Reviews for Like Addiction
princess-oro chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
TOO CUTEEEEEEEEE ah gotte buy myself some of that lip balm
totallyloud chapter 1 . 6/14/2008
so good. so cute. so great.

I really liked it. :] really really.
Mr. Evil Eyes chapter 1 . 6/4/2008
Gud one...anything about ban and natsumi will always be appreciated by me!
mypotofgold chapter 1 . 4/1/2007
what a nice story!
irthos chapter 1 . 2/13/2007
this story gave me an "aaw" moment, so cute!
Malva chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
Hi! Finally I've found another very good Ban/Natsumi fic. :) It's my new, favourite crack pairing, but finding good fics for it is hard because there are so few at all.

This fic was fun and entertaining, and I think you got Ban's inner voice just right. Thanks for writing this. I hope you write something about this pairing sometime again.
fan fic collector chapter 1 . 7/19/2006
Wise choice Ginji just stay in the bathroom til they finish making out.
Equestrian-Lily chapter 1 . 6/5/2006
wow...That was really REALLY good.

It was really fluffy. Please, pretty please write more.

I mean HOW DARE YOU JUST END IT THERE! i want to see More!

please write more just like this. Must be Ban x Natsumi. Ive only seen 5 episodes but I adore this pairing.
Morrigan Mikagami chapter 1 . 5/23/2006
You're killing me!-no wait, I actually just died from all that dizzy-head-spin-whatever-fluff! XD n! best BanNatsu fic-THUS FAR! Ban was just... totally his own idiotic self and I loved him for that ; Great work!
Northlight chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
This was a delightful story! Ban/Natsumi isn't my usual pairing, but I'm developing a fondness for it-and stories like yours are a big reason why. I like the style of this piece, too ("you know/he knows").
sedated014 chapter 1 . 4/23/2006
this is good...very god...i like this...

keep up the good work!(,
K-chi chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
I love it! but still . . . it's a bit short and i wanted more of it . . . more of BanNatsumi fic! Puhleaze write some more about the two their my fave . . .
scary inu chapter 1 . 4/17/2006, open language. But then you wrote the story intending it to sound like Ban-san, right? Well, it did sound very like him. _

Ban and Natsumi, Natsumi and Ban. If it does work, poor Ginji...
taste of fire chapter 1 . 4/17/2006
*laughs* Poor Ginji is now scarred. Anyways, this was cute, good job
Towaraito no Mado chapter 1 . 4/17/2006
Man, that was so funny! I can't believe that this story only has one review (and from a person who hasn't even seen Get Backers, no less - though if a person who hasn't seen the show thinks the story is good, it must mean that the story is good...) Ah, but still, that was funny. And though I'm more of a GinjixNatsumi fan, BanxNatsumi is fine, just the same- it all depends on the story _ You have to write more Get Backers stories (I'll be reading them)
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