The night was chilly, but not cold; sweatshirts and jeans were sufficient to keep them warm enough.

Two weeks had passed since their first meeting with the Slytherins and two weeks since fate had connected the three witches.

Hermione, Ginny and Pansy had spent the majority of their free time together talking and bonding the way that girls do; sharing secrets and working through the darkness in their lives.

They cried together when Hermione told them how she felt when her parents died; laughed together when Ginny shared her stories of creative paybacks to her brothers and they got angry together when Pansy spoke of violations against her body by the darkest wizard of two generations.

They gathered in the room of requirement, each group teaching the other what they knew; the Slytherins learned Patronus spells – it took Pansy and Draco time to conjure strong happy thoughts, but they persevered and in the end a ferret (Draco was mildly annoyed by the form his patronus took) and a butterfly (Pansy was thrilled with her form) fluttered about in happy motion.

They learned dark spells, ones that neither Remus nor Severus could teach during regular class; most of the Slytherin team already knew and many of the spells Harry mastered very quickly.

During the two weeks friendships formed, cliques of people strongly connected, but everyone respected and liked each other… to a degree.

The girls thought Draco and Harry would become fast friends; but they did not. Harry took Goyle under his wing and they all realized that under the perceived brute that couldn't string two words together, was a funny and kind wizard longing to be accepted.

Draco fit in rather well with Severus and Remus and could be found smiling with them in a corner in the evenings.

Blaise, Adrian, Viktor and Sergei hung out together laughing and joking on occasion while Marcus focused on getting to know Pansy, Hermione and Ginny.

The girls realized that when together, their magic was stronger, quicker and Pansy could feel intentions… feelings. This helped the girls anticipate the opposition's next move.

Severus and Remus trained them together, having them form a circle back to back.

It was effective for them; though each on her own was an exceptional duelist, no wizard, in their small rebellion, felt comfortable with one of the witch's fighting alone.

So it was two weeks of bonding, training and for Ginny, being publically disowned by the Weasley matriarch and finding a family with the Angelovs. Anna visited when she heard and signed the paperwork making her Ginny's legal guardian.

Anna refused any financial support and ended up paying, in full, the rest of the year's tuition balance as well as Ginny's seventh year.

For the first time in Ginny's life she saw a future for herself; one with higher learning, a career and freedom from being a disappointment if she didn't consent to have 12 children and stay at home.

Ginny wanted to have children just not when she was 20.

***The potion

Hermione had worked into the wee hours for most of those nights doing research on a potion. She and Severus discussed, debated and conceded points on theories, methods and ingredients.

One night – a week ago – they burst into the room of requirement looking both exhausted and wound up. Severus was harder to pin because his expressions were so guarded, but his labored breathing and pacing combined with the electricity making Hermione's hair crackle, her 90 watt smile and her inability to stop bouncing place confirmed the groups' suspicions – these two couldn't wait to share.

Marcus and Viktor smirked at the same time at her excitement.

"We've done it!" she shrieked.

Harry stood and walked slowly to the duo, "What have you done, exactly?" he asked cautiously.

"Created a potion that will remove the magical essence from a magical being." Severus said slowly letting it sink in.

Remus got there first, "Sweet Merlin! That's outstanding!" he said clapping Severus on the shoulder.

Ginny and Pansy ran to Hermione and shrieked along with her. Holding hands and jumping up and down like little girls, ending with a group hug. Pansy and Ginny knew how important this was to both Hermione and their potential success.

Sergei, ever the curious one asked, "Vot happen to magical essence? Ees a soul? vhere does it go? Do ve haff …containment for it? Vill negatively evvect containment?"

Hermione smiled at him and looked over at Severus, "It evaporates, like water, leaving the wizard a muggle or squib rather." She answered.

"We do have a minor obstacle." Severus said.

"How we get him to ingest it." Draco supplied.

Severus nodded.

"Not to be a kill joy, but how do you know it works?" Blaise asked.

This time Severus smiled, which made most of the people in the room shrink in its gleefully evil presence, "We tested it…" he said.

Everyone looked at Hermione, her head was bent avoiding eye contact, but when she realized they were looking at her, "NOT ME!" she cried watching her friends sigh with relief.

She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "wefoundalowleveldeatheater."

"Vot vas that, Princess?" Viktor asked not ready to believe what he just heard.

