order for their hearts, once she had three she threw her sword into the Priest of Order's chest, pinning him to the ground. No one seemed to notice her inserting the hearts of Order into the Obelisk. She moved onto the other one on the opposite side of the grounds, more knights came through and ran forward without noticing her inserting three more hearts.
The gray sky lit up white, a large sphere hovered high in the sky. Jyggalag was here, his form crashing into the earth. Everyone fell back from the force of the crash except Gwen. Jyggalag laughed a robotic laugh and stood taller than a house. He ran for her, crushing the bodies that laid before him.
"You hold the staff but you are no Daedric prince!" Lightning flew from his hands, stunning the imperial to her knees. "This ends how it always does, Order shall reign!"
Gweneth threw fire at Jyggalag, lunged at him with her sword. Dark seducers and Golden saints joined in, circling him so he couldn't ever reach Gwen when swinging. With the constant barrage of weapons he fell to his death. The body crumpled and faded away, but a giant orb appeared with Jyggalag's face talking straight to Gwen.
"Enough! I am beaten, the Greymarch has ended. For millenia this drama unfolded, and each time, I have conqured this land, only to be transformed into that gibbering fool Sheogorath. It was not always so, once I ruled this realm, a world of perfect order. My dominion expanded across the seas of Oblivion with each passing era. The other princes, fearful with my power, cursed me with Madness, doomed me to live as Sheogorath, a broken soul reigning in a broken land. Once each era I was allowed my true form, conquering the world anew. And each time I did the curse was renewed, damning me to excist as Sheogorath. Now though, you have ended the cycle. You now hold the mantle of Madness, and Jyggalag is free to roam the voids of Oblivion once more. I will take my leave, and you will remain here, mortal... Mortal? King? God? It seems uncertain. This realm is yours, Perhaps you will grow to your station. Fare thee well Sheogorath, prince of Madness." Jyggalag waited for a moment to watch Gwen. Her life was shattered, he had just told her that she was Sheogorath and he used to be. Gwen looked up at the Daedric prince, tears stained her eyes, she was a broken woman to rule a broken land. She mouthed 'don't leave me' but Jyggalag was already fading.
"You've done it! Well done Lord Sheogorath! I never doubted you for a moment. Now of course there is business to attend to. As you have assumed the mantle of Sheogorath, there are matters that deserve your attention." Haskill smiled and guided her to the throne, Sheogorath's clothing sat upon it, but it was different. It was a dress instead.
"Haskill where is Sheogorath. I defeated Jyggalag.. he should come back right?" Her voice raised at the end, tears muddied her vision.
"Ah my lord, you are him now. He is no longer." Haskill cringed at the sound of a sword clattering to the ground.
"Gone? You said there was hope. YOU SAID THERE WAS HOPE!" Gwen turned on him so fast the man had no time to respond, Haskill was pinned again a pillar by his throat. Guards made no move to help him.
"Hope to save the realm madam! Sheogorath is just a title now!"
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE REALM." Gwen threw him aside, reaching for the dress neatly piled on the throne. She hugged the clothing for all it was worth, it smelled of him.
"This was his plan! Jyggalag wanted to be free, he is the only thing remaining of Sheogorath or what he once was."
"He cant be dead, no n-no he cant be." Gwen started to stutter, dropping her pack of items to the floor. A dark seducer took the bag and set it in her new bedroom. A golden saint asked her if there was anything she could do to help.
"My lord?" The saint asked again.
"Look at me and what do you see?" Gwen turned to face the guard.
"I see my lord and creator lord Sheogorath." The saint smiled.
"What gender am I?" Gwen felt sick.
"Male my lord." At that answer she turned to Haskill.
"THEY THINK I AM HIM?! HASKILL!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, confusing her guards entirely. Haskill shooed them out of the room temporarily.
"Yes you are now him! Every one of your subjects do not see you as you are but instead Sheogorath as he always has been." He began to undress her in order to have her wear her new dress to complete the look. "It is best you wear the uniform, for they can see what you wear but not your face."
