Here it is folks! The EPILOGUE! Yayyyy! I'm so happy that you all have stuck with my first multi-chapter story. All the support helped me SO much:) You are all the best! Well, I'm leaving early tomorrow for a vacation to the beach with my four best friends. Just a fun little trip before we all move away to different cities for university, but I wanted to crank this out for you before I left, so I stayed up late. When I get home in four days, I'd LOVE some reviews! It's the last chapter after all! Happy reading, and I hope you like it!
For the last time, I DON'T own Harry Potter:)
Harry Potter sat at his kitchen table, smiling at the sight before him. She was throwing little James up into the air and catching him as he giggled and begged "Again, Mummy! Again!" Harry chuckled and looked down at the tiny bundle in his arms. Little Albus. Only a few of weeks old, he already had a full head of jet-black hair. Harry looked back up to his wife and two-and-a-half-year-old son. Ginny's athletic frame was back. She had seemed to go from and extremely pregnant balloon back to a lithe young woman in nothing flat. Harry considered himself lucky.
Ginny had begun to race around the room, holding James who was clearly pretending to be playing Quidditch.
"It's James Potter with the quaffle!" Rang Ginny's voice. "He shoots... annnnd ten points to Gryffindor!"
"Wait a second there, Love. James is going to be a Seeker like his old man. Aren't you, James?
"Nope!" exclaimed the toddler with a toothy grin. "I'm gonna be a Keeper like Uncle Ron! He says that he had his own theme song! I want a theme song."
"Ohhh he told you about his theme song, did he? Don't listen to Uncle Ron, James. He's full of hot air." Ginny said with a smirk.
"That's what Aunt Hermione said, too. But then they started arguing. And then they started kissing. It was gross!" James stuck out his tongue with a disgusted look on his face.
Ginny rolled her eyes.
Harry chuckled. "Yes... they do that sometimes, don't they?"
As if on cue, a silvery terrier burst into the room.
"Uncle Ron!" James' face lit up at the sight of his beloved godfather's patronus.
"SHHHH!" Ginny commanded.
Ron's terrier was already speaking... well, shouting. "It's HAPPENING! Sweet Merlin, Harry it's time! Ginny! Hurry up! It's BLOODY HAPPENING!"
Harry and Ginny's eyes locked as butterflies erupted in Harry's stomach. Hermione was having the baby.
"Hurry up!" Ginny shouted, already throwing on her jacket and tugging a bundled up James into the snowy night. Harry frantically tied his shoes and gently tugged a fuzzy blanket around Albus. He grabbed his keys and hurried out to the car. Ron hadn't passed his muggle driving test, so Harry and Ginny were taking them to St. Mungos. When Harry had asked Ron why he hadn't just confunded his examiner, Ron had grumbled that Hermione made him promise that he wouldn't. But he also said if he failed again he was going to confund the examiner because he was "bloody sick of those stupid tests."
Unfortunately, Ron still had no muggle driving permit, so Harry got the honors of playing taxi driver. Harry was so excited that he didn't mind in the slightest. As soon as Ginny had the boys strapped into their seats, Harry pressed the button right by the ignition that transported them strait to the burrow. The car jolted to a halt right next to the chicken coop, and Ginny quickly unbuckled and ran the boys inside
Harry tapped impatiently on the steering wheel.
Within seconds, he saw a flaming ponytail streaking toward him from the back door. Ginny hurtled into the passenger seat and commanded "DRIVE!"
Harry didn't need telling twice. He peeled out of the dirt driveway, pressing a second button. As the car appeared on the street where Ron and Hermione's flat was located, Ginny explained that the whole family knew, and Andromeda was going to be at the Burrow to watch the young children. The rest of the Weasley clan would be at the hospital shortly.
Harry slammed on the brakes in front of the small apartment building. Immediately, two figures came hurrying out the door. Well, hurrying as fast as they could. Hermione was gripping Ron's arm as she navigated across the icy pavement. Harry and Ginny sprang from the car. Ginny opened the door to the back seat, and Harry rushed to his best friends. Hermione's face was screwed up in pain and she was breathing hard. Ron looked terrified yet excited. When Harry reached them, Hermione immediately gripped his arm in a vice-like grip with her other hand, and he helped support her to the car.
Ron and Harry helped Hermione slide into the back seat, and Ron follwed. Ginny slammed the door, and harry hopped back into the driver's seat.
"DRIVE!" Hermione barked as the tires squealed. Harry couldn't help but notice a deja vu. The women in his life could be so demanding, he thought with a smile.
"It hurts!" Hermione moaned. Harry was excited, but felt sorry for his friend. Hermione never complained, so this must be very painful. It had been the same way with Ginny.
"Ughhhh!" Hermione groaned loudly.
"I know, I know, we're almost there!" Ginny comforted before turning to Harry and hissing "For God's sake, drive faster, Potter!"
"I can't! I'm already speeding! WHY didn't you call us earlier? She looks like she's about to have the baby right now!" Harry asked heatedly, looking at Ron in the rear-view mirror.
"We called you as soon as her water broke! It's just h-h-happening so fast!" Ron's face was white.
"Yes it's just happening so damn fast! Get me to the effing hospital, Harry, or I swear, Ron will have to deliver this baby in the back of your car!" Hermione shouted.
Harry glanced over his shoulder, switching lanes, and pressing the gas peddle. "I know, Hermione! Just a few more minutes!"
"ARRGG!" Hermione threw her head against the back of her seat and moaned. Sweat trickled from her hairline. Ron reached toward her, pushing her sweaty hair out of her eyes.