Severus relieved her from the burden of truth, "We tested it on a low-level death eater." He stated clearly.


"Who?" Marcus asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"Walden MacNair." Hermione answered regaining her composure.

Another sigh of relief from the Slytherin, "The wizarding world is a better place without him. He's vile." Pansy commented to the agreement of the Slytherin.

"So how do we do this?" Adrian asked.

"We're going to let Lucius kidnap Hermione and Ginny." Remus stated flatly just coming to the realization.

Severus nodded and Hermione turned to Ginny, "Are you ok with that?"

Ginny took a deep breath and nodded assertively.

"NO!" three wizards voiced their objections; two had cause one had a crush.

Viktor, Sergei and Marcus all yelled in response to the plan.

Adrian groaned when he saw the question in Viktor's eyes as to why the former Slytherin was protesting.

"Vy you care, Vlint?" Viktor asked.

Severus and Remus could feel the separation of the group picking sides before it actually happened.

"I… She's my friend, Krum. She healed me." He said knowing it was a lame excuse.

"You stay avay vrum her!"

"Viktor!" Hermione snapped.

She moved in between the two large wizards. They towered over her and she felt like she was one little country being invaded by two large ones.

He looked down at her still scowling, which just served to irritate her more, "You don't get to tell me with who I can and cannot be friends! We are in this together… all of us, so we should all worry about one another! So he doesn't haff to stay avay vrum me!" she said mimicking his accent and poking him in the chest.

Satisfied with her dressing down she whipped around to the other large wizard and narrowed her eyes at him, "I am not some territory to be claimed, Marcus, so tread lightly! I love Viktor, but you are a valued friend and I will do everything in my power to make sure none of you is hurt anymore." She wasn't poking him in the chest, but he got the point and nodded.

She turned back around to face Viktor who was still looking at her; he placed a hand over his heart, "you poke fun at accent, princess?" he asked in a mocked hurt tone of voice, but there was desire in his eyes and a smirk on his face, "GAH!" she yelled and roughly pushed him out of her way.

He barely moved, instead he stepped aside to let his angry witch pass.

He nodded at Marcus, who returned the nod and got back to the matter at hand.

The rest of the group took that time to erupt in tears of laughter at the display; even Snape chuckled.

"Do we know when you're getting kidnapped and what happens after that?" Harry asked.

***The Plan

"I can't believe we're doing this… again." Ginny whispered keeping close to Hermione. The girls had been coming out here every evening for the last three nights hoping to get kidnapped. The pre-emptive strike was losing its appeal.

"Well I do need a couple of books and the only place that sells them is down this alley." She said in bravado.

"I should have worn my other jeans. These make my hips look too narrow." Ginny commented.

"Seriously? Those jeans look nice, besides you have such gorgeous curves, even boy jeans can't hide them." Hermione said looking at her pretty friend appraisingly.

Ginny smiled, genuinely flattered, "Thanks!"

Hermione nodded and kept walking.



"What the hell are they talking about? Who gives a flying fuck how her hips look in those? She's about to be kidnapped and possibly tortured, better to be comfortable." Blaise said starting out annoyed and finishing with a valid point.

Draco tilted his head in agreement and the rest of them just shook their heads, first at the girls' conversation then at the exchange between Draco and Blaise.

Pansy huffed, "I know right? … but still, Hermione's right, Ginny has some nice curves; doesn't much matter what pants she wears." She wasn't paying attention to the group, more musing to herself.

Harry chuckled to himself at the absurdity of it all; he was scared stiff for his best friend and here she was consoling Ginny.

***back in the alley

"Well, well look what we have here." The dark figure drawled, "An elemental and her seer."

The girls balked when the man's tell-tale platinum hair escaped its hood.

"Malfoy." Hermione whispered clearly frightened and Ginny was already tugging her backwards hoping to get away.

Though they were expecting the immobulus, it was still unnerving to have performed.


***taking action

Once they heard the pop of apparition they jumped into action.

Pansy had given them the directions to her entrance as she was also tasked with creating a hole in the wards in order not to alert Voldemort of intruders.

She was punished for that, but not severely and he allowed her the path.

She thought he was daft; apparently splitting your soul seven times melted your brain as well! She thought with an eye roll.

