Author has written 3 stories for Avengers. Hello everyone Redhead and Proud here. I have a deep and passionate love for film and media, hoping to one day enter the industry when I leave school. I love writing and creating stories for anyone who wants to read them. Combining these two loves is what led me to this website where I can write about the movies and tv shows that I'm unashamedly obsessed with. You will find many things in my stories, and I hope that whatever I write will be enjoyed by you, my readers without whom I wouldn't be here, or have any motivation whatsoever. I'm the proud creator of a bunch of misfits that I like to call, The Experiments. They are a group of Superhuman teenagers, each with a unique ability, who I have subjected to some pretty rough times. They are; Phoenix Romanoff, Heather James, Mark Winters, Bella Mason, Sam Lidsdale and Josh Smith. Out of these six characters, I've dedicated most of my time and effort to Phoenix, the main character in most of my stories. To find out more about them, scroll down and read The Fire series, I promise, It'll be worth it. Important notices for readers: 10th September 2012- I have decided to edit History Doesn't Matter because it is crap, so I ask people to just ignore it until the editing has finished and I will inform you when that happens. 28th September 2012- I have finished editing History Doesn't Matter. Yay! It's possible I may move on to History comes back, but if I do it won't be for a while. 18th July 2013- I have changed the name of The Triward Tournament Returns to History comes back and I have also changed the name of Girls Just Wanna have fun after realising it could be slightly misinterpreted so it is now called History is Made. 21st October 2013- The time has come for History comes back. It's been more than a year since History Doesn't Matter was edited so the time has come for a touch up on my other story. I'm also adding 11 more chapters which adds our chapter total up to 31. Prepare for the change everyone. 8th June 2014- Been a long long time my dearest readers, slightly longer than I would've liked, ok a lot longer. A thousand apologies could not help with my extremely over-long hiatus. Love and Fire was completed December last year, and History Comes Back hasn't been updated since January. Albeit I've been silent but for no longer friends, for I rise once again from the ashes (pardon my Shakespeare, we're studying Macbeth at school). 17th June 2014- Just a quick message beautiful people. I am currently in London on a holiday so don't expect anything until I arrive back home in the Land of Oz. Love and Fire Chapter 3: The Separation is being tweaked a little. The scene where Thor is confused by the iPhone will be altered slightly to Steve learning how to operate it in under 2 minutes and Thor suggesting how to make it better and basically insulting the Apple Store "Geniuses" because I have recently discovered that our current technology is considered archaic on Asgard and Steve isn't as foolhardy with modern technology as most people believe. 30th August 2014- I'm so close to uploading Ice and Fire, just stuck doing some work on the plot line. Anyway recently I posted Love and Fire onto AO3, and I took the time to update a few things, so I edited Love and Fire on FF as well and it is official revamped, not too many major changes, a few little things mostly. Plus History Comes Back is still moving slowly but I have made progress. 22nd of March 2015- Sad news guys, I'm deleting my Harry Potter Next Generation Series. I've not done a lot of work on it for a while, and I feel like I've got too much going on, so I have to let them go. History Doesn't Matter, History Comes Back and History is Made were all important stories to me, History Doesn't Matter was the first story I ever published so it's really sad I have to do this. I probably will republish them at some point, but that most likely won't happen for several years. 26th of April 2015- Ok I've got good news and bad news. Starting with the bad, I have deleted Phase 2: An SYOC simply because I felt I couldn't dedicate myself to it any longer, and I'm sorry to those who submitted characters to me, I won't return to it, I've just decided to let it go. However the good news is that Ice and Fire is now complete. I'm not sure where to go next with Phoenix's story, people have asked if I'm planning to do a sequel and I think it's something that could happen in the near future. The only problem is that I've entered the last two years of my education in high school, things are cracking down and exams and assignments are flooding in, so I'm sorry if I seem inactive for a while. If you have any ideas for what I should do next, feel free to PM me or head over to my tumblr and leave a message, I'm always open to prompts. |