ashes doesn't know yu-gi-oh. ashes doesn't own anything; ashes sucks like that.

- warning -
fluff, mentions of Otogi getting sick, if that might gross you out.

- author dances - I dont.
this is weird; I think it would have been a little too long/choppy to be a one-shot, but it's really short with multiple parts... so it's a glorified one-shot, I guess. ^_^ It's just supposed to be sort of sweet and cute and funny. Hopefully you guys will like it.

lol, and I just realized I have this paralleling theme of weekend invitations. XP

Part I: Knocking

There was knocking - no, banging. Obnoxious banging. Deafening banging. Otogi groped blinding for one his couch pillows, hoping he would find something to cover his ears. Nothing seemed to be within his reach, and he was unwilling to open his eyes. "What?" he shouted, burying his face against the fabric of the couch. The knocking paused.

"Otogi?" The voice was too muffled for Otogi to distinguish who was talking. When he didn't answer the knocking resumed. Impatient knocking!

"Good god," he growled before yelling, "The door's unlocked! Just come in already!" He heard the door open, heard the door close.

"You look like hell warmed over."

Otogi glanced over. Loose strands of dark hair obstructed his vision, and he impatiently brushed them back; there was a reason he kept his hair up. Honda was scowling down at him. "Nice to see you too," Otogi grumbled. "Is there any reason that you're playing the part of my personal alarm clock? It's early." Otogi was pouting, and he was too tired to care.

"You told me to come over. And for the record, it's 11:30; that's not early."

Otogi blinked away sleep, sitting up and tucking his hair back from his face. He had invited Honda… Oh! He remembered! …But he didn't remember why. "Yesterday after school, right?"

Honda nodded. "Right." He sat on the opposite end of the couch from Otogi. "You said 'eleven on Saturday morning'. I even overslept; I hurried over here because I thought you'd be pissed." Honda shook his head. "Man, you sleep on the couch? In your clothes? I wouldn't have expected that."

Otogi yawned. Something was very weird; the second he sat up and looked at Honda he had a funny feeling in his stomach. He felt flushed. Why had he invited Honda over? Damn his sleepy mind! "I usually don't, but I was tired as hell last night." Otogi yawned again.

Honda cleared his throat. "So, uh, why am I here?"

"I have no clue," Otogi answered honestly. "I'll remember when I wake up a little more. Ugh, my head is pounding."

"I'll get you some aspirin," Honda offered. "Where is it?"

"Bathroom mirror." Otogi watched as Honda walked off.

He was kind of cool.

Honda returned with a small cup of water and two tablets; Otogi took them gratefully, swallowing the medicine in one shot. Damn, he really did feel funny… "You know," Honda said as he took a seat directly beside Otogi on the couch, "it was cool for you to invite me over."


"Uh huh," Honda affirmed. "We don't spend a lot of time just… hanging out, you know?"

"Uh… yea…" Otogi's stomach felt like he was in knots, and he unconsciously let one hand rest over it as though that would still whatever was going on. What was up with him? "It's a shame, huh?"

"Yea. You're not such a bad guy…" Otogi's imagination must have been playing tricks on him, because he could have sworn that Honda leaned closer to him, that Honda's voice had dropped ever so slightly. "And I figure there's no reason for us not to spend time together." Holy hell, was Honda going to kiss him? Honda was going to kiss him! The feeling in Otogi's stomach intensified; his chest tightened. He shivered as he watched Honda with wide eyes; suddenly he understood why he felt so weird…

He was going to be sick.

He roughly shoved Honda back and made a mad dash for the bathroom. He was vaguely aware that Honda followed him, but he ignored the other teen as he fell to the toilet, his new porcelain god.

It was embarrassing to have someone else in the bathroom while he was throwing up… but it was really nice that Honda held his hair back for him. When it was over Otogi fumbled for the handle, flushing the toilet and forcing himself to his feet; Honda was holding onto him. Hey, what a nice guy… Otogi didn't bother talking as he went to the sink, rinsing out his mouth. When he was finished he managed a weak, "Ew." Honda's hand touched his forehead, lingered there for a moment. Otogi didn't move.

"You're hot."

Otogi couldn't resist a small smirk. "I know."

"Don't be a wise ass," Honda scolded. "I think you have a fever. Where's your thermometer?"

"Don't have one." He never got sick, so why would he have a thermometer? Okay, well, he usually didn't get sick enough to need a thermometer.

"Dumb ass," Honda swore. "I bet that's why you were so tired last night."

"Because I don't have a thermometer?"

"Because you're sick," Honda said seriously. "C'mon, you look tired now."

"I am," Otogi admitted and - against his better pride and judgment - leaned against Honda. He was warm, and Otogi yawned.

"Then let's get into bed."

"Mm, I like that command; you're interesting when you take control, Honda," Otogi teased. He took some pride that he could still be a smart ass even though he felt like he'd just lost half of his internal organs in that spasm of sickness. Come to think of it, he didn't much feel like doing anything. "Can I just sleep here? I don't want to move."

"You're an idiot," Honda sighed. Otogi found himself being carried before he could muster up a witty remark. Honda set him on the bed and covered him up. Otogi smiled; he hadn't been tucked in since he was kid. He was almost tempted to ask for a bedtime story. "Wait here," Honda commanded. Otogi snorted softly. Right, like he was planning to up and leave.

Time passed, but Otogi didn't bother to count it. He was half asleep when the bed suddenly dipped down to his right. "Hey, wake up," Honda interrupted his sleep. "You need to take some medicine."

"I hate medicine." The statement came out too much like a whine for Otogi's taste.

"You just took some aspirin."

"That's different."

"Oh, don't be a baby."

"I'll sleep it off." Otogi put the pillow over his face as it that would prove his point. Honda took the pillow.


Otogi sighed. "You've got that 'scary mom' thing down to an art."

"Just open your mouth and stop fighting it, okay?"

"I bet you say that to all the boys," Otogi commented. He obeyed, though, only to have the vilest liquid in existence poured into his mouth. It was thick and gross and left a horrible aftertaste; Otogi wanted to gag on it. "That was disgusting!" he protested loudly once he had swallowed. "I didn't even know I owned Pepto-Bismol!"

"You'll feel better. Now shut up and go to sleep."

Otogi tried, but he couldn't fall asleep. In fact, he ended up getting sick twice that morning after taking his medicine. Honda followed each time he raced to the bathroom, and Honda carried him back each time. It was really sort of sweet.

"You're not bad at all," Otogi mumbled into his pillow, not knowing - or really caring - if Honda heard him or not as he finally drifted into sleep.