They had all agreed to wait a certain amount of time before leaving; Severus and Draco were usually the first ones summoned – they were inner circle along with the Le'Stranges, and Lucius. Then the Flints, Puceys, Zabini's, Parkinson, Crabbes, and Goyles; and after that all death eaters were summoned.

Sure enough, Severus and Draco felt the burn of a summons 15 minutes after the girls were taken. They gave a parting nod to Marcus, Adrian, Blaise and Greg.

Ten minutes after that Marcus, Adrian, Blaise and Greg were summoned and the plan was a go.

Pansy made her way down the winding path at a slow pace. She could feel the fabric of the invisibility cloak with each right step forward though she couldn't hear their footsteps underneath.

Harry, Viktor and Sergei were hunched over and squished together under the cloak trying not to trip each other and reveal their presence to those who may be watching. They had all agreed that Pansy shouldn't go in by herself, which warmed her heart knowing that she was no longer alone – she had friends outside of the shared misery with Draco and Blaise.

It seemed like forever before they made it inside of the foreboding castle.

She was carrying a small vial of the squib potion underneath her tongue – this was the last resort if the others weren't able to pour the potion into the punch bowls usually available at revels.

The four young Order members could hear the cheering above them and Harry cringed in anguish in the next second when a piercing scream was heard above the cacophony of noise. Viktor held the young man back and bade him wait until it was time.

Remus was to alert the remaining order members after giving the 'insurgents' time to get in and get settled.

He was currently walking quickly to Professor MacGonagalls office.

Marcus and Blaise made their way to the bowls of punch and ale; they were able to pour the potion in and walk away without being noticed.

Bella was the first to partake. She grimaced at the taste and decided instead to try the punch. She smelled it first and then drank heartily. She grimaced again and gave the cup to her husband who shrugged and drank the rest of her drink.

Adrian who had been watching, was hoping that two drinks were enough to render her relatively useless, but she was still dangerous. Death eaters killed with magic because it was more powerful, but they were all well versed in hand to hand combat and could kill without the use of magic with ease.

Draco watched as one by one each death eater made their way towards the tables of food and drink walking away with a glass filled with their preferred. He had been systematically trying to ignore the laughter and cheers when one of the muggles screamed at the agony of being tortured.

He decided to take a risk and offer his father a tall drink of ale, "Thank you Draco." Lucius said proudly at his sons manners.

"You're welcome father." He said taking a position next to his father to watch the 'festivities'.

"You're not drinking?" Lucius asked.

"I just finished a mug of ale and noticed you hadn't the chance to partake, sir." He said respectfully.

Lucius nodded and swallowed a gulp.

Draco watched hesitantly for any reaction from his father; there was none and he sighed in relief.

"Should I offer our lord some refreshment, father?" Draco asked.

Lucius smirked, "Trying to win favor, Draco?" he asked with a quirked brow.

Draco gave his father a charming smile and bowed his head respectfully, "I am, sir."

Lucius acknowledged, "Then be quick and don't linger." He said and watched his son assimilate into their world with pride.

"My Lord." Draco bowed at the chair before Voldemort.

The snake being looked at the platinum haired wizard silently and then met Lucius' eyes in question; Lucius bowed his head respectfully and nodded to his son.

Draco was unaware of the exchange and rose only when allowed, "Rise Draco. To what do I owe the honor?" Voldemort asked.

"I wanted to offer you refreshment My Lord." He said proffering the ale and a plate of assorted meats.

"Thank you Draco, you are the only one who noticed my parched demeanor this night." He said and drank the ale.

Draco wanted to jump out of his skin with excitement.

When Voldemort set the drink down he announced the surprise waiting for the death eaters.

A hushed murmur was heard as Flint Sr. was ordered to bring the surprise.

***the order

"Remus, this takes time to plan. How do we know they were kidnapped?" Dumbledore asked

"We've been planning for weeks. We know they were kidnapped and now we have the opportunity to end this. Harry is already in place." Remus said knowing that Harry was his trump card to get Albus to act.

"I'm sorry Remus, this just isn't the right time." Albus said.

"What?" Professor MacGonagall said outraged, "We can't just leave them there!"

"I'm sorry, Minerva, we just don't have enough information." Albus said and walked out.

She immediately turned to Remus, "count me in." she said and several other order members expressed the same sentiment.

In half an hour there were Order members surrounding the castle ready for the signal.

*** It's time.

Viktor checked his watch and nodded to his team.

