Greetings my lovely patient readers,
First of all, I hope you are all doing well! This is not an update to my fic, but another sort of surprise for you. My writer´s block is still keeping me from continuing the story, among others things… but I still love Sansa/Sandor as much as I used to, and think of them often.
That´s why I´ve done a sort of "movie adaptation" of my fanfic, and I want to share it with you all, because it was made for you! If you ship this pairing, and if you´ve liked my story, then I hope you enjoy this little tribute I made with love!
I should warn you though that it only covers up until Sansa and Sandor leave Essos, so there really aren´t any spoilers in it. And the video is also a bit long (1 hour!), but this is a long fic, so I wanted to include as much as I could :)
Some things are included, others changed, invented, or left out... I´m sorry if the editing is bad- I´m quite new at it!
Finally, I want to thank everyone for their patience over the years of waiting I´ve made you go through. And also a special thanks to all the awesome betas who helped out for over a year with the fic.
Let me know what you think please!
Love you all and many hugs!
*UPDATE* won´t allow me to post the links for the video! :/ I´m so sorry for that! But it´s on YouTube and Dailymotion. Just look for it under the name: Beyond the Ice & the Fire: How Fragile is the Heart
These links are on Archive of Our own or on my tumblr page :)
*Warning: If you want to avoid seeing some of the things that inspired certain plot lines (the kiss, or Arman Nervere, the city of Norvos, among other things), then don´t watch it ;)
*I apologize beforehand if you can´t see it, but it´s been blocked by Youtube in some places due to copyrights. Also, others can also see it only on their computers, no mobile devices (when looking for it on YouTube).