![]() Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire, and Mortal Instruments. September 10, 2012: So those following Wolves of Winterfell, I assure you I have not abandoned it. I have an additional four or five chapters done or almost done, including the next chapter. I'm just not happy with it so I am still tinkering around with it so please just bear with me. I actually have the LAST four or five chapters done for WoW. Just gotta get there first. I will get there though! June 12, 2010: So I got to go to the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Ontario Science Centre!! SO amazing! Sadly I wasn't allowed to take any pictures but I got to be right up close and touched (although I wasn't supposed to) all the costumes and props. It was amazing! I got to see the Hogwarts Express in all it's glory and all the dress costumes (Including Krums!! YAY!) and a lot of the wands, Fawkes and Buckbeak were there, Hagrids chair, props from the classroom, their robes and casual clothes, the beds from the boys dorms, the flying car! and SO much else! I got to see the Fat Lady. If you get the opportunity to go to it, GO GO GO!! It is TOTALLY worth the price of admission just to see the steaming full-sized Hogwarts express! I was in heaven even if I didn't get to go on board the train. Okay, so I guess I should probably write something here. Well lets see...I'm a girl who lives in the Canada. My name is Amanda, or you can just call me Northen. Either one works. I'm a college graduate from a program that has very little to do with writing or anything literature based really. I like to read. A lot. My latest infatuation has been with A Song of Ice and Fire as well as Temeraire and Harry Potter. In ASOIAF, I like Arya/Gendry, Sandor/Sansa and Jon/Misha, but that is my own bias. I don't ship anything in Temeraire really and for Harry Potter, I like the Hermione/Viktor pairing. Never liked how Rowling put her with Ron in the end:S Yucky. I also think Draco got the bad end of the stick. He's a good guy:P I also like the Twins. They're awesome. Goblet of Fire is my favourite HP movie, so far anyways and my favourite scene is when they are in Study Hall and Professor Snape keeps shoving their heads down. I think it's friggin' hilarious. Makes me giggle every time. If you like my stories or even if you hate my stories, can you let me know? It is so disheartening to see a story get 100 hits and no reviews. It leaves me not knowing what to think. I don't know if I should continue with the story, or in the case of one-shots, keep it posted at all. So please, good, bad or ugly, I like to hear your thoughts. I have received quite a few requests for stories involving rape. I am sorry to disappoint those whom it appeals to, but I will not write about it. It isn't something that I take any pleasure in writing about and so I choose not to. I get my ideas for songs quite frequently or just from random thoughts that I have, usually just before I go to bed. My ambition in my imagination is to hop a train to Hogwarts where I will crawl through a wardrobe into Narnia and live there in my own hobbit hole. Good idea? I think so! |