![]() Author has written 13 stories for House, M.D., Supernatural, Sherlock, Avengers, Merlin, and Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ. UPDATE 7/22/2014: It's been 4 years and I('d like to think I) have matured. So please try not to judge me too harshly based on my 14 year old self's profile that I'm keeping for sentimental reasons... (Please try to pretend it's not there at all :P ) On to business. Right. So. *clears throat* I have written(and even completed--imagine that) many fanfics of my old fandoms that I feel too awkward to post because it has been such a long time, but I will get around to them eventually. Luckily I'm mainly a one-shot writer so the lack of updates wouldn't have disheartened anyone. But I assure you I do feel the guilt of having moved on to other fandoms. (Apologies!) Speaking of which. Anime. Yeah. I will be an active anime/manga fanfic writer. Because my burning passion for fictional worlds with real (albeit fictional) people has been replaced with a burning passion for fictional worlds with more two-dimensional (yet still undoubtedly fictional) characters. HI GUYS! I--er...um... (Alright, awkward) Can we do that again? Okay, okay alright...*deep breath* Scene #1 echo. Take #2. Tail slate. Marker. Aaaand Action! Hi guys! *waves* I'm novusluna. And I'm an addict. Addicted to SUPERNATURAL and SHERLOCK and MERLIN and DOCTOR WHO and TORCHWOOD(though not necessarily in that order) and all the packages that comes in convenient ship like shapes; DESTIEL and JOHNLOCK and MERTHUR and 11/RIVER and JANTO and their respective RPS. Also chocolate and pop punk rock and skateboards I say 'so yeah' a lot and have a tendency to ramble on and on and on & on & on&on&on&... I suffer from a condition known as fangirl-ism. Quite common around here and highly contagious. Fan!girl symptoms squeeing uncontrollable flailing licking the computer screen vivid daydreaming If you experience any of the above listed symptoms please prescribe yourself a tumblr and there you can group hug it out. IT WAS A ROBOT-HEAD! d[ o_0 ]b All these turns my world uʍop ǝpısdn. And please ignore the Dalek in the corner EXTERMINATE DAFFODILS! ̵̄/͇̐\ I was writing fan fiction before I knew what it was called.I always go to bed with (psychotic) plot bunnies putting on puppet shows in my head (not that I'm complaining!) My plot bunnies look a lot like (\_/) And since this is where putting images to profile is like putting the One Ring in the Fires of Mount Doom, I'm reduced to using ASCII. *shakes fist* And even that is a limited version*shakes both fists* Hi. I'm novusluna. (oh and the voices in my head say 'Hi!' too) Just a little SHOUTOUT to all my anonymous reviewers who I can't PM and thank for reviewing, 'cause, well, they're anonymous; THANK YOOOOOOOOUUUU! RANDOM MOMENT: //////_ _ _ _ _ The domino effect at work. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ NOW PLAYING: Chameleon Circuit's Still Not Ginger Min- - - - - - - - - - - -(o)-Max come to the dark side we have cookies Copyright (c) Boredom Productions |