![]() Author has written 2 stories for Her Majesty’s Dog, and Gundam Wing/AC. -- "I want to write words which are worthy enough to be remembered" -- Hi *smiles and waves a little* welcome to my account. Go and browse anything you want here, but before you start I want to properly identify who Silver-coloured Ink is. And you may be assured that I sincerely thank you for your little visit here. *bows* To the main focus, introduction. Ehm, my name is Li. You may add "-chan" or "-san" but I will find it a little bit funny if you prefer to add "-kun". Because, yes, I am not male. Sorry if I disappoint you. I am Asian, (my excuse for my lacking in English) and yes you guess it right from my nickname, I am chinese by blood. But I don't live in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore. Instead I am a legal resident of a small archipelago country in South East Asia. I was born in an island which once named Swarnadwipa (additional explanation : it's ancient Sanskrit phrase, the meaning is Island of Gold) and had spent my childhood in an environment which was bound by thick belief in mystic folktales. Yes my childhood had passed a few years ago. But I'm hardly an adult. Blame my fairy-fantasy-land-syndrome, apparently I still haven't reach my maturity at all, for that I'm glad. Mainly because of reading various myths - from many different countries - I always love old tales and legends. Dream and fantasy in them had started my eternal interest in words. I am more a reader, actually. I write when the mood strikes, stories long and short, or poems once in a while. I save almost everything I ever write, and I value it dearly. So, I can understand and appreciate anything that posted here in this net. I am proud to state that I never spit out loud against any fanfics. I hope this one statement will never change. About Reading (...reading has always been my life...) Whenever I get my chance, I will pick something to read. This habit of mine was also the one which led me to this site. I like many fanfic categories, weak exception in horror and same-gender-coupling. No offense if you like them by chance. Until now my favourite is still Anime/Manga, though Books, Games and Movies are also interesting. Please recommend me if you know a good one, I am open to new stories. I will give a little description here, for types of stories which usually make me fall in love... First, childhood friends who usually turn out to be lovers. Or at least contains a glimpse of their past as "merely acquaintances". I like young friendship and love, em... let me think of samples... Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) and CCS (Card Captor Sakura) may be models. Second, opposite attract couples. Beautiful compare/contrast, I borrow this quote, is very captivating. Examples : Gundam Wing/AC and High School Musical. Third, mild angst stories with strong-personality people. Not the type when all hope is doomed and end with broken-hearts. But the ones that gave us courage and spirit to try best effort. The more severe and complicated problem the better, since I believe true shine of the soul will spark in the middle of tragedy. I also like happy stories, but only if the stories can show the depth of character just the equal amount. Above all, I will totally stick if a story had a good sense of humor. I won't hesitate to laugh out loud when reading. *chuckle* Romance/humor is always refreshing. And I will gave a loud applause for author who managed to colour a deep and hard story with a little wonderful humor. A little P.S. if you want to make me get hooked: I most likely will never be cured from "Princess Fever", so just give me some prince-princess-y stories and I'll simply drool on it. Seriously. About Writing (...sometimes, the urge to write is overwhelming...) Of course, I am also an author. At least since my first fanfic was published last December. And I have realized that my tendency of writing is similar with my interest of reading. Yes, I get most of my inspiration from other stories. Sometimes also from music and song, a scenery, or an experience of mine. I have a dream to be a writer who writes something that can hold heart of its readers. I am a shy, but big dream, hard work, and persistent attempt are all I try to hold. As for now, I must admit that I probably don't meet your standard of "great author". As a reader, I myself is difficult to be pleased. So because of my love to deep storyline and characters, I want stories I write have a kind of "soul"... touching and encouraging. Perfectionist to the bone, I keep hesitating to release a story, taking more and more time to re-read and edit it. I have my own regret of this, and I offer my apologize to you, and other readers of my stories. I guess that's all I want to share about myself. Keep reading, dear readers, and keep on dreaming. My gratitude upon you for new courage you brought. Warm regards, Li Writing Status : "Deadline : to update Wings before the this year end!!" - Checked I made myself a private deadline : to upload the chapter Barrier before this year of 2009 end. Late for one and a half day, but fulfilled, anyway. To tell you the truth, I'm going to be busy again very soon. It's very discomforting, if you'd understand, and I'm waiting for the next holiday with all my heart. Let's just decide then where this story of mine will go. Wish me the best in writing! Dear readers, be patient with me. Believe that I'm pouring my effort to deliver my best writing to you. Thank you for visiting! |