"Do you see me Haskill? Or am I too an old man in front of you?" Gwen began to cry, her friend dressing her to fit her office.
"I see a young girl, beaten and broken down, who lost her heart too many times. I see a woman given up on life." Haskill dried her eyes and sat her down on the throne. "You have the power of a daedric prince, or at least you will in time. When you obtain it you can shape the realm to whatever you fancy. No longer will you hurt, you are safe now. I will always be here for you my lord. I understand that this is a lot to take in at once so I advise you go back home for a vacation. When you return we discuss your responsibilities."
"Why did I do this Haskill? The moment I saw him I knew I was going to be too deeply invested if I continued. Why didn't I just go back to Tamriel?" Gwen stared at her dress, her hands fiddling with her new staff.
"Because you had hope and wished to love once again."
"Because you're now immortal my lord. No matter what you try you cannot die."
"Damn this cursed hell."
Something inside her snapped, really snapped. Under all the stress, anxiety, and pain she had gone through her mind snapped. So here she was standing in front of the Sheogorath shrine in Cyrodill, his subjects didn't notice who she was for they were not of her realm. Her realm, the sound of it felt so wrong. She shouldn't have a realm, she shouldn't be a madgod. But here she was, immortal and slowly being filled with Madness. She placed a head of lettuce and ball of yarn on the alter along with a soul gem. She felt the shrine notice her as a familiar voice began to speak.
"Praying to yourself my lord? That is not a good sign, or perhaps it is? Prince of Madness and all that... While I believe you should be on vacation, it is of course your prerogative to spend time where ever you wish. Your predecessor did have one task he wanted preformed, though he never found a mortal suited for the task. There is a settlement called Border Watch, that your predecessor found rather dull. This, of course offended him greatly. They are-" The rest of Haskill's voice was drowned out. She was sure she would hear him again.. so sure... so sure.
"I just.. I wanted to see if he would respond Haskill.." Her voice was hoarse from all the crying she had recently done, she watched the statue of a man she loved sound like her servant. It was devastating to say the least.
"I'm sorry my lord. I've told you, he is gone. I advise against any further investigating for it shall only end in further disappointment."
"I'm sorry." Gwen sat down on the dirt, "I thought... I th- I just.."
"Come back to the Isles my lord, I cannot leave my station but I wish to comfort you."
Time passed, or at least that's what mortals would say. It still felt like an eternaty for her. Gweneth went mad to say the least, she posed as Sheogorath as she was supposed to do. Mortals bored her, they fought and died while she lived on. No longer did she stay in Tamriel but she watched her old guilds as her guildmates grew old and the other died in battle from the war. The Oblivion crisis ended by her hands but the destruction it left cause so much more conflict. The theives guild looted her home, stealing everything of value and leaving the shack to burn as the war raged on. The fighters guild was slaughtered and disbanded after their headmaster left and the second in command couldn't keep everything together.
The Dark Brotherhood were picked off and the rest ran to Skyrim with the dread mother after the keep in Bravil was found out. The mages guild stayed around but altered so much it was nothing like the place she commanded. She cared the least about them, there would always be mages who thought they owned anything magical. The would survive like the roaches they were. The more she watched Tamriel the more she became bored with it. She had what she needed, a realm to rule, Shadowmere as her steed, Daedae by her side. She needed nothing else, maybe a little entertainment. War wasn't entertaining anymore.
She needed another vacation, but not to Tamriel.
"Haskill, you can handle yourself around here right? I'm hoping you can because if I see an Island misplaced or a Khajiit on fire when I get back I'll gut out your eyes." Gwen smiled gingerly.
"Have yourself a wonderful time Gweneth." Haskill nodded, he preferred calling her by her name for he knew she hated being called Sheogorath.
"More tea Pelly my dear?" Gweneth sat at a dinner table with her friend Pelagius.
"Oh, I couldn't. Goes right through me. Besides I have so many things to do... So many undesirables to contend with. Naysayers. Buffoons. Detractors. Why my headsman hasn't slept in three days." The king droned on.