They made their way up the stair way moving closer to the noise. They stopped suddenly as they rounded a corner and caught sight of a large wizard roughly jerking Hermione and Ginny along a corridor. The girls were struggling and Ginny turned her head in time to see the reflection off of Harry's glasses.

She knew they were watching and mouthed 'three minutes'.

The girls were thrown to the floor in the middle of the room. Death eaters made a circle around them and Hermione swallowed at the intimidating scene of at least one hundred wizards and witches dressed in full death eater regalia.

The girls stood slowly and faced the man that would fall this night, "Miss Granger… and Miss Weasley. So careless in your search for knowledge. Lucius said it was almost too easy to take you." He said.

The girls remained silent.

"Nothing to say?" he asked casually.

"My Lord, allow me to loosen their tongues." Bellatrix said in her sing song voice ending with an evil cackle.

He nodded at her, giving her permission to torture the two Gryffindors, "don't kill them, we can use them later." He sneered and then added, "Too bad, Miss Weasley, you're such a pretty pure blood witch."

She gave him a disgusted look and faced Bellatrix hoping everything went as planned and she wasn't about to be tortured mercilessly.

Bellatrix pointed her wand at the duo menacingly, "CRUCIO!"

Hermione's body leaned in expectantly for the pain, but she didn't feel anything. Ginny looked from Bella to Hermione and huffed in disbelief.

"CRUCIO!" she tried again pointing her wand at the other girl thinking Hermione had placed some kind of shield around her.


Bella went off the deep end yelling and screaming causing Hermione and Ginny to back up a step.

Silently Marcus, Adrian, Blaise and Goyle were disarming wizards (just in case) by quietly 'accioing' their wands from their robes.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort bellowed.

The hall was quiet as he stepped down from the chair and walked barefoot to the two witches, "What magic have you for protection?" he asked genuinely curious.

They looked at each other and smiled. Pansy walked into the room with her invisible companions and stepped to Hermione's right side.

"Pansy, dear, are you forgetting something?" he asked looking at her and then to the ground. He wanted to her kneel in subservience.

She sneered at him and handed her friends their wands, "I don't think so!" she said as the girls stood shoulder to shoulder and cast a spell at him, "CRUCIO!"

He cried out in pain and dropped to the floor.

Death eaters jumped into action grabbing for their wands, some realized they were unarmed and immediately immobilized.

Draco shot sparks out the window signaling the Order members outside that it was time.

Suddenly he felt the strong arm of his father come around his neck cutting off his air supply.

"Draco, you won't live to see another day." Was all his father said and increased the pressure.

Draco was seeing stars, his lips turning purple – the room was fading and the last thing he heard was, "Avada…" he passed out.

In minutes the fight was over and the side of light had won.


Death eaters were rounded up and port keyed to Azkaban. Some were killed, but the Order suffered only minor casualties in the scuffle.

The dark lords' frail body was not able to sustain the force of the crucio the girls produced and died as a result.

The next year was spent rounding up the horcruxes and destroying them by skilled curse breakers instead of brave teenagers much to Albus Dumbledores chagrin. He resigned shortly after the battle leaving Severus as appointed Hogwarts Headmaster.

Draco woke up to Harry Potter sitting by his bedside reading, "Potter?" He croaked.

Harry nodded and squeezed Draco's hand. The blonde hadn't realized he'd been holding it.

"How're you feeling?" Harry asked.

"Like my father tried to kill me." Draco said sadly remembering every detail.

Harry nodded, "He won't bother you ever again. I promise."

"How can you promise?" Draco asked miserably.

"Because I killed him." Harry said overcome with emotion.

Draco was released a day later into the care of Severus.

Sergei was so overcome with joy that it was over and his lady love was safe, he proposed on the spot.

Ginny laughed and cried at the same time, "Yes. Yes I will, but I want to finish school first, yeah?" she said smiling.

He nodded and held her tightly.

Viktor had not left Hermione's side for a week after the battle. Hermione couldn't have been happier.

They returned for their seventh year graduating with a sigh of relief. Draco and Hermione were valedictorians.

Marcus and Adrian took over, officially, their fathers' companies. Though Marcus married and had children, Hermione always held a special place in his heart, one that he made known every time he saw her, which irritated Viktor to no end.

Hermione and Severus patented the crucio easement potion and burned the instructions for the squib potion.

