Author has written 23 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Card Captor Sakura, Get Backers, and Fruits Basket. --+Love Letter 24.07.06+--+ I would like to thank everyone, my betas and readers both, for all the support and encouragement that you've given my fanfiction pieces. I am deeply moved and humbled by all the nice and warm reviews I've been getting, and truly, it's such an inspiration to be writing for fellow enthusiastic fans! For those of you whom I haven't thanked personally (because you left no return address): -bows- HONTO NI ARIGATO GOZAIMASU! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! :-) Really, warms the heart and encourages me to write some more--'course I will! Happiness!~ I used to be a deranged college student who loves writing fiction for RuroKen. It started not long after my obssession with the series. Recently though, I've found all the inspiration I need to continue my writing. Especially having discovered a few more anime that I can get obssessed about : Card Captor Sakura, Yami no Matsue, Get Backers and more recently, Fruits Basket. My works generally take a really long time to get uploaded and published, but I do hope you enjoy them. Your feedbacks are well appreciated! I'm a Harry Potter addicted fan as well and I think Jo Rowling's one the best authors out there! I love the series, but I don't believe in writing fiction for it. I respect Jo Rowling that much that I'd rather the series to remain... untarnished :) Saa, I won't bore you too much.. On to the fics! Cargo: Please, do visit my writing journal at LJ too:shamless plug -grin- ..just click on the homepage (you'd find my list of OTP & couple canons in there, both het and yaoi. Yes, I'm a yaoi/shounen ai fangirl. Hoorah! -cackles-) "I'm a novelist. A novelist can't be without his kimono and pen." -Shigure Sohma, Furuba :-p |