"You are far too hard on yourself, my dear, sweet, homicidally insane Pelagius. What would the people do without you? Dance? Sing? Grow old? You are the best Septim that's ever ruled. Well, except for that Martin fellow, but he turned into a dragon god, and that's hardly sporting. You know I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous time! Butterflies, blood, a fox, a severed head... Oh, and the cheese to die for!" She just got all excited thinking of the memories. Ah such good good memories.
"Yes yes, as you've said countless times before..." The dead king sounded pained from stress.
"Hafrumph! Well then, if you're going to be like that... Perhaps it's best I take my leave of you sir. I said good day!" Gwen raised her hands and snapped in the air.
"Yes, yes go. Leave me to my ceaseless responsibilities and burdens..." With a puff of purple smoke the king was gone.
"How rude. Can't be bothered to host an old friend for a decade or two." Gwen stood up from her chair and looked over the man before her. He wore an iron helmet with tusks sticking out at the sides and looked to be wearing iron armor. She had no idea how this man entered the mind of Pelagius, she was sure she locked the entrance..
"Who were you talking to?" The man looked as if he saw a pig with wings, she was sure she hadn't invited winged pigs this time.
"Emporer Pelagius III. Now surely you even know of Pelagius' decree? On his deathbed- oh, and this was inspired- he forbade... death! Thats right! Death! Outlawed!" She giggled and tugged on her dress.
"I'm here to deliver a message." The man looked at her odd, not the normally odd she usually got when talking to mortals. No like he could see past the glamour of Madness.
"Reeeeaaaallllyyyyy? Ooh ohh what kind of message? A song? A summons? Wait, I know! A death threat written on the back of an argonian concubine! Those are my favorite. Well mortal? Spit it out, I haven't gotten an eternity. Actually... I do. Little joke. But seriously, what's the message?"
"I was asked to retrieve you from your vacation." The man looked as if he felt out of place.
"Were you now? By whom?- WAIT DON'T TELL ME. I want to guess." She hopped up and down excitedly. "Was it Molag? No no- Little Tim the toymaker's son? The ghost of King Lysandus? Or was it.. Yes! Stanley, that talking grapefruit from Passwall... wrong on all accounts aren't I? Hah no matter, I don't want to know honestly. Why ruin the surprise? But more to the point, do you puny tiny, expendable little mortal- actually think you can convince me to leave? Because.. that's crazy. You do realize who you're dealing with here?"
"All I know is that your people need you to return." The man was beginning to look irritated.
"Yaaawwwwnnn. Oh, pardon me. Were you saying something? I do apologize but it's just that I find myself suddenly and irrevocably.. bored! I mean, really. Here you stand before Sheogorath himself, Daedric prince of Madness, and all you deem to fit to do is.. deliver a message? How sad."
"Does that mean you'll leave or not?" The man raised his voice, it would seem he has a low tolerance for fun.
"Now that's the real question is it?Honestly, how much time could a demented daedra really need? So here's what I am going to do. I'm going to leave, that's right. Holiday... complete. Time to return to the hum drum day-to-day. On one condition. You have to find the way out first. Good luck with that."
"Okay what's the catch?" The man sighed and stretched his arms out.
"Ha! I love it when the mortals know they are being manipulated. Makes things infinitely more interesting. Care to look around? I dare say this is not the Solitude Botanical Gardens. Have you any idea where you are? Where you truly are?" She paused for effect. "Welcome to the deceptively verdant mind of Emporer Pelagius III. That's right, you're in the head of a dead homicidally insane monarch. Now I know what you're thinking. Can I still rely on my swords, my sneak, spells and all that nonsense? Sure. Sure. Or you could use... THE WABBAJACK. Huh? Huh? Didn't see that one coming, did you?" Gwen handed over the staff she earned centuries ago.
"What if I told you that my friend knew how to get the real Sheogorath back?" The man who now looked more like a nord than imperial upon inspection smirked when he saw her look back at him.
"I am the real Sheogorath mortal, are ye daft?" Gweneth stood up from her throne and put her hands on her hips.
"Last time I checked the Prince of Madness was not a female." The nord laughed lightly.