The bonding between the girls had been stronger than anyone imagined. When Hermione and Ginny went to visit Bulgaria during the summer, Pansy found it hard to breathe and ended up port keying there to ease the tension in her body. After that the girls were never far apart from each other for long.

Hermione and Pansy took a year off to relax and waited for Ginny to complete her seventh year. They toured Italy with Blaise, Draco and Harry attending as many of Viktors Quidditch matches as possible. That's when Blaise and Pansy fell in love.

All three girls were accepted at the Wizarding School for Healing to complete Master Healer training. They stayed with Blaise and his mother during the year and in Bulgaria during the holidays and summers.

The girls all graduated at the top of their class, they had different specialties and opted to start their own practice dedicated to the treatment and care of witches. Hermione was skilled in experimental medicine and surgery where Ginny specialized in delivering babies and was a licensed magical midwife, Pansy focused on gynecology and general care.

Draco moved in with Harry after he realized he couldn't stay in Malfoy Manor without being overcome with horrible nightmares and oppressive memories.

Four years later Draco ran for Minister of Magic and was elected by a landslide; a win he credited to the endorsement of his life-partner and savior, the boy-who-lived. Together they adopted a little girl orphaned in the war. Her name was Grace Malfoy-Potter. Gracie had many aunts and uncles who adored her and she was apple of her father's eyes.

Remus married Tonks and fathered nine children much to the surprise of … everyone! Ginny delivered every one of the Lupin babies.

Severus married Josslyn and had one child named Savannah. Ginny delivered her as well. Some time passed and Hermione arrived on their doorstep one day, offering a potion accompanied by a spell to Josslyn.

"You're aura is glowing Hermione." She said.

Hermione nodded even though she knew Josslyn couldn't see, "I need you to drink this Josslyn." She said quietly.

Severus came in just in time to see his wife drink the potion and his adopted daughter look expectantly. Once the potion was gone Hermione began to chant.

Severus grew alarmed when Josslyn screamed and fell to the floor crying. She was touching the floor, the rug, her knees, her hands.

"I can see, Severus!" she said jumping up and running to the bedroom where their sleeping daughter laid.

Severus had tears running down his face as he walked back into the living area and embraced Hermione, "I love you. Thank you so much!" he said voice thick with emotion.

She nodded not trusting her voice and left.

When she got home that night her husband of five years was waiting for her with a hot cup of tea and wiggling his fingers at her. This was his signal that he would give her a back rub; one she readily accepted.

She slid in between his legs and leaned against him, "Long day?" he asked.

She nodded, "it worked, Viktor."

He smiled proudly, "I knew it vould, princess."

"ooohhhh that feels soooo good." She said moaning and dropping her head back onto his shoulder.

He slowed his fingers and moved them lower to rub her protruding belly.

She was nine months pregnant and ready for it to be over. They had all waited to get pregnant in order to make sure their business was stable and to enjoy the time with their husbands.

"They squirm." He said.

She stiffened suddenly and Viktor felt a warm wetness under his legs. She looked down and squeaked, "My water broke."

Just then a glowing dragon patronus came swooping in, "She's in labor!" it said in Sergei's voice. Right after that Blaise's Stallion came prancing in to make a similar announcement.

"I can't believe we got pregnant on the same night and are in labor at the same time!" she griped.

He chuckled, "the bonds ov vate." He said teasing and standing her up, "Go take shower, Princess. I vill get bag."

They had all agreed to see a healer that Raya and Anna recommended in order to avoid a situation where Ginny and Pansy were unable to deliver any babies. (Hermione was surgical and experimental medicine. Ginny and Pansy were OB/GYN)

Thirteen hours later, three sets of twins were born – each having a boy and a girl.

Leah and Justin Krum.

Mena and Cory Angelov.

Ivy and Blaise (Jr.) Zabini.

"She' so beautiful… like you, Princess." Viktor whispered tracing his sleeping daughters' cheek with his finger.

A noise made him look up. Hermione was currently feeding their son, "he's as noisy as you are, Viktor." she teased as their son made loud suckling noises at his mother breast.

She smiled and Viktors heart swelled.

"Everyone is waiting outside." She said

He nodded and carried his daughter to meet her extended family; when he opened the door, Blaised and Sergei were there holding one of their babies as well to meet the family. They shared a smile and walked forward with the squirming infants.

The end.