Author has written 9 stories for Vocaloid, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ. Hello, all. I don't think there's too much to say about myself, really. I'm a general lover of the written word interested in improving my writing abilities with whatever stories I might happen to come up with. I've only just begun to publish things I've written, despite having this account for some time now, mainly due to the incoherence of most of my works (along with the simple fact that good ideas have been hard to come by). Anyway, I hope you enjoy my stories. Any and all constructive criticism or feedback is welcomed. Also, I claim no credit over any of the images I have used as cover art. They are all the work of the following artists: Of Common Blood: gamu (www.pixiv[dot]net/member.php?id=652703) Postage!: Reki (www.pixiv[dot]net/member.php?id=978309) Creamy, Bitter, Smooth: daidou (www.pixiv[dot]net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28418079) On Rainy Afternoons: ALLYSSA (www.pixiv[dot]net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=43182320) Prototype: Mogeratta!! (www.pixiv[dot]net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=24700913) Suited for Success: Mikipo (www.pixiv[dot]net/member.php?id=742913) Resonance in a Vacuum: pps (www.pixiv[dot]net/en/artworks/79583527) Miku and the Youkai: Baocaizi (www.pixiv[dot]net/en/users/5305104) Update: Returning fans may notice that some stories are missing from this page now. These have been deleted by me, because I'm exploring the possibility of reworking them into original pieces. It's my hope that, this way, these stories can become better refined and reach a wider audience. But of course, every step of the way I'm going to be thinking of all of you who gave me the feedback and encouragement right here, because I truly can't thank you enough for that. |
AdrenaVeris (20) | Little Donkey (14) Satashi (113) |