"So you can actually see me? Daedric Princes can be any gender they please. What kind of mortal are you?" Gwen came up to the man, he was taller than her by a few feet.
"I just have this feeling you are not him, I am dragonborn." The man stared down at her.
"Figures." Gweneth grumbled. "So explain to me mortal, how would you go about finding the 'real' Sheogorath hmmmm?" Gwen was infuriated by the nord and his superior stance.
"Simple. You take me to Jyggalag, preferably his mind instead. I'll have a talk with your old buddy." This Dragonborn made it seem like it was so simple.
"My Sheogorath is gone from this world. Jyggalag would never turn back to to his former self for me. I can take you to him but not his mind." Gwen started to tear up at the thought, after two hundred years she learned to forget about him.
"Just leave it to me my lady." The nord bowed to her, and waited for her assistance.
"Fine, you'll be my Champion. Just don't get killed." Gweneth snapped her fingers and they were in another realm.
Jyggalag knew they were coming, for he was the most powerful Daedric prince of all. He analyzed the past and present in detail, he knew eventually the mortal turn madgog would come for him, but unaware of the hour. He had much time since they last saw each other to regain order in his new realm, he was back on top. Gwen hoped that, for some odd twist of fate this would work. He may be mortal but he was her champion, if he succeeded he would be rewarded handsomely.
"Sheogorath, you do not belong here." The prince of Order leaned upon his obelisk shaped throne. Everything around them was a shade of gray.
"I just came by for a visit, old buddy old pal. This mortal wishes to speak to you." Gwen motioned her hands to the Dragonborn.
"Aye. If I could speak to you a little more privately?" The nord walked up to the prince, leaving Gwen behind.
The Imperial tuned the two out, Jyggalag seemed to be in a better mood since she saw him last. It was understandable she guessed, being yourself again and all. She envied that, to be you and not someone else. Living by the name of the man she loves was nothing short of torture. Too have your subjects see you as the man you love but you look in the mirror and see yourself, just infuriating. Living for 224 years doesn't exactly mend your heart but you learn to give gouge it out and keep it in a box so you wouldn't feel. Gwen didn't actually gut her own heart out but she did to many others. She wasn't so sure if she were to do that, would she die? She was born mortal. She wouldn't kill herself for mainly just Haskill, she couldn't leave him alone.
"Begone mortal. I want you out of my realm before I kill you myself." Jyggalag threw the Dragonborn to the madgod's feet.
"Assuming that didn't work out for you laddie?" Gwen picked the man up, he seemed a little dazed, but being thrown like a ragdoll would do that to you.
"I am not killing him out of respect for you Gweneth. You saved me so your champion does not die today." The Prince mounted his throne again, looking utterly bored.
"Thank you." She dropped the nord on his ass and stepped up to the prince. "Why did you leave me there that day? You knew, you may not be him anymore but he is apart of you. I see him within you. You.. you left me."
"I have no obligation to you mortal. I should have smote you where you begged. I could have destroyed you and the realm but I didn't. I owe you nothing." His eyes were hard and grey but she knew there was gold in there somewhere.
"I am not mortal any longer, you cannot kill me. You are powerful, you took away the one thing I lived for, and you cant give it back? That is a shame Jyggy. A damn shame." Gwen turned to walk away.
"I know you loved him, but he is no longer here." Jyggalag sighed.
"Love. I love him. I never stopped. He is not gone, merely changed and stubborn." Her back faced him, she prepared to leave by grabbing onto the nord at her feet.
"You would make a fine Queen." She stilled for a moment.
"I don't belong to Order." Gweneth whistled, creating a portal to Solitude.
"Where am I what happened?" The nord finally woke up, they were on the coast of Solitude. It was quite secluded so no one had a chance to see them for a long while.
"You were thrown by a daedra prince, knocked you out." She giggled a bit, her champion looked embarrassed,
"I'm guessing I didn't convince him."
"I'm sorry. Thought I could help."
"I am no longer on holiday, your mission was a success."
"Jyggalag was really mad, I thought I was going to die."
