Author has written 13 stories for Game X-overs, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, Soul Calibur, Evangelion, and Excel Saga. Blah. I AM writing. I'm just not going ahead with anything very well.YG: Epilogue I haven't worked on in months, and may not be completed, so there may be a sizable gap between III and IV permanently. VI is being written, a lot like IV, only...backwards. . Again, Theories is not being worked on. I'm waaay too lazy to type out written work, so the notebook Theories is written in has been collecting dust for months also. It'll get done, eventually, I swear. (YOU HEAR THAT, BRAIN?! I SWORE ON IT! GET TO FRIGGING WORK!) Yeah. And I happen to really really like YGIV's chapter Tourniquet's premise, but I feel I could do more with it, so I'm rewriting it. I might add it in as a kind of standalone, or replace Tourniquet altogether. No, I can't do that. Standalone it is. That's my show, g'night everyone. Share the wealth, and may the words flow freely. Th3 R3@n!m@t3d RynØr |
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