Author has written 19 stories for Smurfs, StarCraft, Sailor Moon, and Mega Man. Hi, I'm Grimm. I have a blog! http:/// Hang out there and read all my various rantings on writing and music related whatnots. Right now I finished a series on Daft Punk versus Infected Mushroom, and posted about the Dr. McNinja webcomic. So I've just finished the first season of my journal fiction of me hanging out with Judicator Aldaris. I am currently building up a buffer that will become season 2, and revolve around us hiding our resident extraterrestrial from the government. I'll be posting weekly again, probably around the end of next month. Real life, you know. I also have something else Starcrafty in the works, but it's starting to look like I won't be able to post it here because of the guidelines. That doesn't mean I'm not going to finish it, though. We'll see how that turns out. I'm...35% done with it? I have completed a massive five-part Mega Man fanfiction of which I am immensely proud, so I'm taking a break from that section. For now, I have a plan to write short stories about the robot masters, but that's something I'll do...when I feel like it. Honestly, I need to break away a little from Mega Man and do other things. I spent three years writing five different stories for that fanbase, so it's time for a change. Also, in case FF. net messes up the stories somehow, the series order is Okkusenman, How Many People Love You?, Wily Ga Taosenai, Afterlife, Rockman Ga Taosenai. As for Sailor Moon, I wrote part of a story (which I am not inclined to finish at the time) mainly because I was a fan of the live action Sailor Jupiter. It's not all that popular, and now that I look back on it, it's not all that well written. Read at your peril. Feel free to ask me any questions, and I'll do my best to answer you. So yeah, read and enjoy. I don't pretend to be the best writer, I just hope there's something here people will actually like. Anyway, feel free to post any of your opinions about the universes I write about in the reviews. Talk to me. You're an interesting person. Oh, and just fyi, don't be insulted if I seem harsh when I review your work. That's not my intention. I always assume that the writer I'm reviewing is trying to become a better writer, and if I can help them out, I'll say something. And I'll point out the good in your story also. :D Myers-Briggs: INTP Posting obnoxious, self-righteous statements on fanfiction net is a waste of time. Copy/Paste on your profile if you agree! |
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