"What did you say to him?"
"I thought since I read enough lore books on daedra I could have outsmarted him."
"Hahaha you cannot outsmart the daedric prince of order. You are a dense nord."
"It was worth a shot." The dragonborn stood up and dusted his greaves.
"You will be rewarded for your efforts nonetheless. Here" Gweneth handed him the Wabbajack, as well as an enchanted ring that could make your base health one hundred points higher. "With these people will have a hard time killing you."
"Thank you." He bowed.
"Now be on your way." Gwen smiled a sad smile and watched the nord travel back into town.
She didn't know why she gave some faith to the mortal, maybe she was bored. But being rejected hurt. She knew Sheogorath was still there, inside of him but Jyggalag never wanted him to get out. Gwen rolled onto the sand. Not wanting to move anymore, or sift herself back into her realm. Haskill was probably waiting for her, she bet he sent another mortal to fetch another mortal to find her. So predictable, but she loved him for it.
Large footsteps padded their way to where Gweneth lay, she was too busy in her thoughts to hear the clanking of metal armor. A sword buried itself into the sand beside her head. A helmet was dropped to the ground next to it. A few growls were emmiting from this creature and Gweneth finally decided to open her eyes and look for the source. Beside her looking irritated was Jyggalag.
"I don't know why I am here but I am going to just do this before I change my mind." He sounded mad, but not at her, himself.
"Jyggy, what are you doing?" Gwen sat up.
"I know all things past and present. I know everything you've gone through to get where you are, things were forced upon you that you never wanted. You are an extraordinary mortal that defied the path meant for you. The one thing you yearn for has never been allowed. You did me a great service by freeing me from Madness and to return the favor I will allow the one thing you want. Then we are even." Jyggalag muttered a few unitelligable words and he felt to the sand, his body splitting into two.
"But, why?" Gweneth felt tears falling down her face, she didn't feel sad though. Jyggalag looked up to respond, his grey eyes showing discomfort.
"You are a daedric prince, we are equals. We have en eternity to coexist with each other and this will be a good start to it. I trust you will keep him away from me." Jyggalag gave her a stern look saying 'I can take away this part of me again so don't fuck with me' as the form split from him.
"Of course, of c-c-c-ourse." She couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. The form that split off from Jyggalag was bright light, it faded until the shape of a man appeared.
"Good morning Starshine." An old Irish burr chuckled, and her heart nearly gave out.
"Sh-Sheo." Gweneth felt the madness lift from her and seep back into him, as if she were merely borrowing it from him.
"Took you long enough! I know you didn't like me but you enjoy the lassie." Sheogorath wore his normal outfit and his gold eyes shown bright, his hair was a deep brown as well as his beard. He looked young. "Ah it feels good to be reborn. I feel as fresh as a babies bottom."
"Thank you." Gwen looked over to Jyggalag who did not seem at all pleased to see him but relieved he was no longer physically apart of him.
"Remember." The prince nodded and faded away.
"Did you miss me my sweet? Oh and thank you for taking care of the Isles while I was away, I was on holiday!" The maddened prince before her grinned like a little boy.
"More than you could imagine." She sniffled and ran into his arms, she was held close and tight.
"I wont ever let you hurt again my queen." His voice was low and warm. "I love you Starshine."
He was serious and she believed every word.
Welp. There we go. 3 years I started this and now it's finally completed. Wow it's been difficult writing this. Thank you to all the people who gave a fuck enough to stay on this angst train. I love you guys. So at this point, I could write one-shots if you all were interested in pure fluff, or lemons between these two. I didn't wanna draw it out any longer and tamper with the main story I had for this. But oneshots are good.
Please please please review, favorite, share it around. Now that it's complete anyone can quickly feel the feely feels of this angst fest.
If you liked reading this, please check out my other fics. I have a Skyrim fic that's up, and a Pirates of the Caribbean one too. Stay away from the Naruto fics unless you can bear through very very rookie writing.
Thank you so much for the support. Good to know I am not the only one who crushed on this old man. It's been a blast.
~Much Love, LadyMarrowind.