AN: I do not own Harry Potter. If I did I wouldn't be writing here.

'Right, bye mum, bye dad, yes, yes I know look after myself, write often and work hard', I said to mum and dad. They had said the same things since first year. Which can be a tad annoying, since I'm in seventh now. They were so pleased when they found out I was head girl; I wish I could say the same for my sister Petunia. I haven't spoken to her since late July when she said to me … flashback … ' Mum, dad I'm head girl!' I squealed excitedly.

'Well done Lily, though I can't say I'm surprised you've worked hard,' my dad said proudly.

'Petunia, did you hear, Lily's head girl,' mum said, she was trying to be nice and get my sister to congratulate me but needless to say she wasn't very lucky there.

' Oh, well done freak,' she spitted, ' It's official you're the freakiest freak in the whole freaky school!' end of flashback

That was probably one of the nicest things she's said to me since I found I was a witch and would be attending 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'. Oh, how've I've missed it all summer. To spend time with my friends by the lake, eat in the great hall or even, though I hate to admit it, quidditch. One of the main reasons I don't like watching quidditch is because of James Potter. James stupid Potter. He's been asking me out since second year. But let's not think about him now, this is a time of happy thoughts. I entered platform 9 ¾ via brick wall. 'Marlene!' I squealed at the sight of my best friend. 'It seems like forever, how are you?'

' I'm good Lils, never better, you?'

'Great,' I said flashing my head girl badge at her.

'LILS, well done, this is great, this is perfect, AHHHHH, I'm so happy for you!'

' Well let's be happy on the train' I said as I looked at the magnificent scarlet steam engine.

'Oh yes, I wonder where Alice is, I hoped she remembered what date it was.'

' I know, she can be a bit forgetful,' we laughed at this understatement.

I should really fill you in on the details. Marlene is one of my best friends. She is stunning; she has long blonde hair, which she ties up ever so creatively. I wish I had hair like that I have stupid red hair, that can only be put up in a ponytail or left well alone with. She has dark, mysterious eyes that can put any boy in a trance, even Sirius Black, although he doesn't admit it. She's tan and quite tall, much taller than me or my other best friend Alice.

Alice is just adorable! She has short, black hair, which usually has some sort of headband in it. She has bright blue eyes, which literally shine when she's laughing or smiling. She's shy, very different to Marlene, who doesn't shut her mouth unless you put a silencing charm on her. Although, they're different they're just perfect. We went to find a compartment on the train, luckily enough we found an empty one. We sat down and waited until Alice arrived. After a few minutes the compartment door slid open. 'Alice, what took you so long?' Marlene asked her.

' Why, hello friends, good to see you, I'm great thanks and you?' Alice replied sarcastically.

'What Marlene meant to say was, ALICE, how are you?' I said earning a grin from my friend.

' I'm good, wait a second, is that a … LILS!' Alice said enveloping me in a hug.

' Thanks, that reminds me, I better go' I got up and left the compartment, only hearing a couple of words from Alice, ' Oh dear, she doesn't know'.

These words troubled me as I walked down the train, towards the prefects meeting I was about to give. Well, it doesn't matter now. I reached the end and stepped inside the room. Finally, I get to see the head boy. I hope it's Remus, he's so kind and quiet, unlike his friends. Wait a second that's not Remus that's…

My first fanfic. Please review! I've got cookies.