![]() Author has written 8 stories for Wizards of Waverly Place. Fanfiction in general: I can't believe I waited this long to discover fanfiction...it's incredibly, ridiculously fun. It yields surprising dividends toward making *all* my writing better. I've been seduced, largely by the quality of the writing I've found here (I know, I know, no need to sound so surprised, right?), but also by the sheer ability to work and interact with other writers of fiction. And the number of writers! Have you ever tried to get a bunch of writers to stand still in one place? Herding cats, I'm telling you. I'm new to fanfic but not new to writing fiction. Right now, all my posted fics are WOWP, and all Jalex... (because, come ON. I can't leave them alone!) ...but I enjoy many other fandoms. Among my top ten are Alice in Wonderland, LOST (ah, LOST. R.I.P., sweet show), Bones, Coraline, Twin Peaks (wish there was more) and Silent Hill. Beta: I really enjoy doing beta work for other people. I don't have the quickest turnaround in the whole world, but I like to think I'm helpful. Understanding how other people write, and having them show me the threadbare bits in my own pieces, that's like gold. Take a look at my beta profile for more specific info. Reviews and concrit: Reviews are currency. None of us are being paid (so far as I know) in any more tangible way for our sweat, blood and tears that we invest into making an inspired idea into a readable story, or making a good story great. And as far as I can tell, most of us are writers, so we all know at least a little about the price tag that goes on the stories we post: time, time, and time. I try hard compensate the writers of the stories I love, with reviews and suggestions and follows and praise. It's all that I have to give them, really, and around here, we seem to live and die by review numbers. If you enjoyed something of mine, I'd love to hear about it. You'll make my day. Reviews are better than ice cream, almost all of the time. Or, maybe, there was something you didn't think too much of. Constructive criticism? Great. Don't want to attach a public review, for reasons I can only guess at? Fair enough, but the PM button is right there. Or maybe you're too lazy, too shy, too busy to leave feedback, even though you enjoyed the thing. I know how that is, and if that's the case... thanks for reading. Really. :) All stories want to be read, and mine are no exception. |