![]() Author has written 10 stories for Escaflowne, Dragon Ball Z, Misc. Books, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. For more of my stories please check out: http:// I'm not here for reviews, I just love writing, so that is why I do it. 05.11.2014 I want to thank the people who reviewed first kiss & last kisser. You guys are awesome. I'm going to be coming out with the Mik and Zuzana ending as soon as I write out how I want it all to end. 04.21.2014 I lost all of my work last year on my old laptop when it decided to crash on me, and so far, it's unrecoverable. For those of you who are wondering what happens to the characters in the Bulma/Vegeta fics that didn't get finished, please message me. I will give you a little rundown of how I wanted the fics to end. 12.02.2013 Thank you to all the readers of my one shot on the 5th wave. I'm not planning on writing anymore for that story until Rick Yancey finishes the series. I'm going to be working on some original pieces of writing in the next couple of months. If you want please check out my tumblr for more stories! If you have any recommendations of books that you think I would enjoy to read, and possibly write about please let me know, PM me! :) 01.25.2013 So all my stories will be on hiatus for an indefinite time, until I decide what to do with them. I want to thank everyone who has reviewed and for everyone who has supported me thus far. It would have been quite an uneventful journey without all you here to help me out. If you want to, I'm still posting on my tumblr from time to time, with new original stories: http:// 07.07.12 Hey everyone! Long time no see! I just want to let you all know that I have officially opened up my tumblr for your original fiction reading pleasure. The address is: http:// Please check it out if you have time, and let me know what you think! 03.05.11 Hi everyone! So I thought it was time for an update about my stories. Here goes nothing: Saving Space: I have yet to write a new chapter for this story. I'm still trying to think about how Vegeta is going to fall for Bulma. Give me some time. I will think of a great way to make the two vicious people fall in love! The Prince and His Demon: I've written the ending already, but I still have to fill in some of the gaps in the middle. I'm not pleased with the writing I've been doing for this story, so expect longer chapters later on! Her Last Love: Complete! I've finished this story up quite nicely, I'm debating if I want to release the sequel. Not sure if it's a good time to do that. Before Midnight: Complete! Just a quick V/B get together. My Heart Belongs to You: My newest fanfiction! I've been thinking about ways that Bra and Goten would have gotten together. And after I watched a certain movie, I was very compelled to write this story. I'm hoping that this story does not exceed five chapters, but hey you never know! If anyone wants me to read their fanfiction, feel free to ask me! I love reading any fanfiction! Especially DBZ, and Harry Potter! :) Hello! My named is WingedKiller as described above! I've been a huge DBZ fan since the first time I read my first fanfiction. I think I might have actually been a fan before then, but I had only watched a couple DBZ episodes. I just want to say this, I'm crazy about Bulma/Vegeta pairings. I think they have so much mystery behind the whole 3 year period before the androids. That's not saying that I'm not a fan of other pairings. I'm in love with Pan/Trunks, Gohan/Videl, and Goten/Bra pairings as well. I think at this point in my life, I'm only willing to read these pairings. Don't ask me why, I have no idea why, I just know that I love them! Other than fanfiction, I enjoy watching TV, and movies. My favorite TV show is Archer. I'm a part of the Archer Wikia as well. I'm also a huge fan of Grimm, and a couple of other TV shows. I do hope that I can finish the stories that I have started, but as of right now, I am super busy, so I don't have all the time in the world to finish writing my stories, but I do hope to continue and finish them as soon as I get a chance. I know that I have written some chapters for some of the stories, but right now, I'm not going to publish them yet, because I feel like the content isn't as amazing as I wish it would be. I hope you enjoy my stories. If you want, please review if you have time, and if there is a certain story you want to request, please don't hesitate to ask! I will always try to work with anyone who wants to collaborate. - Short and simple, just the way I like it. :D |