Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Ranma, Pokémon, Naruto, Card Captor Sakura, Digimon, Slayers, and Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance. For those who care to read this First of all, I am deeply sorry for the lack of updates, RL's a bitch, even worst once you start working. On the better note, I'm a married man so it's not all bad! :) I am writing more in french but I still have chapters lurking 'somewhere' on my old computer which died a few years ago. As for my english fans, I'll probably translate the latest work I took up with my wife so do not despair! There is hope!! Puisque j'écris en français je vais dire au moins une ligne dans ma langue maternelle: LIGNE!! Plus sérieusement, je suis québecois et fan de Naruto mais écrire est difficile, surtout sur des horaires de travail conflictuels. Moi et ma femme avons 2 semaines sur six sur le même horaire alors il ne faut pas trop espérer coté updates sur la petite dernière. |