"Don't TOUCH me, Ronald Weasley!" Hermione snarled. "That's how I got into this mess in the first place!"
Harry tried not to laugh. Ginny made a face like she was gagging.
Immediately, Hermione's face softened slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry, Love. It just huuurts! Ahhh!"
"I know. It's okay, we'll be there soon!" Ron said, glancing nervously at Harry.
"Almost there, Hermione!" Harry said, glancing back at her. It was a miracle Ron's fingers hadn't snapped by the way she was gripping them. Sweet Merlin, if Professor Trelawney had told Harry in his third year at Howarts that he would one day be driving Ron and Hermione to the hospital so they could deliver their child, he would have laughed in her face and confirmed his suspicions that she was a complete loon. He would have never believed they would be anything more than friends, let alone like each other enough to get married and conceive a child.
Harry glanced back, and saw Ron gently telling Hermione to breathe, who responded by rolling her eyes and snapping "Oh honstley, Ronald! I am the woman here, you do not need to tell me how to deliver a child!" Harry smiled, pressing the gas peddle.
Then again, some things never changed.
Harry peeled into the St. Mungo's parking lot and slammed on the brakes. Immediately, Ginny was out of her seat and helping Hermione out of her's.
Harry slammed his door closed and sprinted around the side of the car, and cursed as he slipped on the ice.
He and Ron braced Hermione from either side as they shuffled toward the entrance. Ginny held the door open, and the quartet hurried to the Welcome Witch.
"How can I help you?" Asked the young, black-haired witch.
"I'm in labor, obviously!" Hermione moaned.
"Ohh! Okay, you'll need to-"
"She needs a healer, STAT!" Ginny barked at the girl.
"Of course, s-seventh floor." She replied quickly. Harry shot her an apologetic look.
The four friends hurried into the elevator. Harry glanced at Ron. He had turned slightly green.
"I'll run ahead and tell them you're on your way in!" Ginny called as the lift doors opened, and she took off down the hall.
Harry and Ron shuffled a frazzled Hermione down the hall. When they reached the ward, Ginny was waiting with the door open. Immediately upon entering, the healer who had been seeing Hermione through the pregnancy greeted them with a wheelchair. As Hermione sat down heavily, the he spoke.
"Alright Hermione? Let's have a baby!" Hermione squeezed Ginny's hand. Ginny smiled encouragingly.
"Let's go! Push the chair please, Ron." The healer said. As they started for the door to the delivery rooms, Hermione's eyes frantically sought Harry.
"Wait!" She called, reaching for him. "I want Harry to come, too!"
Harry's mouth went dry, but he instinctively sprang toward his friend's outstretched hands.
"I'm here, Hermione." Harry said.
"Are you su-" the healer started.
"YES I'm sure! Harry is coming with! Just hurry up!" Hermione shouted.
No one argued.
The three friends followed the healer into a room, where they were all given scrubs by some nurses. Everything was a blur, Harry just couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the fact that Ron and Hermione were having a baby. He was overwhelmed with excitement and hope.
Suddenly, they were in the delivery room. And Hermione was in the bed. And Harry and Ron were on either side of her. And the healer was at the foot of the bed, between her knees. And he was saying, "Alright! It's time! Give us a push, Hermione!"
For a split second, Harry and Ron locked eyes over Hermione. So much was spoken without words. Their friendship, their love for the girl between them, their trust and loyalty.
Harry smiled at the boy who had become a man, and the friend who had become a brother.
Then, Hermione let out an almighty groan, arching her back and clenching her fingers around Harry and Ron's hands.
"Hermione, remember, breathe! You can do this!" Ron encouraged. Hermione nodded, her cheeks pink and her hair damp.
"Push!" called her healer.
Once again, Hermione moaned, gritting her teeth. Harry tried not to grimace at the pain of his hand.
Hermione threw her head back against the pillows, crying out, eyes squeezed shut.
Ron brushed the sweaty hair from her forehead. Her eyes snapped open and met his. She smiled at him slightly. Ron smiled back.
"Love you." Hermione said softy.
"I Love you, too." Ron replied.
"One more, Hermione!"
Hermione's eyes darkened with focus, and her entire body tensed as she let out another loud groan. Harry watched as relief washed over her face, and her head fell back against the pillow.
Then, he heard it.
And he saw a beautiful, beautiful baby girl. The most beautiful baby girl he had ever seen. She already had gingery hair and she was crying at the top of her little lungs.
Harry thought it sounded beautiful.
Ron was white as a ghost as the healers announced "It's a girl!" and handed the tiny bundle to Hermione.
"We have a little girl. We have a daughter." He murmured sinking down next to Hermione. Hermione beamed at the baby, then at Ron, who beamed back.
Hermione's eyes found Harry's. "You'll be her godfather, Harry? And Ginny will be her godmother?"
Harry knew he was grinning like an idiot but he couldn't help himself.
"I'd be honored."
It hadn't been easy when Ginny had James. Ron and Hermione were so happy for them, but nothing could distract from the fact that their own baby was gone. He used to see Hermione watch Ginny and James with such longing. And sometimes he'd find Ron sitting alone, staring at nothing, and know he was thinking about the baby he never got to meet.
And of course, this baby couldn't replace that baby. Nothing ever could. But watching his two best friends with this tiny little girl, he knew that this would heal them
Ginny and the Grangers and the rest of the Weasleys were surely in the waiting room, wanting an update but Harry only had eyes and thoughts for the tiny, lovely family in front of him. He would go tell them in just a moment. Ron kissed Hermione's temple. They beamed at each other before looking back to the baby between them.
Harry smiled.
All was well.