Author has written 17 stories for Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Misc. Anime/Manga, Pet Shop of Horrors, Harry Potter, Please Teacher!, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Carpathian Series. UPDATE: 7-29-08 You might have noticed a little change. I deleted the majority of my fanfics for a couple reasons. One, most of the writing was horrendous and really no worth anyone's time to read. Two, I realized most of what I wrote was stuff I wrote more for reviews than for any support I have of the genre or relationships. (yaoi) Perhaps this is a sign of Kuri returning to post ficcage from time to time...perhaps not. XP 5-8-07 OMG KURI ACTUALLY POSTED SOMETHING. I'm currently obsessed with FMA. I still write alot of stuff, but most of it never gets put on . :P I have a writing lj. Um...I may post more things from time to time... um.. carry on! 1-8-05 I'm still alive. Still writing, just not as often as I used to. I've been mega busy with college. I still accept requests. Um... I haven't really given up on any of my fics so if you want one updated, poke me. That's about it Name Crystal, but you may call me Kuri or Kurisutaru if you wish. About Me: I'm 21 years old and preparing to do my student teaching. I love to read and write. I oil paint and sketch although lots of people have never seen my work. Many of my fanfics will never see simply because I'm very Friend I have many friends most of whom no longer write Neko-chan is my Yami, be very scared. XD Starry is my fellow hikari. I heart her. I also have a "sister", I heart her alot too. My current obsessions are Petshop Of Horrors (DxLeon), Lament of the Lambs (I wish there was a category for it.), and of course Yugioh. Thats all for now. |
da90schic (7) Kiki Jones (0) |